In This Issue...
From Our Director...
BCThe sights and sounds of the pro-life movement are beautiful to see. From events in Shreveport, Washington, D.C., Baton Rouge, and other areas across our state, the cause for the rights of the least among us has again showed our nation that we will not rest until our nation is one that protects liberty and justice, not just for some, but for all.

I encourage you to watch footage for our "Geaux Forth" Louisiana Youth Rally in Washington, D.C.  These 1,400+ students exhibit the energy and passion of the pro-life cause.

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,   
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. Please start making plans to attend the National Right to Life Convention held in New Orleans July 9-11!
PP Application Rejected
NOLA Needs 2,844 More Abortions, Says Planned Parenthood Officials 

As reported by the Associated Press on January 16, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals rejected Planned Parenthood's attempt to demonstrate that a need exists for a new abortion facility on Claiborne Avenue in New Orleans. In a letter dated January 8, 2014, DHH Secretary Kathy Kliebert wrote to Planned Parenthood: "Your application failed to establish the probability of serious, adverse consequences to recipients' ability to access outpatient abortion services if you are not allowed to apply for licensure."


Now, through a public records request, Louisiana Right to Life has obtained Planned Parenthood's "Facility Need Review" Brief submitted to the DHH on October 15. In this 74-page document, Planned Parenthood argues why New Orleans needs 2,844 more abortions on an annual basis and why Planned Parenthood should be the business that provides those abortions.


Benjamin Clapper, executive director of Louisiana Right to Life and leader of the Nola Needs Peace Coalition, said the following after reviewing Planned Parenthood's brief.


"Over the past few years Planned Parenthood has avoided almost all mention of abortion when discussing its new facility currently planned for Claiborne Avenue in New Orleans. They have focused instead on the need for women's healthcare. Now, in a shockingly blunt and business-like manner, Planned Parenthood is making a case to the state of Louisiana that the New Orleans area needs 2,844 new abortions every year, and that Planned Parenthood is the business to sell those abortions.


"As we have said from the outset, more Planned Parenthood in New Orleans will lead to more abortions in New Orleans. This document makes that abundantly clear. Our city needs more peace and more authentic healthcare, not a mega-facility to sell abortion to our citizens."


Learn more by CLICKING HERE to download our analysis on Planned Parenthood's application.
NRTL Convention
Jindal Will Be Speaker
at Summer Convention 

Gov. Bobby Jindal has been confirmed as a speaker at this summer's National Right to Life Convention, scheduled for July 9-11 at the New Orleans Marriott.


The National Teens for Life Convention will be held at the same time and place.


The three-day event will include general sessions and breakout workshops.


Click here to get more information and to register.

Federal Legislation

'No Taxpayer Funding
for Abortion' Bill Passes 


On January 22, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act."


The bill, H.R. 7, passed 242-179. Second Congressional District Rep. Cedric Richmond voted against the bill. Reps. Steve Scalise (District 1), Charles Boustany (District 3), John Fleming (District 4), Ralph Abraham (District 5) and Garret Graves (District 6) voted in favor of the bill.


This bipartisan bill would permanently prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortions in Obamacare health plans starting the next plan year. This bill also protects Americans of conscience by requiring the full disclosure of abortion coverage in Obamacare plans so people can make informed decisions about their healthcare plans right now.

The bill was referred to the Senate Finance Committee. No further action has been taken.


A vote to end late term abortions, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, was scheduled for a vote in the House on January 22. But the vote was sabotaged when a group of "pro-life" members of Congress pulled their support after objecting to language in the bill concerning victims of rape. The bill was referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice.


Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) has said publicly on several occasions the bill is not dead but will be tweaked and brought back up for a vote. So far, no action has been taken.



Ad: Journey of Firsts

Pampers' Ad Delivers Pro-Life Message  


Pampers has released a new ad: "A Newborn Journey of Firsts," continuing to deliver a pro-life message as it has done in previous ads.


The new Pampers' ad - which had already received nearly 950,000 views on YouTube last week - opens as a mother lovingly caresses her pregnant belly. The scene switches to an incredible ultrasound where a baby is moving in the womb and, as Pampers puts it, is saying her "first hello."


Below the video, Pampers writes:


From the first scan to the first cuddle, every first is significant no matter how small they seem. For both baby and mom, it's a journey full of firsts. And there's nothing more rewarding than experiencing each and every one together.
Thousands March for Life 
in Shreveport, Baton Rouge

Several thousand Louisiana residents participated in Louisiana Life March events in Shreveport (January 17) and Baton Rouge (January 24). The groups included all ages, raaces and denominations, and participants rallied with family and friends to Defend the Defenseless against the tragedy of abortion!
The Planned Parenthood building project on S. Claiborne Avenue in New Orleans remains dormant for over six months now.
'I Survived Roe vs. Wade. But 
Roe vs. Wade Won't Survive Me.' 
Abortion Providers Growing Weary
Opposition Continues to Expand



On January 23, Cosmopolitan Magazine (whose target demographic aims at today's 18- to 35-year-old females) published a rather insightful article about the state of so-called "reproductive rights" in New Orleans and throughout our state. In great detail, the author, Jill Filipovic, laid out the struggling sentiments of the pro-abortion community in Louisiana. In particular, she highlighted those involved in the withering endeavor to establish a new 8,000-square-foot, $4.5 million   facility that would ultimately become a new mega-abortion center for the Gulf South.

