Shown are, from left, Sancha Noel Smith, Deanna Wallace, Rep. Frank Hoffman, Alex Seghers, Cindy Collins, Benjamin Clapper, Gov. John Bel Edwards and Alex Lucas.
Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards was joined at the Capitol by pro-life advocates as he signed HB 606 into law.
HB 606, initiated by Gov. Edwards, authored by Rep. Frank Hoffman and carried on the Senate floor by Sen. Regina Barrow, ensures that businesses and organizations that perform abortions cannot receive taxpayer dollars, even for other purposes.
At the signing, Gov. Edwards reaffirmed his commitment to policies that will encourage health facilities in Louisiana to offer true healthcare rather than getting into the abortion business.
"I commend Gov. Edwards for signing this legislation today, and I thank him for asking me to author this important legislation. I also appreciate Sen. Barrow for carrying the legislation on the Senate floor. Louisiana taxpayers should not be asked to give their hard-earned dollars to businesses in our state that sell abortion," Rep. Hoffman said.
Deanna Wallace, Legislative Director for Louisiana Right to Life, added: "Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, as Cecile Richards admitted last week, plans to sell abortions at their facility in New Orleans. We believe it is a reasonable policy that taxpayer dollars should never benefit those businesses that sell abortions, a procedure objectionable to so many of our citizens. We are extremely grateful for Gov. Edwards' strong leadership this session on behalf of life."