For Immediate Release
April 6, 2016
Contact: Deanna Wallace
Louisiana House Floor Approves 2 Pro-Life Bills
Another Bill Clears Committee

BATON ROUGE -  Today, the Louisiana House of Representatives passed two important pieces of pro-life legislation, HB 386, the Women's Enhanced Reflection Act, and HB 488, the Board Certification Requirement for Abortion Providers Act. The bills now move to the Senate. 

HB 386, authored by Rep. Frank Hoffmann (R-West Monroe) and approved by a vote of 89-5, would 
increase the current time for reflection between pre-abortion counseling and the actual abortion procedure from 24 hours to 72 hours.

Louisiana Right to Life Legislative Director Deanna Wallace said, "We are thrilled that the Women's Enhanced Reflection Act passed the House floor in a strong bipartisan manner.  This important bill empowers women considering abortion with additional reflection time before an abortion so women can can consider their options more effectively. Not only would this protect women from future emotional and psychological harm, but it would give victims of coercion and violence more time to reach out for help before being forced into an abortion they do not want."

HB 488, authored by Rep. Katrina Jackson (D-Monroe) and unanimously approved, would require that abortion providers be board certified or board eligible in order to be qualified to perform the surgical procedure of abortion.  

 Wallace said "HB 488 simply codifies the standard of care that currently exists in our state. We are happy the House of Representatives approved this common sense legislation to ensure that the health and safety of Louisiana women are maintained."

Another pro-life bill spearheaded by Louisiana Right to Life sailed through the House Health and Welfare Committee this morning.  HB 618, the Compassionate Burial Options Act authored by Rep. Tom Wilmott (R-Kenner), would require hospitals to inform parents who suffer the tragedy of miscarriage that they have a right to bury or cremate their child. 
"The Compassionate Burial Options Act opens the door to allow parents to properly grieve the loss of miscarriage and can facilitate the healing process for the family," said Wallace. "The testimony of the pain of miscarriage from our guests today, including Rachel Adair, Leslie Begin, and Lise Naccari, moved a number of legislators to tears. We look forward to this legislation receiving a vote on the House floor next week."
To learn more about these pieces of legislation, visit
Louisiana Right to Life    1.866.463.5433    @LARightToLife
