September 30, 2012 - Vol 6, Issue 6

Campus Ministry @ John Carroll University
 Manresa 22 Retreat
Register TODAY Sunday, 9/30 @ 5pm 

Manresa 22 Retreat will be Nov 9-11 at Villa Maria Retreat Center.  This retreat offers students an opportunity to explore in more depth some of life's ultimate questions - Who am I? What are my priorities? How do I use my gifts and talents to serve others? How do I maintain a sense of balance in my life? Where and how has God been present in my life?
  Click for additional information about registering.  Forms will be available in the Campus Ministry office, office door of Paula Fitzgerald or you can download the Manresa 22 Registration Form.  Please contact Paula Fitzgerald with questions.
Tonight: Sunday, Sept 30th at 8pm 
RCIA and Confirmation Class begins 

If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and/or joining the Roman Catholic faith community, please consider RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).  Also, if you are a baptized Catholic, but have not been confirmed and are interested in preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, please e-mail Gail.
Tonight: 9/30 after 6 pm Mass
Food and Conversation
Please join members of the Campus Ministry team for an informal conversation after 6pm Mass.  Free food will be served. Our topic for this Sunday will be, "What do you miss about your parish and what could your parish learn from JCU".
National Climate Change Educational Event
Screening of the Academy Award - Nominated Documentary "SUN COME UP"

Two showings at JCU
  • Tues, Oct 2nd - A "Brown Bag" in the O'Dea Room at Noon
  • Wed, Oct 3rd - 7pm, (the eve of the Feast of St. Francis) in the Donohue Auditorium, Dolan Science Center
For more info: Contact or visit

Sponsored by 
JCU Sustainability Committee & Campus Ministry
Spring Break & May 2013 Immersions 
Participant Applications available


Apply Now!


Need more information about the Immersion Program? Come to one of our Immersion Information sessions to learn more: 


 Wednesday, October 3, 2:00-3:00 PM, Dolan E130

 Thursday, October 4, 2012, 5:15-6:15 PM, Dolan E138


 Post Grad Volunteer Fair
Monday, Oct 8th - 5:30 to 8pm
Jardine Room
  • Gain real work experience while being "Men and Women For and With Others"
  • Come see the variety of Volunteer Organizations that might match your interests and time commitment - from summer work to full time, domestic and international opportunities.
  • You don't have to be a graduating Senior to attend.  Start investigating options early to discern your post-JCU plans.

Co-Sponsored by: 
Campus Ministry, Center for Service & Social Action and 
Career for Career Services

10/7: Homecoming & Family Weekend Mass 10:30 am - Varsity Gym
No 6 pm Mass on October 7th

You are invited to attend the Homecoming and Family Weekend Mass on Sunday, October 7th at 10:30 am in the Varsity Gym.  A brunch will follow the mass.  The collection at this Mass will be for the Fatima Family Center.  To see the full schedule of events for the weekend, click here.

Faith and Food 
Interfaith Conversation: 2 Dates in Oct 
Sign up to spend time with people of other faiths in casual conversation.  
 Wednesday, October 17th (lunch) noon in O'Dea 
Monday, October 22nd (7:00 - 8:00 pm) in O'Dea
Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice

Join the JCU group going to Washington D.C., November 16th-18th to hear inspiring speakers, attend breakout sessions to learn about a variety of social justice issues, and strengthen our advocacy skills. The 2012 theme, "Imagination Reform: Moving Beyond the Margins" offers global and local perspectives to faith and justice issues.  For more info and to register, click HERE


Questions - Contact Gillian Halusker

Streak the Vote

Get informed about local and national issues!


Monday, October 1st: Refugee Issues 

Monday, October 8th: Human Trafficking

Monday, October 15th: Housing Foreclosure

Monday, October 22nd: Hunger in Cleveland

Monday, October 29th: Immigration Reform


All presentations will be at 5pm in the Dolan Auditorium.  Contact Dr. Peggy Finucane or Dr. Rich Clark for additional information.

