In This March Issue
Lynn Whitlow Seminar
Thank Yous from Jeremy and Lawrence
Quick Links
Weekly Schedule

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Easter Weekend 

We are OPEN with a regular schedule on Good Friday and Saturday, March 30th. 
EASTER SUNDAY, we are offering the 8 AM and 10 AM ONLY  (afternoon classes will be canceled due to the holiday). 
5:30 AM!

The new Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 AM classes are a hit!  They are here to stay.  Please let us know if you think we should make all the early AM classes start at 5:30 AM!
BYT Now Mobile!

Our website is now mobile phone friendly!   Check us out on your phone.  We welcome feedback!
New/Old Client Special

$25 for 2 Weeks Unlimited!
Must be an Arizona resident.  Valid for new students and those who have not attended our studio within the last year!
20% off all yoga packages during your first two weeks!
Congrats Challengers!
There's nothing easy about the 30 or 60 Day Challenge.  26/52 hot and sweaty 90 minute classes in 30/60 days is tough!  At the end of it though, you have to admit it was worth it! 
Just ask any of these yogis who recently finished their challenges!
 30 Day Medal
30 Day
Andy Wright! 2/1
Sarah Nunley! 2/1
Nina Cordero! 2/6
Charlotte Law!  2/11
Jackie Han!  2/12
Hannah Peacock! 2/20
Lucy Rodriguez! 2/20
Kayla Wiest! 3/2
Amy Davenport! 3/7
Shaylie Wight-Crask! 3/15

60 Day

Congrats to Saul Maldonado, BYT's youngest member, to complete the 60 Day Challenge!
And congrats to:
Ramin Bledsoe! 3/1
Hart Larew! 3/1
Jackie Han! 3/14

If you have finished your challenge but have not received your certificate and gifts, please see us at the front desk!
$25 credit!

Would you like to share your Bikram Yoga story?  Can we include you in our next newsletter?  How has Bikram Yoga helped you?  We would love to know and if we publish your testimonial, we will add $25 to your account.

Please email:
Free First Friday for Firefighters, Police, Military and Paramedics
As a service to our community, Bikram Yoga Tempe offers FREE yoga to all Phoenix Metropolitan area firefighters, police, military and paramedics for the first Friday of every month.  Please bring a valid ID and choose from the 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm classes.

Friday, April 5th is the next First Friday!

Firefighters, police, military and paramedics also receive 10% off our regularly priced yoga packages.
Lost and Found
Left something behind?  Ask the front desk to check the back.  Items not picked up are donated to Good Will at the end of each month.  For sanitary reasons, we cannot hold onto wet towels or underwear.
Birthday Special
Receive 10% off retail during the week of your birthday!
Health News Links
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can improve our facility.  We strive to make Bikram Yoga Tempe a very comfortable, peaceful environment for everyone.
Please email:
WellSpring Holistic Health

A Wellness Center affiliated with Bikram Yoga Tempe

Wellspring, a beautiful wellness center created by Dr. Benjamin Zorensky, ND, is located at the northeast corner of Kyrene and Warner at 430 W Warner Rd. Ste 104.  The center hosts the following practitioners:

Anna Lunaria
Licensed Massage Therapist, "Pain Relief Guru", Yoga Teacher

John Schultz
Reflexology, Reiki, Energy Healing, Spiritual Life Coaching, Metaphysical Consultation and Therapeutic Prayer
Karla Kay
Women's Empowerment Coach

Grief Recovery Specialist
Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher

Gabi Garrisi
MBS Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher

Dee Munsterman
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. She discovered colon hydrotherapy can be the missing link in the mind, body, spirit connection. Find out more at www.deemunsterman.com or call Dee 480-689-7744

The lecture/yoga room is currently available for lease to health and wellness practitioners.  For inquiries, email drzorensky@gmail.com or call 480-323-9641.

White Dove Rising Seminar
Join BYT teacher Karla Kay at the White Dove Rising seminar on March 30th in Phoenix.  Details at www.loisAEnochs.com/white-dove-rising/
Join Our Mailing List

"Pot of Gold"
="the realization of all one's hopes and dreams; ultimate success, fulfillment, or happiness: to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."

We were inspired to take this photo in South Tempe because it looked like the end of this rainbow stopped at BYT.  Over the years, we have heard so many of you describe how Bikram Yoga has so dramatically improved the quality of your life.  You have lost weight, relieved chronic pain, improved your love life, eliminated migraines, lowered blood pressure, touched your toes, straightened your spine, improved flexibility, decreased dependence on medications and much much more.   In some ways, Bikram Yoga is like that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. A regular yoga practice can help you achieve improved health--and increase the potential for you to 'realize' your hopes and dreams.  Health is wealth, peace of mind is happiness, and yoga shows the way!

"As you practice yoga regularly, this subtle sense of feeling good gradually becomes so persuasive, so natural and genuine, so much a part of you that it carries over into the whole of your life. And in doing so it helps clarify your deepest longings, motivations, and aspirations, thereby restoring optimism, hope, meaning, and purpose to life."  -Eric Schiffmann

Sounds like a pot of gold to us!  Gold luck!  
SEMINAR with Lynn Whitlow!
Sunday, April 28th @ Bikram Yoga Tempe

Lynn Whitlow cartoon
Bikram Yoga Seminar
with Lynn Whitlow Sunday, April 28th!
11 AM-5:30 PM

Lynn Whitlow, who has taught all of her adult life, serves on the faculty of the Bikram Yoga teacher trainings, is an international judge, and has owned many successful Bikram studios in California. 


