In This Issue...
From Our Director...
On Saturday, my wife was door-to-door canvassing in the Harahan area to encourage people to vote pro-life on Tuesday. At one door she encountered the voter we tragically have not reached.

After an initial discussion, the voter tried to convince my wife that Sen. Landrieu's voting record was pro-life. While we were surprised, we were not shocked. The fact is that even after all these months, some voters do not know where the candidates for Senate stand on life. 

A big thank you to everyone who participated in 40 Days for Life across Louisiana. At least 38 unborn babies will live this year in Louisiana thanks to the prayer and witness of our courageous pro-lifers!!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,   
Benjamin Clapper
40 Days for Life Louisiana
Members of the Hispanic youth group at Christ the King Catholic Church in Bossier City prayed outside the Shreveport abortion facility on Oct. 21.
Prayers Answered During 40 Days for Life Campaign
40 Days for Life vigils ended at abortion facilities in Metairie, Baton Rouge and Shreveport Sunday, and at least 38 women chose life for their babies during this life-saving ministry.

Baton Rouge Campaign Director Charlotte Bergeron reported a record 21 saves in front of Delta Clinic, and Shreveport/Bossier City Campaign Director Chris Davis reported 12 saves in front of Hope Medical Group for Women. 40 Days for Life New Orleans Director Mary Nadeau Reed said 5 saves were documented in front of Metairie's Causeway Medical Clinic, and several others were reported but not confirmed.

Many special stories were told and heard throughout the campaign, and many Baton Rouge participants were touched by two saves in particular. Bergeron recounted that story:

"Sidewalk counselors talked with a young woman who was intent on having an abortion at Delta. Her father, who had driven her to the facility, told the sidewalk counselors he had accompanied his daughter in hopes that he could persuade her not to abort her first child (his first grandchild). She seemed resolute upon leaving Delta after her first appointment and went a few days later for her second appointment to have the abortion.

"Her dad again accompanied her. He went outside to wait and prayed with 40 Days for Life participants that she would come out. She did; she had changed her mind. Her choice for life saved the lives of not one but two babies - she was pregnant with twins!

"Her dad thanked the sidewalk counselors and 40 Days for Life participants who encouraged him and prayed for his daughter and unborn grandchildren. Woman's New Life Center, located next door to Delta, provided the young mom help and resources that day." 

One event associated with 40 Days for Life remains in New Orleans:
Closing Vigil TONIGHT,
(Monday, Nov. 3) 6-7 p.m., at the proposed Planned Parenthood site (4636 S. Claiborne Ave.) Candlelight vigil will include praise and worship; words of encouragement from leaders, including Fr. Beau Charbonnet; and light refreshments. 


Look for more information on this year's campaign in upcoming LARTL publications.

Visit the groups' Facebook pages
by clicking on the city:

Baton Rouge

New Orleans 

Shreveport/Bossier City

Chers Bebes
Shown are Ryan Verret, John Bienvenu, grandson of Dr. Zerben Bienvenu; Dr. Jerry Smith, grandson of Dr. Wiliam Smith; and Sarah Mary Toce.
Chers B�b�s a Success!

More than 200 people attended the first "Chers B�b�s: Acadiana's Soiree for Life" held recently in Lafayette. Those attending honored the pro-life legacy of two of Acadiana's first pro-life pioneers, Drs. Zerben Bienvenu and William Smith. Proceeds from this event benefited the Drs. Zerben Bienvenu and William Smith Education Fund, which was started in order to cultivate more pro-life education efforts throughout the Acadiana area.

The evening went on without a glitch! Moon Griffon, the master of ceremony kept the evening flowing smoothly. Among those taking part in the program was Sen. David Vitter, who donated a flag that flew over Congress to be raffled and spoke on the importance and power of pro-life education.

Louisiana and Acadiana Right to Life look forward to hosting this event again next year.
News Around the World...
Pro-Life Related Stories  Trending Around World
(Click on blue to read more) 

* Brittany Maynard, the cancer patient who received national attention over her plan to kill herself Nov. 1 under Oregon's assisted suicide law, took her own life Saturday, even though cancer patients and pro-life groups tried to talk her out of the decision.


Maynard took her own life with legally-prescribed drugs after previously announcing last week she had decided to delay the action, saying it "doesn't seem like the right time now" to end her life.  

