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January 22, 2015
Contact: Sandy Cunningham


'No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion' Bill Passes House


Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act," authored by U.S. Reps. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.).


The bill, H.R. 7, passed 242-179. Rep. Cedric Richmond, who represents Louisiana's Second Congressional District, voted against the bill. Reps. Steve Scalise (District 1), Charles Boustany (District 3), John Fleming (District 4), Ralph Abraham (District 5) and Garret Graves (District 6) voted in favor of the bill.

This bipartisan bill would permanently prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortions in Obamacare health plans starting the next plan year. This bill also protects Americans of conscience by requiring the full disclosure of abortion coverage in Obamacare plans so people can make informed decisions about their healthcare plans right now.

Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Benjamin Clapper issued the following statement on the passage of H.R. 7:

"Obamacare ushered in a new era of taxpayer-funded abortion by skirting the long-standing precepts of the Hyde Amendment. H.R. 7 would stop these federal dollars from funding abortion. Our government should not be in the business of paying for the destruction of human life.

"We thank our congressmen who voted in favor of the legislation, especially newly-elected members Ralph Abraham and Garret Graves. We are also grateful to Congressman Scalise's leadership role in ensuring pro-life legislation was voted on today. We look forward to this important legislation being considered in the new Senate, complete with our two Louisiana pro-life senators."
Louisiana Right to Life | Lighting the Way to a Pro-Life Louisiana Since 1970 | 1.866.463.5433 | [email protected]

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