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In This Issue
First Medium Wind Certification Granted
Qualified Test Organizations
New Coalition Says Start Asking for Quality Credentialed People
SWCC Commissioner Brings Long History in Wind Research
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SWCC thanks the U.S. Department of Energy, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and other sponsors for financial assistance they have provided to SWCC to assist with the start-up of the small wind turbine certification program.
Click here for a list of all SWCC funders.   

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December 2013 



SWCC recently granted our first medium wind certification, representing another milestone in the development of certification to advance consumer protection against fraudulent claims and faulty equipment helping to build the distributed wind industry's reputation.We also have a number of updates on certified and applicant turbine status.


Testing is a key feature of SWCC certification and we have recently changed the way we qualify and list test site organizations. As SWCC certification gains recognition, SWCC has joined a coalition of other certification bodies to promote the benefits of certification.


Best wishes for a happy holiday season and let me know if you have any questions or comments about SWCC activities.


Blue Wind Left 

Larry Sherwood
Executive Director
Green Wind Left

First Medium Wind Certification Granted 

Endurance E-3120 at Windward Engineering
SWCC granted its first Wind Turbine Power Performance Certification for a medium wind turbine to the Endurance Wind Power E-3120 on November 26, 2013. The 3-blade, downwind E-3120, which generates 57 kW at 11 m/s, was tested at the Windward Engineering facility in Spanish Fork, UT. The E-3120 remains under test for SWCC Acoustic Performance Certification. For the SWCC Certification and Summary Report, visit the SWCC web site.

SWCC Applicant Updates   
Xzeres 442SR at new UL/WTAMU facility
On November 16, 2013, certification of
the Bergey Excel 10 was renewed for another year. The Excel 10 was the first certification granted by SWCC in 2011 and has now been renewed twice.


On September 30, 2013, SWCC granted Conditional Temporary Certification to the Huaying HY5, which TUV-NEL has certified for MCS, and is under contract to seek SWCC certification to the AWEA 9.1 - 2009 Standard.


As of October 25, 2013, the SkyWolf 5 kW wind turbine is now under contract to seek SWCC certification.  As of December 12, 2013, the Pika Energy T701 is under test at the High Plains Small Wind Test Center in Colby, Kansas. The Colby site is one of four Regional Test Centers receiving support and oversight from the National Renewable Energy Lab's National Wind Technology Center in Boulder, Colorado. 


The Xzeres 442SR began collecting data on December 3, 2013, at the new UL/WTAMU Advanced Wind Turbine Test Facility in Canyon, TX, a day before the facility's grand opening.

Status details on the full list of Applicants can be found here www.smallwindcertification.org/applicant-turbines.

Blue Wind Left
Qualified Test Organizations


SWCC has changed the way we list testing organizations that offer testing of wind turbines for the purpose of certification. We now only list testing organizations which meet the requirements of Section I: Qualified Testing Organizations of the SWCC Certification Policies and are actively offering this service. The following five testing organizations are currently listed:

  • High Plains Small Wind Test Center in Colby, Kansas
  • National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) in Boulder, Colorado
  • UL/WTAMU Advanced Wind Turbine Test Facility in Canyon, Texas
  • Windward Engineering in Spanish Fork, Utah
  • The Wind Energy Institute of Canada (WEICan) in North Cape, Prince Edward Island, Canada 

SWCC's Qualified Testing Organizations list can be found on the Applicant Resources page for small or medium wind turbines.

Green Wind Right

New Coalition Says Start Asking for Quality Credentialed People, Products and Programs


Groundbreaking growth in renewable energy and energy efficiency industries makes it more important than ever that consumers, energy incentive programs and industry can distinguish people, products and programs that meet the highest standards for quality, safety and efficiency.


In response, a group of well-established, nationally accredited credentialing organizations (including SWCC) has announced the formation of a unique Clean Energy Credentialing Coalition (CECC). They have joined together to demonstrate and promote the collective importance of third-party quality assessment, and the value it brings to building strong and competent renewable energy and energy efficiency markets.


The coalition is creating a campaign to build awareness of the value of credentialing - particularly as a distinguishing tool for consumers, energy incentive programs, employers and industry. A quality credential is a mark of excellence that can boost consumer confidence in renewable energy and energy efficiency professionals, products and programs. A new landing page introduces the coalition and the campaign: www.cleanenergycredentials.org.


Clean Energy Credentialing Coalition members include:

Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. (IREC)

Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI)

Solar Rating & Certification Corporation™ (SRCC) 

The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)

Small Wind Certification Council (SWCC)


Blue Wind Right

SWCC Commissioner Brings Long History in Wind Research   


Dr. R. Nolan Clark P.E. conducted research on irrigation technologies and wind energy systems at the USDA-Agricultural Research Services' Conservation and Production Research Laboratory in Bushland, Texas, for 38 years. His research career began in 1971 and he served as the Laboratory Director from 1993 until retiring in 2009. His research experience included wind power for irrigation pumping, wind power for domestic and livestock water pumping, wind turbine performance, wind/hybrid generating systems, wind effects on sprinkler irrigation, groundwater management, microclimate, and animal waste management. Dr. Clark is a Registered Professional Engineer and received a B.S. in Agricultural Engineering from Texas Tech University in 1964; an M.S. in Agricultural Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1967; and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1970.  In 1993, he was awarded the American Wind Energy Association's Academic Award for long-term commitment to world-wide utilization of wind energy technology to meet rural needs. In 2003, Dr. Clark was named a Wind Energy Pioneer by the DOE Wind Powering America Program and in 2005 he received an Award for Outstanding Contributions to the American Wind Energy Association. In 2009, he received an award from the Wind Powering America Program in recognition of leadership, dedication, and numerous contributions to small wind turbine applications.


Dr. Clark recently authored the book Small Wind: Planning and Building Successful Installations. This book provides a cohesive guide to achieving optimum energy production, from site and machine selection to international standards compliance.  Intended for dealers, installers, and engineers who must approve installation plans for urban or permitted controlled areas, Dr. Clark's new book is available from Elsevier, Amazon and Barnes & Noble