More than 750 people in Oregon have used the law to die as of Dec. 31, 2013. The median age of the deceased is 71. Six were younger than 35. Four other states - Washington, Montana, Vermont and New Mexico - allow patients to seek help to die. 


* The mother of a 12-year-old disabled girl in the United Kingdom won a court battle that allowed her to kill her daughter after a judge ruled the child had no quality of life anymore and therefore should be killed by refusing to give her any food or water until she died. The application was granted immediately, setting a precedent, as it was the first time a child breathing on her own, not on life support and not suffering from a terminal illness had been allowed to die in the UK. Her mother had claimed she wanted to end her daughter's suffering and give her death with dignity, but the child suffered a slow and agonizing death as it took her 14 days to die.  

* Two abortion facilities in Alabama, one in Birmingham and another in Huntsville, have reopened. Most notable is the Birmingham Planned Parenthood facility, which was shut down last January after firing two employees for selling abortion medication to a person in the clinic's parking lot. The Huntsville center closed because it did not meet Alabama's safety laws for surgical facilities, and it reopened in a new location that met the state standards.


* The North Dakota Supreme Court upheld a 2011 law that regulates how chemical abortifacients, generally referred to as "RU486," are administered to women. The 2011 law mandates that if a drug is used to induce abortion its label must say it is intended to be used as an abortifacient. Misoprostol is one of the two drugs that make up the RU486 abortion regimen (along with mifepristone), but it is labeled for the treatment of stomach ulcers, not abortion. The director of the state's sole abortion facility told the Associated Press that about 20 percent of the 1,300 abortions the facility performs annually are done with drugs and not surgery. It has now ceased performing chemical abortions but could petition for a rehearing.

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Louisiana's Safe Haven Law Saves Lives of Innocent Babies 


By Sandy Cunningham, Communications Director


A young woman gave birth to a baby girl at her home in 2007, then hours later she handed the infant over to paramedics in the parking lot of a Metairie fast food restaurant.


According to a Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office incident report filed at that time, the new mother put the tiny baby on the seat next to her and drove until she saw the paramedics. Sobbing, she told them she'd learned of Safe Haven drops on the Internet and asked if they were eligible to take the baby. They told her they could, then after confirming the child had no medical problems, the young woman drove away.


The young woman - said to be in her early 20s - could have had an abortion when she found out she was pregnant. The young woman could have abandoned, or worse, killed the infant after she was born, as many new mothers before her had done. But this young woman didn't. The biological mother, though finding herself in a desperate situation, chose life for her baby.


That is what Louisiana's Safe Haven Law is designed to do - save the lives of innocent babies. When parents feel they cannot care for their baby and the baby's well being is in danger, and when the parents have no alternative and are considering abandoning their baby, the law provides a safe alternative for parents to give up custody - with no questions asked.


The Safe Haven Law was enacted in 2000 and revised in 2003. No one took advantage of it until 2004, and between 2004-2013, 27 babies were handed over with parents envoking the Safe Haven Law.


The law covers newborns to infants 60 days old, and the parents have up to 30 days to change their minds.  


Parents do not have to give their names or any other information when they turn over the infant, but they are given a phone number to call if they want to discuss their parental rights or anonymously give medical information about their baby to be used for adoption purposes.


As long as the baby shows no signs of abuse or neglect when turned over, the parent can simply walk away knowing their baby will be safe. Unlike if they'd abandoned their baby in a garbage can or a bathroom somewhere, they are not considered guilty of a criminal act of negligence, abandonment or child cruelty.


The following are designated safe havens:

   * Licensed hospitals

   * Public health units

   * Emergency medical service providers

   * Medical clinics

   * Fire stations

   * Police stations

   * Pregnancy crisis centers

   * Child advocacy centers


If a parent is unable to travel to a Safe Haven facility he or she may call 911, and a law enforcement officer or EMS provider will pick up the infant and transport the child to a hospital for a health assessment and to receive any necessary medical care.


The child is then put into the care of the Department of Children and Family Services, which finds a family to care for the baby. DCFS then begins proceedings to obtain custody of the child and safely and legally put the baby in a permanent adoptive family.


More information regarding the Safe Haven Law is available by calling toll-free 1-800-CHILDREN (1-800-244-5373).  You can also visit


If you work or have access to any location, such as a medical facility, school, gym, etc, where you could post information about the availability of the Safe Haven Law, we encourage you to request materials at this link for free.  By helping people be aware of the Safe Haven Law, we can save babies who could be abandoned. 

