For Immediate Release
January 14, 2015
Contact:Sandy Cunningham
Phone: 1.866.463.5433
* This version includes reference to the Bioethics Defense Fund, a partner organization who drafted the 2014 pro-life legislation.
Louisiana Named Most Pro-Life State for 6th Straight Year
Louisiana Right to Life Leads the Way to This #1 Ranking
 NEW ORLEANS, La. - Louisiana has been ranked the most pro-life state in the nation for the sixth consecutive year by Americans United for Life. AUL released its 2015 "Life List" Tuesday after analyzing progress made legislatively or in litigation in 2014. The annual "Life List" ranks all 50 states based on each state's body of law associated with the life issues, ranging from abortion to euthanasia.
Following Louisiana as top pro-life states are Mississippi, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
Washington state was ranked as the worst state for life for failing to protect women from an unmonitored and under-regulated abortion industry. Ranking just above Washington are Vermont, Oregon, California, and New Jersey.
"We are thankful to be named the most pro-life state in the nation once again," said Benjamin Clapper, executive director of Louisiana Right to Life. "Our Legislature and our governor made significant strides in 2014 to protect women from the abortion industry and defend the value of every human life. Louisiana Right to Life led the way in 2014 as well as in the past six years to make sure we set the standard for our nation on how to defend human life.
"We know, however, that our work is not done. We will continue until every life is protected by law and every women is defended against the profit motive of the abortion industry."
Louisiana Right to Life, together with the legal and legislative expertise of the Bioethics Defense Fund, led the effort to pass several pieces of pro-life legislation in 2014, including the historic HB 388, the Unsafe Abortion Act, which requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility. This bill was signed into law by Gov. Bobby Jindal and is now being challenged in federal court, with a trial scheduled for March.
Other pro-life legislation included:
- HB 305, which provides that no representative of a business or organization that performs abortions may provide instruction in schools that receive state funding.
- HB 1274, which protects the lives of the unborn at 20 weeks in complicated cases involving the condition of the mother. If no advance directives are in place, the life of an unborn baby at 20 weeks post-fertilization and older will be preserved in the situation where his/her mother falls unconscious during pregnancy.
- HB 1058, which ensures educational information is offered to families up on the diagnosis of Down syndrome. This information does not include offering abortion as a solution to the diagnosis.
- HB 1262, which establishes that information will be provided to all women prior to an abortion warning them of the psychological impact of abortion.
- HB 1254, which protects a patient's right to medically necessary treatment by prohibiting insurance companies from denying treatment based on a person's life expectancy or condition.
- HB 1105, which requires abortion facilities to post the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline in a visible location.