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For Immediate Release
March 27, 2014
Contact: Sarah Zagorski

New Orleans Based U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Texas Pro-Life Law

Ruling Gives Further Backing to LA H.B. 388, the Unsafe Abortion Protection Act


New Orleans, LA.- On Thursday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the portions of Texas' pro-life law (H.B. 2) that requires abortionists to attain admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility and places limits on doctors prescribing abortion-inducing drugs.  


The opinion was issued by an all female three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit that was comprised of Judges Catharina Haynes, Jennifer Elrod, and Edith Jones.   


In January, Planned Parenthood argued before the three-judge panel that the law was unconstitutional.  However, the New Orleans based court found that H.B. 2 did not pose "undue burden" on the life and health of Texas women and therefore was constitutional.   


Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, said the following about the ruling: 


"We are pleased that a female panel of judges of the 5th Circuit upheld this law which will protect Texas women from abortionists who cannot attain admitting privileges at local hospitals. As evidenced by this case and testimony in the Louisiana legislature on HB 388, many of the opponents of these laws have a financial interest in abortion.  We should not delay putting into law common-sense regulations that ensure safety because a profitable industry is concerned about their bottom-line.   


"The ruling on this law provides further affirmation on why the Louisiana Legislature needs to adopt HB 388, the Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, into law.  We look forward to joining Texas through the passage of this legislation."


Louisiana H.B. 388, authored by Representative Katrina Jackson (D-Monroe), unanimously passed the House Health and Welfare Committee on March 19th and is expected to receive a full vote on the floor of the House of Representatives next week.   




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