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New Life Wellness Center Newsletter
October 2013

It's fall festival time! What a fun time of year to get outside and enjoy all that Long Island has to offer. The American Chiropractic Association is urging everyone to get active as we celebrate Chiropractic Health month. Why not get physical by exploring our beautiful hiking trails, chasing the kids through a corn maze, picking pumpkins and apples? There's plenty of fall activities that can be fun for the family and good for your health!

-- Dr. Chiappino and Dr. Reynolds

October is National Chiropractic Month
"Get Vertical" Campaign Urges Everyone to Move and Be Fit

The American Chiropractic Association's 2013 "Get Vertical" Campaign focuses on the importance of joint health and encourages everyone to get up off the couch or office chair and get moving. Studies show that people who are active generally experience less joint pain and inflammation.

Simple changes at the office like taking a walking break every 20-30 minutes or stretching as well as eating healthy can help have a positive impact on your overall health. Staying active now can go a long way toward being active into one's golden years.

If you're looking to make a positive change in your life but don't know where to start, give us a call. We can help you with natural approaches to pain relief and good health to get you moving and enjoying all that life has to offer!

Need some "cubicle conditioning" ideas? Check out ACA's tips:
Our Supplements Have Gone Digital!
Your Favorite Nutritionals Are Now Available Online

You can now order your supplements from the convenience of home through our new partner site Designs for Health. It's easy to set up your account, order and re-order as necessary as well as research information about ingredients, nutrients and benefits of each supplement. Simply click on the "Nutrition" link on our website, scroll down to E-store, sign in and place your order. It's quick, easy and convenient!

Our nutraMetrix line of high quality supplements also can be ordered directly from our partner site at or by clicking on the nutraMetrix tab under "Nutrition."

Visit our new Design For Health Store:
ADHD In the Spotlight
2013 Awareness Theme: "The Many Faces of ADHD"

ADHD is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood, affecting 5-7% of children. While much attention is focused on pediatric ADHD, it is estimated that 4% or 8 million adults worldwide are also diagnosed with attention disorders. Adult ADHD is a common and costly workplace condition; few studies have been conducted on workplace performance and injuries of those diagnosed with ADHD, however Harvard medical school reports that a 2006 survey of employees in a large manufacturing firm revealed that adult ADHD was associated with a 4-5% reduction in work performance, as well as an elevated rate of absence and accidents.

If you think you may have an attention disorder, this quiz can be a first step in the diagnosis process. A QEEG brain map can help identify areas of the brain that are triggering your attention or behavior symptoms and aid in customizing a therapy program that corrects the abnormal brain-wave patterns associated with your ADHD. Call us to learn more about the QEEG and how BrainCore neurofeedback can help increase your focus and attention.

From our BrainCore patient Chris: "I have concrete proof that it (BrainCore) really does work!"
Acupuncture Services Now Available At Our Smithtown Office
Welcome Lori Forunato, LAC to the New Life Wellness Team
Lori Fortunato

We are pleased to announce that we've expanded our wellness offerings to include acupuncture, one of the oldest healing therapies in the world. Lori Fortunato, LAC has joined our team and will be offering her acupuncture services at our Smithtown office.

Lori is a NY state licensed and nationally board-certified practitioner of acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. A graduate of New York College of Health Professions' Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, she is experienced in the treatment of orthopedics (back, neck, knee and muscular injuries), fibromyalgia, sciatica, lyme disease, addictions, gallbladder disorders and anxiety as well as other conditions. She also specializes in facial rejuvenation for sagging skin, wrinkles and age spots.

To introduce our newest service to our patients, we are offering an initial 1 hour appointment for $70; follow up visits are $40 for 30 minute sessions. Contact our office to make your appointment with Lori today. (Check your benefit plan as some carriers may provide acupunture coverage.)

Thank you for allowing us to participate in your healthcare.

Yours in health,

Dr. Keri Chiappino & Dr. W. Brent Reynolds
New Life Wellness Center, a BrainCore of NY partner
phone: 631-265-1223
October Supplement Special:

10% off on Clearvite. A gentle way to cleanse as we approach the winter. Can also be used as a meal replacement. 631.265.1223.

Offer Expires: October 31, 2013
Acupuncture Special:

Introductory special: 1 hour appointment for $70; follow up sessions $40 (30 minutes).

Call to schedule your appointment: 631.265.1223

Offer expires: October 31, 2013