In This September/October Issue
Anniversary Sale
10 Week Challenge
Save the Dates!
2 Special Staff Members
Halloween Photos
Quick Links
Weekly Schedule

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New/Old Client Special

$25 for 2 Weeks Unlimited!
Must be an Arizona resident.  Valid for new students and those who have not practiced at our studio within the last 365 days!
20% off all other yoga packages during your first two weeks!
Holiday and Event Schedule Changes!

On Friday, November 16th, the 6:30 PM class is canceled in honor of our 10 Year Anniversary Concert at the Sail Inn 7-10:30 PM.

Wednesday, November 21st:
NO 8:15 PM

Thanksgiving Day: 
7AM (not 6am) and 9AM ONLY

Black Friday:
9, 12, 2:30, and 4:30 ONLY

Saturday, November 24th:
Start of Regular Schedule! 
Congrats Challengers! 

There's nothing easy about the 30 Day, 60 Day Challenge, or 10 Week Challenge.  30/40/60 hot and sweaty 90 minute classes in 30/60/70 days is tough (we don't call it a challenge for nothing!).  At the end of it though, you have to admit it was worth it!  


Just ask any of these yogis who recently finished their challenges!
 30 Day Medal
30 Days!

Shaylie Wight 10/3

Kurumi Austin 10/11

Sara Wallace 10/15

Beth VanKirk 10/25

Marcin Harasiuk 10/25

Amra Mallick 10/26

Tonya Irick 10/29

Melba Rivera 10/30



Bret Maverick

Zoya Fishman

Suzanne Anderson

Cindy Bernath

Lesley Taylor

Sharon Honabach

Don Honabach

Dave Antaya

Michelle D. Garcia

Barbara Barzee

Kurt Prange

Jennifer Kilgore

Cherie Keating

Sandra Solomon

Mary Gregson

Tricia Hester

Erin Bryce

Michelle Griffin

Karen Kewley

Roby Lerner

Sarah Tracy

Trisha Gourlay

Zane Varnum

Pam Williams

Dan Williams

Shannon Clark  


 TShirt Front
   60 Days!        

   9/21 Karen Kewley!
9/29 Abe Alirez!

If you have finished your challenge but have not received your certificate and gifts, please see us at the front desk!
Breast Cancer Fund
Karma Class- a Success! 

Thank you for your support and attendance at our Breast Cancer Fund Karma class on October 20th.  We raised over $300 and are grateful for our community coming together to support a great cause!
New: Karma Wear 

We now carry a new line of high quality yoga wear- Karma Wear.  It is tagless and seamless and made of superior fabric. 

(Back view of the Gabi Bra) 
$25 credit!

Would you like to share your Bikram Yoga story?  Can we include you in our next newsletter?  How has Bikram Yoga helped you?  We would love to know and if we publish your testimonial, we will add $25 to your account.

Please email:
Free First Friday for Firefighters, Police, Paramedics, and Military
As a service to our community, Bikram Yoga Tempe offers FREE yoga to all Phoenix Metropolitan area firefighters, police,  paramedics, and military on the first Friday of every month.  Please bring a valid ID and choose from the 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm classes.

Friday, December 7th is the next First Friday!

Firefighters, police, paramedics, and military also receive 10% off our yoga packages.
Lost and Found
& Reminder

Left something behind?  Ask the front desk to check the back.  Items not picked up are donated to Good Will at the end of each month.  For sanitary reasons, we cannot hold onto wet towels or underwear.

Reminder: Please refrain from wearing fragrance or cologne in our facility.  We have many students who are sensitive to chemicals and hope that we can continue to keep BYT a fragrance- free studio.  Essential oils are ok.  Thank you for understanding!
Birthday Special
Receive 10% off retail during the week of your birthday!
Health News Links
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can improve our facility.  We strive to make Bikram Yoga Tempe a very comfortable, peaceful environment for everyone.
Please email:
WellSpring Holistic Health

A Wellness Center affiliated with Bikram Yoga Tempe

Wellspring, a beautiful wellness center created by Dr. Benjamin Zorensky, ND, is located at the northeast corner of Kyrene and Warner at 430 W Warner Rd. Ste 104.  The center hosts the following practitioners:

Anna Lunaria
Licensed Massage Therapist, "Pain Relief Guru", Yoga Teacher

John Schultz
Reflexology, Reiki, Energy Healing, Spiritual Life Coaching, Metaphysical Consultation and Therapeutic Prayer

Karla Kay
Life Rejuvenation, Couples Coaching and Grief Counseling
Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher

Gabi Garrisi
MBS Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher

New Tenant: Dee Munsterman
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist  She has discovered colon hydrotherapy can be the missing link in the mind, body, spirit connection. Find out more at www.deemunsterman.com or call Dee 480-689-7744

One room and the lecture/yoga room are currently available for lease.  For inquiries, email drzorensky@gmail.com or call 480-323-9641.
Join Our Mailing List

BYT stands for more than Bikram Yoga Tempe; BYT also means
Be Your Truest (thanks Reba)!