An LSU Students for Life member talks with other students on campus about abortion. Louisiana college students have not indicated their support for infanticide, LARTL Youth Programs Director Kandace Landreau said.
Article Claims More College Students Support Infanticide
 What Do La. College Students Think?


By Sandy Cunningham, Communications Director


A Facebook post by a friend and former colleague on the issue of "post-birth abortion" recently caught my attention. He wrote:  


"The headline says 'More college students support post-birth abortion.' There are so many things I can say about this, but I'll limit myself to: if the baby's already born, how can killing it be called an abortion, as opposed to being called 'killing it'?"


As you can imagine, responses to this post most certainly weren't supportive of the idea. In fact, once it was clarified that it was no misprint, my friend added:


"The story went on to say that some college age kids think it's OK to 'abort' a child as old as 4 or 5 years because they're not yet 'aware.' Incredible."


In response, those commenting called it what it is. MURDER.  


What is "post-birth abortion" anyway? It's an oxymoron, for sure. You can't kill an unborn child if that child is already born. And why does this article posted on the website say pro-life activists are seeing a trend in the growing acceptance of post-birth abortion on college campuses?


Kristina Garza, spokeswoman for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, a pro-life organization that often sets up displays on campuses along the West Coast, is quoted in the article as saying her group frequently encounters college students who accept infanticide.


"For those who are firmly for abortion, because they understand it kills a human being, it's very easy for them to accept killing a human being after birth," Garza told Maiead McArdle, who wrote the article. "There is this notion that is common on campus that it's OK to kill babies because somehow we don't become human until we are self-aware."


Garza told McArdle that arguments put forth by Peter Singer and other philosophers who support infanticide are given as reading assignments to college students. Singer wrote in 1979 that "human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons ... [therefore] the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."


Two bioethicists, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, published a paper in 2012 in the Journal of Medical Ethics titled "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" They wrote:  


"[W]hen circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. ... [W]e propose to call this practice 'after-birth abortion', rather than 'infanticide,' to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus ... rather than to that of a child. Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be. Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk."


Mark Harrington, director of the pro-life group Created Equal, told McArdle he also sees this viewpoint becoming "increasingly popular." Campuses where the high school, college students, local activists and staff members of Created Equal have encountered this opinion include Purdue, the University of Minnesota, the University of Central Florida and Ohio State, he said.


Kandace Landreneau, Youth Programs Director for Louisiana Right to Life, has not encountered logic this misguided on any of Louisiana's college campuses.  However, she believes that more effective techniques of pro-life persuasion have forced "pro-choice" people to either choose between being pro-life and being pro-infanticide.


"The fact is that there is not that much difference between the unborn child and the born child, especially not enough difference to warrant their systematic destruction," she said. "We have stressed this point on campuses across Louisiana.  We push people to see that if they are fine with abortion, then the logic of their position allows the killing of newborn babies. But the overwhelming majority of students are not OK with killing newborns, which then challenges their dogmatic acceptance of abortion."   


On the rare occasion people do agree with Singer and "post-birth abortion," Landreneau believes they are mostly arguing in the theoretical realm, and when push comes to shove, they would not put their ideas into practice. 


"Occasionally you will have philosophy majors argue with you, at length, about when humans become persons. The majority of the time they are people who have read and agree with Peter Singer (a professor at Princeton) when he says that humans become persons at 2 years of age because that is when they become self-aware.


"When I do happen upon someone who is comfortable with Singer's idea of infanticide up until 2 years of age, they usually only need to be asked the question "Would you be OK killing a 2-year-old?" for them to change their tune a little bit."


As for this thinking becoming a trend, Landreneau said: "I've had many conversations with students, and this rarely comes up, so I wouldn't say there's a significant trend...yet. But the fact that there are people who believe it's OK to euthanize children, in general, is horrifying."


Most of the arguments pro-lifers receive on local college campuses include "Women should have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies" and "I would never have an abortion, but I can't impose my view on someone else," Landreneau said.


To read the complete article on, CLICK HERE. To learn more about Peter Singer's outrageous defense of infanticide, CLICK HERE. Contact Kandace Landreneau to help our college students spread the pro-life message on campus!  You can email her at 

Louisiana Right to Life | Lighting the Way to a Pro-Life Louisiana Since 1970 | 1.866.463.5433 |

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