NACCHO Injury and Violence

Prevention Newsletter
News, Resources, and Events for Local Health Departments


November 2013

In This Issue
[Announcement] Ensure Delivery of NACCHO's Injury and Violence Prevention Newsletter
[Call for Applications] National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health
[Resource] WISQARS Nonfatal Injury and Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury Modules Updated
[News] Childhood Maltreatment Can Leave Scars in the Brain
[Report] Violence Prevention: Moving from Evidence to Implementation
[Report] Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic
[Report] Elder Abuse and Its Prevention
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[Announcement] Ensure Delivery of NACCHO's Injury and Violence Prevention Newsletter  

NACCHO's Injury and Violence Prevention newsletter is upgrading to a new platform soon. To continue receiving this newsletter, please log-in to MyNACCHO by Dec. 31, select "Manage My Subscriptions," and subscribe to the Injury and Violence Prevention Newsletter. Don't have an account? Get one today! For more information, contact

[Call for Applications] National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health       

NACCHO is pleased to support the participation of four teams in the National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health. Run by the Public Health Institute, NLAPH brings together teams made up of four community members from different sectors to engage in a year-long leadership development program. Aimed at existing leaders , this program will deepen each team's knowledge and skills around multi-sector collaboration, quality improvement, program planning, health equity, and overall leadership mastery through personal team coaching, a national retreat, and an applied community health project. Applications will be accepted through November 26, 2013 by 5pm PST. For more information, visit

[Resource] WISQARS Nonfatal Injury and Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury Modules Updated        

The WISQARS Nonfatal Injury and Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury modules provide national estimates of nonfatal injuries and nonfatal injury rates for persons treated in US hospital emergency departments. CDC has recently updated these modules to include 2012 data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program. Click here for national estimates of nonfatal injuries and nonfatal injury rates for the United States, 2000-2012, overall and by sex, age groupings, and mechanism and intent of injury.

[News] Childhood Maltreatment Can Leave Scars in the Brain  

NPR reports on a study that tracks children's social and emotional development in more than 500 families since 1994. Researchers found that child maltreatment can lead to long-term changes in brain circuits that process fear, leading to anxiety and depression later in life. The results of the study suggest better ways to diagnose and treat mental health issues related to maltreatment. Click here to read the article.

[Report] Violence Prevention: Moving from Evidence to Implementation     

In a discussion paper released by the Institute of Medicine, authors identify progress in the growth and accessibility of the evidence base for violence prevention and highlight several challenges in implementing evidence-based interventions.  The evidence for strategies, programs, and interventions to prevent violence has grown; however, there are challenges when implementing evidence-based violence prevention programs.  Click here to read the discussion paper.

[Report] Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic      

Prescription drug-related deaths now outnumber deaths from heroin and cocaine combined, and drug overdose deaths exceed motor vehicle-related deaths in 29 states and Washington D.C. A new report by Trust for America's Health reveals that few states are implementing comprehensive strategies to combat the prescription drug abuse epidemic. Click here to read the report.

[Report] Elder Abuse and Its Prevention     

Elder Abuse and Its Prevention is the summary of a workshop convened in April 2013 by the Institute of Medicine's Forum on Global Violence Prevention. Using an ecological framework, this workshop explored the burden of elder abuse around the world, focusing on its impacts on individuals, families, communities, and societies. Additionally, the workshop addressed occurrences and co-occurrences of different types of abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional, and financial, as well as neglect. Click here to read the summary.