We opened our doors 10 years ago on Sunday, November 17th, 2002.  The night before the opening, we could not sleep due to sheer excitement and nervousness. To our surprise, we had a great turnout on opening day (this was pre-Facebook)! Several of our first students are still practicing with us today. Whether you are new to our studio or have been part of our community for years, we are so grateful for you and your continued support!    
Through a decade of sweat, tears, and laughter, Bikram Yoga Tempe has morphed into something greater than we could have imagined. It's a place where you can: improve the quality of your life, go beyond your expectations, and call 'home'.  It's an avenue to meet new people, a catalyst to start new beginnings.  BYT has remodeled, temporarily relocated, and expanded.  We started out with 17 classes per week (Elaina taught all 17 of them!) and now have 42 classes per week.  Because of the support of our great community, we were able to do all this.  Thank you!

Our anniversary is a time to reflect back at the good times and a time to look ahead at the future. Whatever your aspirations may be, all of us at Bikram Yoga Tempe genuinely care about you and wish you continued health and happiness.  While it is a time for celebration at our studio in honor of BYT's 10 Year's in business, it is also a time for reflection on what happens outside the yoga room.  Our heart goes out to those who have been deeply affected by Hurricaine Sandy.  Every month for the past 10 years, BYT donates to local schools and/or local/national fundraisers for their various causes.  This recent disaster on the east coast needs our attention out west.  We are donating a percentage of our November sales to the American Red Cross. 

Over these past 10 years we have met so many wonderful people: YOU.  You have shared with us so many stories about how the yoga and community have helped you.  You inspire more people than you know.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you!

In addition, we are eternally grateful for Bikram Yoga, Bikram and Rajashree Choudhury, and our wonderful, dedicated staff! Please take a moment review the events below!

With Great Respect and Gratitude,
Elaina and Dr. Benjamin Zorensky, ND
Co-Owners of Bikram Yoga Tempe, est. 2002
10 Year Anniversary Sale Countdown!

Save up to $1141 and receive up to 10 FREE WEEKS! Through Sunday, November 18th, take advantage of the following membership deals and enjoy your huge, spacious, well-ventilated, state-of-the-art yoga room, and great teachers!  Where you choose to practice makes a difference.  Our experienced and knowledgeable staff are here to help motivate you.  The more you practice, the better off you feel inside and out.  The below deals are the perfect motivators to take class regularly so you can FEEL BETTER NOW.  And you receive free yoga on top of it all! 

10 Year Anniversary Savings:

Yoga Package   Regular Price    Savings          Sale Price      
1 Magical Year....$1395.................$471........$999+2 weeks free!
2 Magical Years...$2790.............$1141....$1999+10 weeks free!

No further discounts apply.  Offers expire Sunday, November 18th!

Did you recently purchase a package and would like to upgrade to a more cost-effective membership?  Please reply to this email or come in and we can assist you.  Pay for 2 years of unlimited yoga at our special 10 Year Anniversary rate of $1999 and receive 10 weeks free (that's 800 days)!  Or, pay for 1 year at our special 10 Year Anniversary rate of $999 and receive 2 weeks free!  

Purchase the above memberships 1 of 4 Ways:
1.  Purchase online HERE. Prices are already adjusted on our software so no promo code is needed.  Click on the "Online Store" tab in the upper right hand corner.  The Magical Years are located under 'services' and the auto-pay is located under 'contracts'.
2.  Reply to this email (elaina@bikramyogatempe.com) and we can charge your card on file.
3.  Call us at 480-777-0939.
4.  Come in to the studio! 

10 YEAR Anniversary 10 Week Challenge!

150 Challengers signed up to attend 4 classes per week for 10 weeks!   The following people have completed BYT's 10 Week 10 Year Anniversary Challenge: Bret Maverick, Zoya Fishman, Suzanne Anderson, Cindy Bernath, Lesley Taylor, Sharon Honabach, Don Honabach, Dave Antaya, Michelle D. Garcia, Barbara Barzee, Kurt Prange, Jennifer Kilgore, Cherie Keating, Sandra Solomon, Mary Gregson, Tricia Hester, Erin Bryce, Michelle Griffin, Karen Kewley, Roby Lerner, Sarah Tracy, Trisha Gourlay, Zane Varnum, Pam Williams, Dan Williams and Shannon Clark!

Let's cheer on the remaining challengers who will be completing their challenge soon!

