artscope magazine
Whether it be the end of a season, end of a (figurative) semester or end of an era, the three exhibitions below are celebrating personal and communal journeys with one end game in mind: keep going. The featured artists and celebrations this week are working on growing, learning, continuing and prospering. With projects big and small, the intention is the same—we keep on.
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- Lacey Daley
Robert Motherwell: A Centennial Celebration at PAAM
in Provincetown, Massachusetts now through May 31
Provincetown Bay by Robert Motherwell, 1990, oil on canvas.
With almost a week in the books, Robert Motherwell: A Centennial Celebration is well underway and attracting attention from visual artists, writers, scholars and more. The two-week celebration, hosted at Provincetown Art Association and Museum and Fine Arts Work Center, includes exhibitions of the renowned artist's work, along with talks and workshops commemorating Motherwell's legacy in Provincetown and his impact on generations of artists and writers. The programming is presented in collaboration with the Dedalus Foundation, founded in 1981 by Robert Motherwell to foster public understanding of Modernism and to preserve Motherwell's own artistic legacy. Special guests throughout the two-week celebration include Robert Motherwell scholars and curators, as well as artists and writers who will participate in related events and a panel discussion on his life and work. Most events are free and open to the public. PAAM Executive Director Christine McCarthy says, "PAAM is honored to be partnering with FAWC and Dedalus to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Robert Motherwell in Provincetown, a major source for artistic inspiration for generations, past and present. Motherwell's commitment to the creative process will be explored throughout these two weeks, and we invite all to participate in this unique opportunity." Commenting on the two-week program, Fine Arts Work Center Executive Director Michael Roberts notes, "Robert Motherwell's genius changed the face of American art and extended the renown of the Provincetown art colony. Moreover, his passionate sympathy for literature was a critical factor in the genesis of the Fine Arts Work Center as a place where artists and writers would share an intensive period of creativity. In our exhibition of prints and artist books, we spotlight Motherwell's own creative collaborations, which blazed a trail for the hundreds of artists and writers who have grown artistically through the Work Center's Fellowship Program." Robert Motherwell: A Centennial Celebration is happening now through Sunday, May 31. Programs pick up Saturday and with a holiday weekend upon us, perhaps a trip to Provincetown is in your very near future.
Sponsored by: Paradise City Arts Festival, Easton Shovel Town Call to Artists, Fuller Craft Spring Appeal, Blueway Art Alliance, artscope Newsstand Tablet Edition, North Bennet Street School, South Shore Art Center Summer Festival, Fuller Craft Music Festival and Providence Art Club
Paradise City Arts Festival

"WILD AND WONDERFUL!" - The Boston Globe
New England's most extraordinary collection of more than 260 painters, potters, sculptors, jewelers, glassblowers, furniture makers, clothing designers and more - from every corner of America. With sensational food by local chefs, fabulous live music, special exhibits, a spectacular sculpture garden and lots of fun activities - a great way to spend a holiday weekend!
Three County Fairgrounds * Memorial Day Weekend * May 23, 24 & 25
54 Old Ferry Road at Route 9 * Northampton, MA
All Indoors and Under Tents * Mass Pike Exit 4 to I-91 North, Exit 19 * FREE PARKING!
Saturday and Sunday 10-6; Memorial Day 10-4
$13 adults; $11 seniors; $8 students; 12 and under free
Information and Discount Coupon
Voted the #1 Arts Fair in America
paradisecityarts.com * 800.511.9725
Easton Shovel Town Call to Artists

As part of: Second Annual Art/Music/Food/Fun/Festival
Governor Oliver Ames Estate, North Easton.
Open to all US Residents, 18 and over. Juried by Mim Brooks Fawcett, Executive Director, Attleboro Arts Museum. Prizes totaling $2,250. Cost $25 to enter two pieces. Artwork will be displayed in mansion.
Sponsored by Trustees of Reservations and Easton Shovel Town Cultural District.
For app email: legacyartshow2@aol.com. 508 230 5874
Fuller Craft Spring Appeal

Give. Grow. Support our
Spring Appeal and help art blossom.
Blueway Art Alliance

Internationally recognized artist Stuart Shils will teach a June Master Painting Class in Western MA. The Blueway Art Alliance, located in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley, invites established artists of national and international standing to lead workshops, panel discussions, art exhibitions, poetry readings, and more.
More information:
artscope Newsstand Tablet Edition

