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March 14, 2016

Bootcamp Updates
We have been offering our New User Bootcamp for over 6 months and we have received feedback both internally and externally on the schedule and cost of these sessions.  

We're listening! We've made a few changes starting in April. We have reduced pricing and the session times have been adjusted to better address multiple time zones.  We will continue to schedule bootcamp during the second week of the month. Just click the Register link to view all scheduled dates and times for a specific training session. 
Aviont Client Connection Countdown
Save the Date
August 2-4, 2016
Minneapolis Marriot City Center
Aviont Bootcamp
New Pricing and New Schedule!
Check out the reduced prices and new schedule for Aviont� Bootcamp training! If you have new hires or employees that need a refresher - Bootcamp is for you! The sessions will cover basic Aviont� functionality, getting employees better prepared for day to day responsibilities.

Contact your Client Manager for details.

Bootcamp weeks usually begin the 2nd Wednesday 
of each month. Click Register for exact dates.

Front Office, Part 1
Overview, Start Page & Basic Search
Calendar & Tasks
4 hours       $250
Front Office, Part 2
Candidate Management
Intro to Reports & Advanced Search
Mass Mail & Favorites
4 hours       $250

Back Office
This Back Office Training session will cover basic Aviont� functionality specific to back office users.
5 - 6 hours     $400

Admin Tools
This Aviont� Admin Tools Training will cover Aviont� functionality specific to admin users.
3 - 4 hours  $250
This Aviont� Portals Training will cover functionality around the various portals offered by Aviont�.
2 hours           $150

Register Now
General Ledger
As a Back Office user, do you know all there is to know about the General Ledger? What is pulled into the General Ledger and from where? Does this sound exciting to you? If so, this is a webinar you'll want to attend!
This webinar is offered on: 
Thursday, March 17, 2016 - 11:00am CST
(12:00pm EST/9:00am PST)
Direct Hire Process
Do you place direct hire orders, or handle direct hire billing? This webinar will cover best practices. This is an advanced topic and is intended for users who are already familiar with Aviont�.
This webinar is offered on: 
Friday, March 21, 2016 - 2:00pm CST
(3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST)
Standard Report of the Week
Payroll Contribution
The Payroll Contribution Report shows employer contribution details for payroll

Date Type (Check Date, Accounting Period), Start Date, End Date, Employee Name, Contribution Name, Group By (Check Date, Contribution Name, Employee Name), Payment Batch ID, Branch

Results Fields
Check Date, Branch, Check #, Employee Name, SSN, Gross Amount, Contribution Name, Contribution Amount, Total for Check Date

Employee > Payroll > Contribution, Employee > History > Pay History

Who should use this report?
Back Office personnel

Why is this report so awesome?
This is great resource for crosschecking employer contributions when closing out payroll. Like with all of our server reports, your data will be formatted in a professional manner that is immediately presentable to employees, management, and clients. 

New Standard Report Manual! 
Detailed lists of all Aviont� Standard Reports and Standard AQs are now in the Knowledge Base and will be replacing our Standard Report Manual! Want to know which report will work best for your needs? Searching these pages for a parameter or field that you require is much easier than using our old Standard Report Manual in the Reports feature. Our standard catalog is continuously growing to better suit your business and your data requirements, so be sure to check back on a regular basis to see what's new in reports.

Tip of the Week
Contribution History
In addition to using the Payroll Contribution report, you can view Employee Contribution History from the employee record.
  1. From the Start Page, search for the employee.
  2. Select the employee from the search results.
  3. Select Payroll > Contribution from the sub menu.
  4. Click the History tab to view the historical contributions made to this employee.