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 Dana Point Boaters Association
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 May 1, 2013


DPBA Announces Boater Liaison Program

Your Dana Point Boaters Association is pleased to announce a new initiative aimed at improving boater satisfaction and advocacy in Dana Point Harbor.  DPBA's Boater Liaison Program offers boaters and other members of our Dana Point Harbor community a forum to ask questions, express their views, share ideas and make suggestions to the various agencies that manage our harbor and oversee its operations.  Your Boaters Association leadership will collect information submitted via our website, then routinely raise your questions, ideas, concerns and suggestions to the appropriate agency for their consideration and response.  Our routine "boater liaison meetings" will include DPBA leadership, Orange County Dana Point Harbor (harbor department), the marina operators (Dana Point Marina Co., TBW, Vintage/Embarcadero) and Dana Point Harbor Patrol (OC Sheriff's Dept.), and may include additional stakeholders as appropriate based on the issues submitted to our website.  We will press these agencies to provide specific and meaningful responses to the issues presented at our boater liaison meetings; these responses will be communicated by DPBA directly back to the users who submit the issues.  In some cases, where a specific issue is raised by multiple boaters, or when the issue has value and relevance to the broader Dana Point boating community, we will post the issues and responses to our website and in our "boater blast" newsletters.

How does it work?  Using our Boater Liaison Submission Form, provide us with your contact information, which agency you want us to raise your issue with, then describe your issue.  You may choose to "remain anonymous," in which case we will not include your identifying information when presenting boater issues to the harbor agencies; DPBA will contact you directly with their response.  Allowing us to include your contact information will permit the appropriate agency to work directly with you to respond to your issue; please know that DPBA will never disclose your identifying information beyond these private advocacy meetings.  DPBA leadership will collect, organize and review the submissions, then present them in our report to the harbor agencies for their response.  DPBA will then contact each submitter directly with the response, or in some cases present the issues and responses in our boater blasts and website.

What can I ask?  Anything you want, so long as it pertains to Dana Point Harbor.  You can report issues specific to your slip, for example.  Ask questions about the Harbor Revitalization Project.  Make suggestions to the marina operators or harbor patrol.  We only ask that all submissions remain courteous and respectful; this program is about improving communications among Harbor stakeholders - it's not a forum to inflame or attack.  Inappropriate submissions will be disregarded.

Of course we can't guarantee a satisfactory resolution to every issue.  But your Dana Point Boaters Association is committed to advocating for our boating community and will work diligently with the harbor agencies to get you thoughtful and meaningful responses to your issues.  Orange County Dana Point Harbor and the marina operators have expressed their cooperation and commitment to making this a successful program.

For inclusion in our inaugural report to the harbor agencies, please submit your issue by no later than Friday, May 17th.  Submissions received after May 17th will be presented at subsequent boater liaison meetings.


We look forward to hearing from you... 


James Lenthall
Vice-President, the Dana Point Boaters Association 


Thank You
At the Dana Point Boaters Association, our mission is to advocate for the preservation, enhancement, and expansion of affordable recreational boating.  We strive to improve the family-friendly atmosphere and breadth of water-oriented activities we all enjoy in our harbor.  As Dana Point boater advocates, our strength comes from your support and participation.  We are proud of the achievements we've made together on behalf of our boating community, and we won't give up.  But we can't do it without you.  If you haven't already, please become a DPBA member.  Join here
Questions should be directed by email to ([email protected]).  Or call us at (949) 485-5656 and leave a voice mail and we'll get back to you soon.
Dana Point Boaters Association
P.O. Box 461
Dana Point, CA  92629
Mission Statement:
The Dana Point Boaters Association advocates the preservation, enhancement, and expansion of affordable recreational boating resources.  We work to improve the family friendly atmosphere and breadth of water-oriented actives we all enjoy in the harbor.  We serve as the watchdog by ethically protecting the rights of all boaters and representing them when collective action is most effective.  We actively gather information and communicate our views to educate boaters, external interests, and public officials.  We build and maintain constructive, working relationships to achieve common goals with other harbor stakeholders.  We will pass on our harbor to the next generation of recreational boaters in better condition than it is today.