Build Your Team!
No Need to Wait Till Next Christmas   
The BOLT Holiday Party happened December 12, starting with a traditional lunch at Hopmonk Tavern in Downtown Sonoma, followed by an amazing team-building scavenger hunt on the Plaza.
The BOLT Staffing Team prepares for the hunt.

What exactly is a team-building scavenger hunt? In short, it was supposed to be a fun collaborative activity that incorporates physical activity, support for local businesses, good-natured competition, photographic skill, and hopefully, a lot of smiling.   The plan sounded great on paper but would it work?
The answer was a resounding "yes"! The merchants were excited to join in the fun and the bonds between all of us were strengthened in the course of the afternoon. It was especially worthwhile since our company has grown significantly in the last year. The change in personal dynamics was evident on Monday, as the comfort level between employees climbed noticeably. Not only that, but the activity drew spouses and friends into the fun.
Regardless of what type of organization you have, this is a hugely effective way to smooth relationships and improve communication between your team members, both veterans and newcomers. By strategically selecting members of each group, you can achieve organizational goals or rebuild cohesiveness where relationships may have frayed in the past.
If you'd like to give it a try, there's no need to reinvent our wheel. Call your BOLT Sales Rep and we'll be happy to share the details of our event with you!

New Years' Resolutions   
Is it time to hang up the commute, or time for a new job?

As you look at 2016, are you thinking it's time for a change? Are you ready to move your career along? Maybe you're finding you are donating far too much of your life just to get back and forth to work.
While we can't help you lose weight or quit habits you'd rather leave behind, we can help you find a job that will help you achieve your goals, whether professionally or just to improve the quality of your life.
Just give us a call and we can help you. Maybe we can simply tweak your resume. Or maybe we can promote you with our clients. Who knows? There may be an employer in your backyard who's looking for your skills. Call us today!

Gratitude: a key to happiness 
There's been quite a bit written lately about the characteristics of happy people. It follows if you are happier, you are likely to be healthier. Psychological science finds that 50% of our personal happiness is a result of our temperment, but 40% is within our power to change. That means we can develop habits that will make us both happier and healthier.
At BOLT each one of us is grateful. We live and work in a beautiful place, and we are blessed with good people on our staff and our assignment employees. When we serve our clients we strive to find the best possible experience both in the quality of our assignment employees as well as the experience throughout our relationship from initial contacts through billing.
Most of all we serve a client base that appreciates our efforts and has rewarded us with success. As we've been able to grow, we carry a deep appreciation for every one of our clients, staff and employees. To you all we wish the happiest of the Holiday Season and New Year.
Jobs We've Recently Filled 
Project ManagerData & CommunicationsSonoma County$75,000.00
Office ClerkGovernmentNapa$15.95
Customer ServiceFuelsSonoma County$15.00
Shipping & ReceivingWineAmerican Canyon$15.93
Installation Asst.RetailConcord$14.00
Warehouse PersonnelLightingSonoma$11.50
Sales CoordinatorLogisticsBenicia$18.00
Material TechMedicalSonoma County$13.50
Accounting ClerkMunicipalityNapa County$27.00
Holiday Hours and
Payday Schedule  
Thursday December 24, will be an early payday, offices close at 5:00 PM, checks will be available between 12:00 noon and 5:00 PM.
Thursday December 31, will be an early payday, offices close at 5:00 PM, checks will be available between 12:00 noon and 5:00 PM.
An employment agency providing high-quality, temporary and full-time placement services. Locally owned and operated since 1994.
Sonoma (707) 939-2800  American Canyon (707) 552-7800