For Immediate Release
July 17, 2014
Contact: Sarah Zagorski
Louisiana Right to Life Releases 2014 State Legislative Scorecard
120 out of 144 Legislators Earn 100% Pro-Life Rating
Baton Rouge, LA.- Louisiana Right to Life has released its 2014 Legislative Scorecard. The Right to Life Scorecard educates the people of Louisiana on how their state legislators voted on the most important issues regarding the protection of human life in Louisiana.
The 2014 scorecard evaluates the votes of State Senators and Representatives on 6 separate pieces of pro-life legislation.
Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director or Louisiana Right to Life, said the following about the scorecards,
"Louisiana is the #1 pro-life state in the nation because our state legislators listen to the people of Louisiana and pass laws that embody their pro-life values. It is amazing that an overwhelming 83% of our legislators had a 100% pro-life rating in 2014. Louisiana Right to Life thanks our legislators for bringing us one step closer to a pro-life future."
At the end of the 2015 Legislative Session, Louisiana Right to Life will release a compiled 2012-2015 Legislative Scorecard in advance of the 2015 State Legislative Elections. At that time, we will designate legislators that have had a 100% record over the four-year term as "2012-2015 100% Life Advocates".
To find out more about the 2014 Legislative Session visit our website.