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artscope in Newsstand, current art news and coverage is available anywhere, anytime, right at your fingertips.
The Homework Project at Laconia Gallery
in Boston, Massachusetts now through June 20
Junk Drawer Pencil Brooch by Donna Veverka, pencils, sterling silver.
The current exhibition at Laconia Gallery features eight metalsmiths who essentially signed themselves up for school—at least in terms of the homework assignments. Inspired by the call for exhibition proposals for the upcoming Society of North American Goldsmiths annual conference, artist Donna Veverka decided to challenge herself to set aside time each month to create works of art in her studio, which is inside her home. She recruited seven other artists who also have their studio in their homes to commit to create a piece or more a month using their homes, the space within and the objects that surround us in our daily life as inspiration, source and/or raw material. The project began in September 2014 and concluded this May, shadowing the time frame of the average college year and resulting in the exhibition title: The Homework Project. The seven other participating artists are Hratch Babikian, Nikky Bergman, Peter Evonuk, Melissa Finelli, Patricia Madeja, Ayala Naphtali and Maria Phillips. Of this group of creators, Veverka said, "We are teachers, designers, sculptors, inventors, builders, mothers, fathers, object and jewelry makers. The one thing we all have in common is that our main studio is in our home. We work in basements, barns, attics, converted garages, spare rooms and in the middle of the rest of our living space." The homework pieces created throughout this eight-month project have been gathered and brought together for an exhibition to premier at the SNAG 2015 Conference. If you can't see them there, the works of The Homework Project are featured now through Saturday, June 20 at Laconia Gallery for your viewing pleasure. Also of note during this time frame: Daniel Jocz: Just Like Garage Band is on view in Laconia's Lobby Gallery, featuring thirteen industrial aluminum panels Jocz has shaped into his own narrative.
Little by Little, Bird by Bird at Monkitree
in Gardiner, Maine now through June 27
White Pullet by Hélène Farrar, encaustic.
Five years is a long time—it's half a decade. That's how long Monkitree has been bringing handmade, original artwork to the devoted community of Gardiner, Maine, and it's about time we celebrate. With hints of nicer weather after a deluge of winter storms, is there a better symbol to kick off this celebration than the bird? Birds represent the human desire to defy gravity, to transcend—fitting for Monkitree's five-year hallmark. Little by Little, Bird by Bird includes bird-inspired works by nine Maine artists: Hélène Farrar, Nancy Barron, Bridget McAlonan, Susan Mathias, Barbara Chase, Elizabeth Korson, Virginia Hurley, Betsy Cook and Sarah Smith. Of the exhibition, the gallery has said, "Capturing the birds that capture their fancy, each artist explores our fine feathered friends from their own perspective and in their chosen medium." The title of the exhibition speaks to process and perseverance, to the journey of establishing a community anchor, to taking things one step at a time and continuing to grow and move forward. Hélène Farrar, whose work is featured above, came to crafting birds in encaustics after a sighting in New Mexico when her dying mother offered up her hamburger in exchange to watch the beauty of the flock of birds. Farrar recounts this experience in her artist statement by saying, "As they swooped down for their dinner, their flying and fluttering forms forced a moment of quiet and observation in an otherwise intense and painful period in my life. Birds from that point on became something else—a witness to life's events and cycles, portraits, commmentaries on life and relationships, and a generous slice of humor." Whether they symbolize peace or freedom, flight or ambition, birds are the sole focus of the artists in this exhibition. Little by Little, Bird by Bird is on view now through Saturday, June 27, swinging us directly into summer and the latter half of a decade with the folks at Monkitree.
North Bennet Street School

An education in craftsmanship
Student & Alumni exhibit
May 18 - 29, 2015
Windgate Gallery, North Bennet Street School
Dozens of summer workshops
15% discount for new students
Register today.
Train for a meaningful career.
Apply now for a full-time program - locksmithing and security technology, bookbinding, piano technology, jewelry making and repair, cabinet and furniture making, carpentry, preservation carpentry, and violin making and repair.
Learn more.
Photos (left to right, top to bottom): Lauren Calcote, BB '15, Geraldine Kish Perry, JM '00, Augustus Lammers, CF '13, John D'Ambruoso, CF '13, Erin Fletcher, BB '12, Miranda Harter, JM '16, Bella Nadworny, JM '98, Julia Felix, VM '15, Yelena Synkova, CF '15.
South Shore Art Center Summer Festival

Photo credit: Kim Alemian.
South Shore Art Center is celebrating 60 years at its annual Arts Festival, June 19-21, 2015. This Father's Day weekend the sprawling eight-pole tent will house 400+ pieces of art. Visitors will enjoy 90+ juried craft exhibitor booths who offer a variety of quality, artist-designed items such as jewelry, home and garden products, hand-made clothing, ceramics, fine art. Festival has something for everyone: the perfect blend of art, handmade craft, shopping, children activities, music and food. Visit
ssac.org for all of the details.
Fuller Craft Music Festival
Providence Art Club
Join the historic Providence Art Club for a live and silent auction of fine art and artifacts on June 6, 2015.
These auctions will feature exquisite items ranging from fine paintings both historic and contemporary to fine furniture, craft, and jewelry. Proceeds from the auction will help secure a safe and environmentally-controlled space for the Providence Art Club collection.
Silent auction: Starts at 10am, begins closing at 4pm
Live auction: Starts promptly at 5pm
Price: $25 for the general public, Providence Art Club members FREE
Reception: Wine and champagne included
Contact: Dawn Azevedo at 403.331.1114 ext. 18, or auction@providenceartclub.org
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Lacey Daley
artscope email blast! editor