December 2015 

   Vol 7, Issue 12   

United Way Connects

We can feel the change that comes over the community this time of year. People helping people in so many ways - from bringing co-workers Christmas baking, donating food, clothes, or buying toys for families in need. It's wonderful to see how the holiday spirit brings so many smiles to those on both the giving and receiving end.

To provide another way to give to United Way during the holiday season, we have launched a new United Way  gift catalogue. Last week, we saw a donation made in lieu of a Christmas gift for the boss... what a great idea for the boss who has everything (and is an avid United Way supporter)!

We are always looking for new ways to give that appeal to the needs and aspirations of donors. The gift catalogue is one example, the ChangeIt "round up your purchases for charity" is another initiative you can participate in when using your BMO or RBC charge cards. Whatever way you embrace the Christmas spirit, we hope you consider these opportunities as a way to give back to the community.

While we love to see the added generosity at Christmas, it's important to remember support for our community is needed year round. As you may know, many donors take advantage of the ease of payroll deductions - and that is how the majority of the funds are raised for United Way. Because you decided to make a contribution this year, together we are helping ensure those supports are in place, not just during the holidays, but year round.

Whether you choose to spread your Christmas goodwill through United Way, to your neighbours, friends or other organizations, we thank you for all that you do and wish you the very best this holiday season.

ENMAXENMAX: A Partner Creating Community Impact

United Way is able to change lives in Central Alberta because of the partnerships we have in the community. We love to help a corporate partner support local programs.  
In the past few years, we've helped ENMAX share their box suite at Rebel games with local charities. The ENMAX Suite Giveaway is a unique partnership that is making a difference in our community.

"The ENMAX Suite provides the Rocky Youth Development Society with a rare opportunity to give some families an experience of a lifetime -- something that they may not ever be able to do without the generosity of ENMAX!

As you know, we work with many families that
struggle daily with financial burdens and other limitations. This year the Rocky Youth Development Society is renting a 15 passenger van and bringing some deserving families to experience a true
Canadian pastime -- in style! So many of our kids love hockey, and would never really dream of seeing a game so up close and personal, let alone from a box suite where I know they will feel like royalty!"
         -- Hayley Hellum, Executive Director
            Rock Youth Development Centre 
GiftGive a Gift that Changes Lives 

Last minute holiday shopping can still have meaning. Our new gift catalogue lets you choose a gift for a friend, loved one, or co-worker that impacts our local community. Gifts range from $25 to $200 and help kids, reduce poverty, and help people achieve and maintain their well-being. A thoughtful gift is just a click away.  

AmbassadorMeet Our Nine Amazing Client Ambassadors
Many thanks to the nine amazing client ambassadors who travelled far and wide to tell their United Way stories. They made over 50 presentations this August to December at workplaces as close as downtown Red Deer and as distant as Camrose and Three Hills. They spoke to groups as small as three and as large as two hundred. Sometimes they had only a day's notice, but always said yes if their schedule was open.

A client ambassador is someone who has benefitted from one or more programs funded by the United Way and wants to have a positive impact on the current campaign. He or she tells a personal story of how help was there when they needed it most, or, like one of our client ambassadors, how both she and her little brother have benefited from the relationship they developed. The message is, "This is what past giving did for me and those around me, but what about the next person in need? Imagine how your donation can touch someone else."

At a workplace presentation a staff member explains the nuts and bolts of United Way. It is our client ambassadors who bring to life the reason why it is important to give. It is estimated that when they tell their story, donations are increased by 14%. We are so grateful to the many volunteer hours they donate to United Way.

DONTOther Ways to Give
Round Up!

It's just one of the many easy ways you can help your community.

Donate That Old Car
You can Donate a Car to UWCA online, or phone 1-877-250-4904 for assistance.

Help is just a click away.
In This Issue
Photo Of The Monthphotoofthemonth 
December 10 - United Way Open House
Some of our early guests who "popped by" to enjoy conversation and sample Christine's home made caramel popcorn. Yum! 

NewsbiteOffice Closure & Tax Receipts
This year the office will be closed from December 24, 2015 and reopening on January 4, 2016.

The deadline to receive a 2015 tax receipt for your donation is December 31, so please get your donation in by December 23. If you miss that deadline, at least make sure the donation is post marked December 31, OR, you can always donate online.

However, if you really need us for anything during the holidays, we'll be there to help you. Please phone Jennifer at (403) 597-7463.

INVOLVEDGet Involved
There is still time to get involved in deciding how United Way invests in the community. Being a member of the Priority Impact Team (aka PIT crew), is a great way to see the incredible work happening... often behind the scenes, in our community. Email Lori Jack for all the details.

Make a difference by becoming a PIT crew member today!

DIDYOUKNOWDid you know...? didyouknow

The holiday season is not the most wonderful time of the year for everyone. If you or someone you know needs help, please use the 211 online or phone service.

If you live outside the City of Red Deer, visit  to find the support you need.

If you live in Red Deer, call 211 anytime, day or night, and a trained operator will be there to help.  
DateSave the Date


Thursday, January 21, 2016
Stay tuned for details.