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February 8, 2016

Winter Webinar Series
The Training Team is pleased to announce their new Winter Series of free webinars beginning Tuesday, February 9. The webinars will be held on advanced topics like Candidate Management, Grouping in Advanced Search, General Ledger and Direct Hire Orders.
The webinars are designed to take you past that entry level use of Aviont� and learn more about some great functionality that will help you improve your day to day processes.

Each webinar will be presented twice, once in February and once in March. Don't miss this opportunity, register now!
Aviont Client Connection Countdown
Save the Date
August 2-4, 2016
Minneapolis Marriot City Center
Aviont Bootcamp
Do you need additional training for your team?  
Do you have new hires that need training on Aviont�? We offer a monthly Aviont� Training Bootcamp; the training is usually held the second week of each month. 

The sessions will cover basic Aviont functionality, getting your employees better prepared for their day to day responsibilities. Contact your Client Manager for details!

Bootcamp Pricing per Aviont Client:
Front Office: $650
Back Office: $500
Admin Tools: $350
Full Portals: $200

Sign Up for Bootcamp! Classes are available September 2015 thru March, 2016.
Classes usually begin the 2nd Wednesday of each month, click the link for exact dates.

Front Office - 9:00am - 4:00pm CST(10:00am EST/7:00am PST)
Back Office - 9:00am - 3:00pm CST (10:00am EST/7:00am PST)
Admin Tools - 9:00am - 1:00pm CST (10:00am EST/7:00am PST)
Portals - 1:30pm - 3:30pm CST (2:30pm EST/11:30am PST)
Register Now
Candidate Management Tools
This free webinar, suited to advanced users of Aviont�, will discuss the ins and outs of the Aviont� candidate management tools and best practices.
This webinar is offered on: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - 11:00am CST 
(12:00pm EST/9:00am PST)
Thursday, March 10, 2016 - 2:00pm CST 
(3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST)
Grouping in Advanced Search
This is a webinar designed for advanced users. If you are already comfortable with Aviont� Advanced Search and are ready to take it to the next level; this free webinar is for you!
This webinar is offered on: 
Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 11:30am CST 
(12:30pm EST/9:30am PST) 
Friday, March 11, 2016 - 1:30pm CST
(2:30pm EST/11:30am PST)
General Ledger
As a Back Office user, do you know all there is to know about the General Ledger? What is pulled into the General Ledger and from where? Does this sound exciting to you? If so, this is a webinar you'll want to attend!
This webinar is offered on: 
Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 11:00am CST 
(12:00pm EST/9:00am PST)
Thursday, March 17, 2016 - 11:00am CST
(12:00pm EST/9:00am PST)
Direct Hire Process
Do you place direct hire orders, or handle direct hire billing? This webinar will cover best practices. This is an advanced topic and is intended for users who are already familiar with Aviont�.
This webinar is offered on: 
Monday, February 29, 2016 - 1:00pm CST 
(2:00pm EST/11:00am PST) 
Friday, March 21, 2016 - 2:00pm CST
(3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST)
Standard Report of the Week
1095C AQ - Standard Report with the Aviont ACA Package
The 1095C AQ, is a Standard Report with the Aviont� ACA Package This report shows 1095C form filing status.

Year ID, Supplier (Check), Branch (Employee), ACA Eligibility

Results Fields
Employee ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, SSN, Branch Name, ACA Eligibility, Measurement Type, Measurement Start Date, Measurement End Date, Total Hours, Deduction/Contribution, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Amount, Dependents Info, Deduction/Contribution Start Date, Deduction/Contribution End Date

Employee > History > Work History, Employee > Payroll > ACA Eligibility

Who should use this report?
Front Office, Back Office

Why is this report so awesome?
This report allows you to see what information is going to populate in your 1095C forms and also shows some ACA eligibility data. It works as a great proofreading resource when checking for errors before you fill and print your final 1095C forms. 

Custom Report Manual Updates
We recently implemented a new policy of updating clients' Report Manuals with custom report information when a new report is constructed. This Manual update can be executed retroactively for existing custom reports in your database for 15-30 minutes of billable time. If you are interested in having your custom reports added to your Report Manual, file a ZenDesk ticket and specify which of your custom reports you would like to update.

Tip of the Week
Be Proactive With Your 1094C and 1095C
If you are processing and/or printing your 1094/1095 forms via Aviont�, be proactive and pre-view your reports NOW! Whether you are using Greenshades, printing in office or exporting to another vendor, you will need to generate the feed to process your Aviont�_1094C and Aviont�_1095C forms.

You might also find it helpful to run the standard report View Greenshades Errors for any year/quarter. It will show all of the Greenshades errors, the date that the last feed was generated and who it was generated by.

Generate Feed and XML
Greenshades is accessed through your normal Aviont� core application login.
  1. From the Main tree, select Weekly Process.
  2. Click on the Generate Green Shade shortcut button. The Green Shades window will load.
  3. Choose the proper Company & Date Information.
  4. In the File Info section choose your designated folder to store the XML on your local machine. You are able to delete this folder once the quarter end process has been completed.
  5. From the shortcuts, select the Generate Feed & XML button. You will receive one of the two messages listed below. Proceed accordingly with section A or B below.
A. File Generated
When the feed and XML have been successfully generated, the File Generated message is loaded. This message informs you that your file has been generated and is ready for use in building all of the year end returns. The XML file has been sent to the location that you designated.

Click OK in the File Generated message, continue processing your Aviont�_1094C / Aviont�_1095C forms according to your workflow.

B. Error Generating Feed
If you have received errors and your feed and XML were not successfully generated, you will be asked if you would like to see the errors. 
  1. In the Error Generating Feed message select Yes and the Error tab will open.
  2. You must make corrections to the severe errors in order for your 1094C / 1095C reports to generate data.
  3. After you have corrected the errors, return to the Details tab.
  4. Click the Generate Feed & XML button again to re-check for errors.
  5. After all severe errors are addressed, click the Generate XML shortcut button. The XML will generate.
When the file has generated, continue processing your Aviont�_1094C and Aviont�_1095C forms according to your workflow.