The article was less an upbeat piece to encourage the pro-abortion base and more a chronicle of the frustration experienced by Planned Parenthood at the hands of  the vast majority of our citizens who are opposed to terminating the lives of healthy unborn children. One quote from Planned Parenthood's Louisiana leader, in particular, caught my attention.

"It makes me tired," said Melissa Flournoy.... "It's worse in 2014 and 2015 than it has been in 30 years. The opposition to women's reproductive health care access and rights is better organized, better funded, and more effective now."  

It's motivating to hear about Planned Parenthood's fatigue in its efforts to expand its unjust abortion services that tragically end the lives of unborn children and bring increased suffering to the mothers of these children. Even more, I am motivated by what we are seeing statewide and nationally from young people. In contrast to the anti-life fatigue, today's youth are neither tiring nor disengaging from defending the lives of unborn children. Last week, the Washington Times reported the findings from a recent Marist poll of millennials that reveal 59 percent think abortion is "morally wrong," 58 percent think abortion "does more harm than good," and 64 percent think the abortion rate is "higher than it should be."

Hundreds of thousands of millennials (not the mere tens of thousands most of our nation's media outlets insist upon with blind harmony) descended upon our nation's capital for the annual "March for Life." Despite enduring long drives on buses from all parts of the country, these young people arrived bursting with energy and dedication to take their place in the great civil rights movement of our time.  There was no fatigue to be seen.


Some critics hopelessly proclaim that Washington, D.C. is a place where politics wins and life loses. But the hundreds of thousands of young people boldly declared this despair to be unfounded and showed that hope and life will prevail. The youth, encouraged and taught by generations of pro-life advocates, demonstrate a deep understanding of the tragic reality of the Roe vs. Wade decision and of the injustice imposed upon the unborn children of Louisiana.

These same young people understand that all lives matter. Black and white, on streets and in the womb, all life is sacred. Truth and the facts that accompany it, like the Center for Disease Control's data that black women experience abortion 483 times for every 1,000 births, matter. It is a tragedy to stand silently as one black baby in every three dies because of abortion!

Today's young people have heard the testimonies of their peers who survived abortions and are grateful for their lives. They've also heard the tragic stories of women who regret having had abortions and who lament that if they had had more information they would have made a better choice.

Today's young people, these millennials, benefit from an enormous amount of informational and technological development. The Supreme Court of 1973 failed to judge that there was actually life in the womb. Today, young mothers and fathers can actually see the gift of life in the womb and can hear the child's tiny little heartbeat as early as 19 days after conception. Sonogram technology continues to be the best tool in helping abortion-minded women see their child growing in their wombs and change their minds.

Forty-two years have passed, and more than 60 million lives have been terminated tragically in our nation. Public opposition to the destruction of life through abortion is growing each year, each month, each day, and each moment among young people.  At the same time the aging generations who continue their efforts to sell more abortions to women in Louisiana grow more tired and more extreme by the day.  With confidence we hope, we pray, we declare that the end of Roe vs. Wade is in sight. 

Student Shares Her Experience 
at Geaux Forth, March for Life 


Each and every one of us is called to take a stand to defend those who can't defend themselves. I had an opportunity to do just that on January 22, when I was able to join the Louisiana Students for Life on a trip to the annual March for Life in Washington D.C.



The day before the march we went to Louisiana's Geaux Forth Conference. This year more than 1,500 high school students gathered to learn from speakers across the continent. Lila Rose, founder of Live Action, spoke to us first. Lila and others from this organization have gone undercover in Planned Parenthood to expose the abortion industry. Through their continuing efforts they have revealed the nation's largest abortion chain covering up the sexual abuse of minors, giving medical misinformation, aiding sex traffickers, and more.


We also heard from Stephanie Gray, an amazing speaker who has spoken about pro-life issues hundreds of times around the world. She taught us to love every human from the unborn to the person standing right in front of us. Love will allow us to reject abortion and respect the dignity of all people. Many people do not see the unborn child. They don't see abortion for what it really is, the killing of an innocent person, so it is our responsibility as people who can see to open the eyes of those around us.


The next day was the march. For those of you who don't know, January 22, 2015, was the 42nd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton, the Supreme Court decisions that resulted in abortion being legalized in all 50 states, through all nine months of pregnancy for practically any reason. Because of this decision more than 57 million people have died, and 23 abortions continue to happen every day in my home state of Louisiana. This is why we march. Every year hundreds of thousands of people travel to our nation's capitol to march in peaceful protest against Roe v. Wade. This year we had more than 500,000, yet only one mainstream network showed us and gave under 20 seconds of coverage.


The march is one of the most emotion-filled experiences. You are mourning the millions who have already died, but you also feel joy and hope as you see hundreds of thousands of mostly high school and college students taking a stand to change our culture. All those people go home ready to pray outside of abortion facilities, get involved politically, or just have conversations with their peers about abortion.


We are doing everything we can to knock down the walls of the culture of death. We are helping women facing unplanned pregnancies in our communities. We will see abortion abolished in our lifetimes. We are the pro-life generation.



Upcoming Events

June 28 - July 2: Joshua Leadership Institute 

July 9-11, 2015: Nat'l Right to Life Convention, NOLA  

Four Camp Joshua Events Scheduled for This Spring!

Louisiana Right to Life | Lighting the Way to a Pro-Life Louisiana Since 1970 | 1.866.463.5433 |

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