Breast Cancer and Abortion...Is There a Connection?
Attend Our Louisiana Needs Peace Conference to Learn More!



When we think about abortion, we often immediately think about the millions of babies

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi

who have lost their lives since 1973. While this should sadden us, it is important to remember that their is another victim that sometimes gets overlooked. Abortion hurts women in devastating ways. 


Many women who have abortions experience regret, depression and other psychological side effects. This is a tragedy because they are often unaware of the aftermath of abortion. When they go into an abortion facility they are sometimes told that their baby is only "a mass of tissue" or that abortion is a safe procedure. However, abortion leaves countless women hurting for years. 


Another potential side effect of abortion that is covered up by the abortion industry is that abortion is linked to breast cancer. According to a recent Bangladesh study published in the Journal of Dhaka Medical College, women with abortion histories are twenty times more likely to develop breast cancer. 


Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, from the Coalition on Abortion and Breast Cancer, is one

Wendy Vitter
Wendy Vitter

of the leading experts on this subject and will be one of our keynote speakers at our Louisiana Needs Peace Conference. She is a breast surgeon and travels internationally, speaking about the negative impact of abortion on women. 


In addition, there will be a special "Abortion Hurts Women's Health" panel led by Wendy Vitter. It is crucial that as pro-life citizens we are not only educated on these issues, but that we have compassion for all people impacted by abortion. 


See below for more information about our conference.    


Louisiana Needs Peace Vigil
Where: 4612 Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans (Next to the Proposed Planned Parenthood facility)
When: November 1st, 2013 6:00 PM 
Cost: Free
Louisiana Needs Peace Conference
Where: The Hyatt Regency in downtown New Orleans (next to the Superdome) 
When: November 2, 2013 8 AM to 5 PM
Cost: $50 Adults $20 Students (includes registration and two meals)
Also, the conference flyer is available for download. Please encourage friends, 
family, and community members to join us for these events that will bring us one step closer to an abortion-free Louisiana. 
If you have any questions, please contact us. 


For a Pro-Life Louisiana,


Sarah Zagorski                     Kacie Hampton
Communications Director        Development and Events Director 


PS: Interested in sponsoring the Louisiana Needs Peace Conference or being a vendor? Visit our website to learn more. If you are a pregnancy center or non-profit organization, call Kacie for a special vendor rate at 1.866.463.5433 or email her at



Doonby to Premiere at Louisiana Needs Peace Conference 
Admission is Complementary with Conference Registration 
Doonby is an awesome pro-life film and stars John Schneider, Jenn Gotzon, Robert Davi, and Ernie Hudson. Schneider plays Sam Doonby, a mysterious and handsome drifter, who steps off an interstate bus and quickly becomes the talk of a small Texas town. A decent, if not childlike man, he seems to always be there to rescue people in trouble. 
However, the townsfolk begin to turn their backs on him out of jealousy and suspicion, and Sam disappears as quickly as he arrived, leaving the town to find a very different reality and to ultimately learn the lesson that every life counts.
"Doonby" has already received widespread critical acclaim, including an endorsement from the Vatican through the L'Osservatore Romano. Watch the trailer by clicking here! Visit the official website at
Louisiana Right to Life, established in 1970, works through education, legislation, activism, and service to restore the right to life in Louisiana by opposing abortion, euthanasia, and other life destroying actions.
