For Immediate Release
May 17, 2016
Contact: Deanna Wallace
Dismemberment Abortion Bill Passes Louisiana
Senate by Bipartisan 35-2 Margin

This afternoon, Louisiana took a significant step towards becoming the 6th state in the nation to pass the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Act when the Louisiana Senate approved the legislation by a 35-2 vote.

Senator Beth Mizell carried HB 1081 on the Senate floor on behalf of the bill's author, Rep. Mike Johnson.  HB 1081 now heads to Governor Edwards' desk for his signature. 

HB 1081, the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Act, authored by Rep. Mike Johnson, protects unborn babies by ending the brutal practice of dismemberment abortion in Louisiana. A dismemberment abortion, a subset of D&E abortions, is a second trimester abortion method where the abortionist uses forceps to seize and tear body parts from a live, unborn child.

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, on the passage of the legislation in the Senate, said, "I commend the Louisiana Senate for taking decisive bipartisan action to approve this important legislation.  Louisiana should not be a place where our fellow human beings, no matter whether they are born or unborn, are treated in a manner similar to that of dismemberment abortions."

Deanna Wallace, Legislative Director of Louisiana Right to Life, said the following on the bill's passage, "We appreciate Senator Mizell and Representative Johnson for their leadership to protect unborn children from dismemberment abortions.  This gruesome procedure kills a baby by tearing her apart limb from limb.  Before the first trimester ends, the unborn child has a beating heart, brain waves, and every organ system in place. Dismemberment abortions occur after the baby has reached these important milestones."  
Louisiana Right to Life    1.866.463.5433    @LARightToLife