Please inform the front desk and teacher when you are finishing your last class on your challenge!  Most people will end their challenge by the date of our Anniversary, November 17th.  We will host a party that weekend on Friday, November 16th at the Sail Inn where Jeremy, Chris, Dave and Ben's band, Acoustic Carpet, will play!  Details below!
Prizes for completing the 10 Week Challenge:
-free 10 year t-shirt (now available)
-10% off your total purchase coupon
-10 chances to win a 10 Day Unlimited (drawing in December) 
-name announcement in class and at the concert
-limitless intelligence, unbounded clarity, happiness, and camaraderie

Save the Dates!

Friday, November 16th 7-10:30 PM: BYT's 10 Year Anniversary Party @ The Sail Inn (Downtown Tempe)! Join us and Jeremy, Dave, Chris, and Ben's band, Acoustic Carpet.  Don't miss their Asana Blues song debut!  Come see what your fellow yogis look like with real clothes on.  +Plus+ 10 Week Challenger names will be announced on stage!  On Friday, November 16th, there is no 6:30 PM class in honor of our 10 Year Anniversary Concert at the Sail Inn. 
Acoustic Carpet

Saturday, November 17th: BYT's official 10 Year Anniversary! We'll do something fun in classes on this day!

Saturday, December 1st: 
BYT's 10 Year Anniversary Celebration at the studio!  Free yoga, special classes, and prizes all day!  More details to come...

Saturday, January 26th, 2013: The annual Arizona Yoga Asana Championship! It will be held at the Kerr Cultural Center in Scottsdale, AZ from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  For more information on competing, sponsoring, or vending at this event, please visit azyogachampionships.com 

Honoring Two 10 Year BYT Staff Members   
We are grateful that Reba Aronne (teacher) and Michelle Griffin (desk adviser) have been with BYT for 10 Years!


Reba Aronne (age 41):

My Dearest BYT,


Thank you so much for the last 10 years. I remember the first time we met, I fell in love and knew that I found home. In the first 2 years behind the desk, meeting all of our new students, building our community one sweaty body at a time I knew that I was a part of something special. Unfortunately when I went to Teacher Training I was not coming back to the BYT to teach. I had a sponsor that was opening her own studio and I was to be her Manager. It was a miracle that I was going at all so I took the bad with the good. So when I graduated from training and the studio was not open yet, Elaina opened her arms and welcomed me home again. I knew that I was suppose to be at the BYT. Throughout the last 8 years I have taught at many Bikram studios within the states. I dabbled in other styles of yoga, taught in non-heated yoga studios. One thing always happens though.. I always come home to you, BYT.

BYT you have been there for me through my many phases of yoga, more importantly the many phases of my life. While I was raising my two young boys as a single mother, while I was trying to finish college, while I started my career in Corporate Theater, while I moved every year, while I was planning a wedding, while I had teenage boys, while I had fertility issues, while I had family issues, while I found my truest self, while I struggled, while I thrived, while I smiled, while I cried, while I loved, while I lost and through everything. You have never let me down and always been there for me. The BYT is more than 4 walls with a heater. The BYT is a community of love and support, you are the best family I have ever had. The last 10 years has been fabulous. I am sure the next 10 will bring even more.

I think the thing most people forget is that BYT stands for something the other than Bikram Yoga Tempe, to me it means Be Your Truest.. Thank you Elaina and Ben for everything you have given me.

Much love and respect,



Michelle Griffin (age 37):

Dear BYT,


It's hard to think of my favorite moment or highlight at BYT.  I've acquired so many friendships, memories, and miracles at BYT.  It all started as a birthday gift and it was the BEST gift I have ever received, the gift of health!  The gym never worked for me; Bikram Yoga was a challenge, but I love it!  Bikram Yoga changed my life--the way I interacted with others, slept, digested...The hardest part was rearranging my busy life to get there but it is worth it

It's been 10 years and I'm looking forward to the next 90! 

Halloween Staff Photos!
Thank you to everyone who dressed up on Halloween!

Can you believe Audrey wore this costume the entire 90 minutes!!?

Charles, the grouchy tooth fairy, Jeremy the devil, and Cindy as Betty Rubble!

"A year ago, I made one of the best decisions of my life. From the moment I walked through the door of BYT, things have only gotten better. All my appreciation and gratitude to the staff for never ending encouragement, positive energy and new friends. It's the hardest, the sweatiest and the most rewarding practice. Sending my friends and fellow yogis smiles and happiness." - Sukey D.

"Bikram Yoga Tempe has fantastic teachers, owners, and rocks in cleanliness --- my favorite place to do yoga!- Bonnie C.

"If you live in the East Valley and are interested in finding health and balance, I suggest you check out Bikram Yoga in Tempe. It's a great studio (I've been to five others and this one really is a sweet one)...and the practice is truly life changing." - Nicole M.  

Best of Health, 

Elaina and Dr. Benjamin Zorensky, ND, Co-Owners
and Staff of Bikram Yoga Tempe, est. 2002
Celebrating 10 Years! 
1825 E Guadalupe Rd #103
Tempe, AZ 85283
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