Make a prayer request or mass intention!
Tonight: Food and Conversation
Climate Change event
Immersion Apps Available
10/8 - Post Grad Volunteer Fair
10/7: Homecoming Mass Schedule
Faith and Food
Ignatian Teach-In
Streak the Vote
Other Faith Ministries
Weekly Rosary in Rodman Chapel
Prayer Angels
Open Mic Night Pics
Find us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter



Sunday, September 30, 2012 

6:00 pm - St. Francis Chapel

Presider:  Fr. Schubeck, SJ 

10:00 pm - St. Francis Chapel

Presider:  Fr. Bernie McAniff, S.J.  


Monday, October 1, 2012

12:05 pm - St. Francis Chapel

Intention:  Robert Eugene Kluesener  

Presider:  Fr. Don Cozzens 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012  

5:05 pm - Rodman Chapel   

Intention: Margaret Jereb 

Presider:  Fr. Schubeck, S.J.  


Festival of Praise

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fr. Bernie McAniff, S.J.

Theme Speaker:  Maggie Hutchison '14


Wednesday, October 3, 2012 

12:05 pm - Rodman Chapel 

Intention: Chris Roark  

Presider: Fr. Bichl, S.J. 


Murphy Mass  

9:30 pm - Fr. Jim Collins, S.J. 


Thursday, October 4, 2012  

5:05 pm - Rodman Chapel  

Intention:  Robert Schede  

Presider:  Fr. Bernie McAniff, SJ  


Friday, October 5, 2012 

12:05 pm - St. Francis Chapel  

Intention: Mary Alice Weeks 

Presider:  Fr. Collins, S.J. 



Monday 2 - 3 PM

Fr. Cozzens - Office AD Bldg

Thursday 4 - 5 PM
Fr. Collins or Fr. McAniff in Rodman Hall Chapel

By appointment:
Fr. Bichl: 397-3075


(across the street from Rodman Hall) welcomes JCU members for Mass and confession.   

Mass Collection
Our mass collection on 9/16 totaled $187.82.  

Our collections for August and September will be for Jesuit Refugee Services.

Campus Ministry Staff


John Scarano 


Phone: 216-397-4701

CLC (Small Faith Communities)

Phone: 216-397-1995


Paula Fitzgerald 


Phone: 216-397-4709


Carrie Pollick

Immersion Exp. & Social Justice

Phone: 216-397-1506


Gail Roussey 

Liturgy & R.C.I.A.

Phone: 216-397-4766


Part-time  Minister 

Phone: 216-397-3075

Phone: 216-397-4717  

Resident Ministry Staff


MURPHY HALL - Room 218

Jurell Sison  

HAMLIN HALL - Room 250

Craig Sidol 

DOLAN HALL - Room 201

Gillian Halusker


Shannon Edwards

Important Links


Cleveland Catholic Diocese

Gesu Parish 

Daily Mass Readings & Podcasts

JCU's Jesuit Community

Society of Jesus


Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)

Contact: Mira
Phone: 440-888-6213 


Contact: Dave Markovich

Visit Hillel's website at:


Muslim Student Society

Contact Muslim Student Society


Still not finding a faith community?

If you are from a faith background for which there is currently no active group on campus, please contact Fr. Jim Collins, SJ, Coordinator of Small Faith Communities in Campus Ministry at JCU and he will work to help you form a group!

Weekly Rosary in Rodman Chapel
Rosary Beads

 Join a group of staff, faculty and students that meet each Tuesday at noon in Rodman Chapel to pray the rosary.  All are welcome.  Questions - contact Ann Buda

"Prayer Angels"

Prayer Angels is a new student-initiated prayer group on campus that has two goals: 1) to spread the awareness and power of prayer, 2) to break down religious divides. Anonymous prayer requests can be submitted, using this Wufoo form,  and each request will be distributed to the "prayer angels," who will personally pray for each intention. Anyone can submit a prayer request. Contact Ashley for more information.
Open Mic Night


Thank you to everyone who performed & those who came to watch last week in the Underground.  


Take a look at the Photos! 

Connect with JCU Campus Ministry


12-13 PHOTOS:

Open Mic Night  *NEW*

Campus Ministry Community Day (Work, Play and Pray)


11-12 VIDEOS:

Campus Ministry Video Highlights


11-12 PHOTOS


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