She will teach a Bikram Yoga Class from 11-12:30 pm, break from 12:30-1 pm, and host a detailed Posture Clinic seminar from 1-5:30 PM. 


The non-heated 26 posture seminar involves student participation, demonstrations of posture and alignment as well as Q&A throughout.  Lynn leaves students feeling energized, excited, and with a deeper understanding of Bikram Yoga.  She brings fun, humor and compassion to her teaching while at the same time maintaining the true nature of the yoga! 


Cost:  $89 through April 20th, $110 after 


Space is limited so secure your spot today!

Sign up 1 of 4 ways:


1.  Online HERE.  Click on 'Online Store'.  Under 'services' and then 'classes', scroll down and you will see 'Lynn W Seminar Sunday 4/28' for $89 (early bird rate). 
2.  Reply to this email and we can charge your card on file. 
3.  Sign up at the studio to reserve your space
4.  Call us at 480-777-0939 
PLEASE NOTE: We will have two regular classes on Sunday, April 28th for those who do not want to attend the great seminar.  Classes will be offered at 7am and 9am (instead of 8am and 10am). 
By Kyle Kennedy

I came to Bikram Yoga Tempe in April 2012 in the midst of struggling with an incredibly frustrating job search. I had survived my third round of layoffs in recent years and was exhausted, stressed, and disgusted with my job. As each week went by, my stress, frustration, and depression grew exponentially at my inability to make the changes in my professional life that I so badly desired.


After several months went by, I knew I was in dire need of a positive change. I had basically become tired of feeling awful and negative all the time and began looking for ways to improve my life. I turned to Bikram Yoga after recalling the first time I tried it at BYT a number of years ago with my then-girlfriend (now my wife) and remembering how good I slept after taking just one class.


I arrived early for my first class, and the first thing that struck me upon entering the lobby (other than the supremely friendly and helpful staff) was the sign on the front desk that read, "You are exactly where you should be; You are doing exactly what you should be doing." I had spent the last 7-8 months of my life fighting relentlessly against the status quo. Being present in my life was never an option for me, because I hated the present and wanted nothing to do with it. But nonetheless, that simple statement stopped me cold in my tracks and spoke directly to me in a powerful way.


My first few classes were a struggle because I was sorely out of shape, but I quickly became hooked on my practice. I was drinking substantially more water, craving healthier foods, sleeping better, and just generally feeling better physically and emotionally than I had in months. I began signing up for 30 Day Unlimited packages and attending classes 3-4 times per week. Coming to class was rarely a chore, because I physically craved the peace and balance that I felt upon the completion of class. During the final savasana of each class, I would meditate and repeat that simple mantra to myself: "You are exactly where you should be; You are doing exactly what you should be doing." My practice did more than improve my physical health. More importantly, it taught me the ability to calmly accept the difficult things in life that I can not immediately change, and instead to focus on being present in my life and affecting change through means within my control. 


After practicing at BYT for a few months, I was contacted by the very employer that I targeted at the beginning of my career search, but had since written off as highly unlikely, if not entirely out of my reach. And I'm happy to report that I accepted an offer from them and will be starting my new job very soon. BYT may not have landed me the job, but I sincerely feel that it was instrumental in my success, in improving my physical and emotional health, and introducing me to a practice that I came to absolutely love and hope to one day share with others as a teacher.  

So thank you Bikram Yoga Tempe! You helped me through a very difficult time in my life and taught me far more than you probably realize.

2013 New York National Yoga Asana Championship Recap!

The March 2nd event was a huge success!  The competitors demonstrated so gracefully; it was a beautiful celebration of body and mind.  BYT's very own Lawrence Fatica and Jeremy Fairley did a great job!  And they were so grateful for the opportunity to travel to NY.  Please see their thank you notes below...

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my Bikram Yoga Tempe family and friends for all of the years of friendship, trust, and support. As many of you know Lawrence Fatica and I were fortunate enough to take 1st and 2nd place in the men's division of the Arizona Regional Asana Championships earlier this year. That qualified us for a trip to the national championships in New York City at the beginning of March. While it was an honor to represent yoga for the state of Arizona, the trip came with a relatively hefty price tag. Thanks to Ben and Elaina Zorensky, our wonderful studio owners, we put out a donation jar at the front desk for two weeks leading up to the event. Needless to say the donations poured in from all of you awesome yogis and yoginis and we were able to concentrate fully on the task at hand, our 3 minute routine, instead of worrying about how we would finance the trip! I am never surprised anymore by the generosity, the positive attitudes, and overall nurturing atmosphere of our wonderful studio and practitioners, but it is events like theses that remind me again and again just how truly lucky I am to teach and practice at BYT! Thank you all very much!

~Jeremy Fairley   


BYT family,
As I'm sure you probably heard, Jeremy and I participated in the 2013 National Yoga Asana Championship in New York City in the beginning of March. It was such a great experience to meet yogis from across the country and to be a part of a nationwide event that showcases the beauty of yoga and motivates people of all ages and backgrounds to try this practice that really does change lives. I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have encouraged us and donated to help us get there. Your donations and support made a huge difference in making Nationals a possibility and I am blown away by your generosity. I am truly privileged to be part of such an awesome yoga community--you guys continually inspire me to be the best that I can be, both inside the yoga room and out.
Many thanks,
Lawrence Fatica  

"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."  ~Douglas Pagels  
Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Bikram Yoga Tempe, est. 2002!
1825 E Guadalupe Rd #103
Tempe, AZ 85283
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