HPL Learning eXchange
Hammond Public Library Education News

March/April 2014
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Hammond Public Library
564 State Street
Hammond, Indiana 46320


Youth Services: Ext. 336

Teen Librarian: Ext.351

Information Services: Ext. 333




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Dear ,  

  • April 13-19  is National Library Week. Help promote reading and library usage in the city and in your schools. Encourage your students to get a library card.
  • Youth Services staff are busy preparing for the 2014 Summer Reading Program, "Fizz, Boom, Read!" The teen program is "Spark a Reaction," and the adult program is "Literary Elements." Separate programs serve age groups from newborns through adults. Youth programs take place each weekday until mid-August.

    Library staff are visiting Hammond schools during May, to promote summer reading. Please contact Youth Services for details or call (219) 931-5100, Ext. 336.


  • We love to have classes visit the library!  To allow us enough time to prepare for your visit, and to avoid scheduling conflicts, please call at least two weeks in advance of your anticipated visit. Groups of 25 or more require one month's notice.  
    For preschool through grade 8: call Youth Services at (219) 931-5100, Ext. 336
    For high school age: call Information Services' teen librarian at (219) 931-5100, Ext. 351.
  •  Our public computers are new Windows 8.1 touchscreen computers. New print management software allows users to sign up for a computer, as well as to release their print jobs, just by scanning their library cards.  We're offering free Windows 8.1 classes starting in May. 





Deadline: October 1, 2014
RFP:  http://www.arteducators.org/grants/national-art-education-foundation


The National Art Education Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the National Art Education Association, is accepting applications from NAEF members for programs that support classroom-based art education.

1) Ruth Halvorsen Professional Development Grants: Annual scholarships of up to $2,500 will be awarded to qualified art educators whose proposals focus on the implementation of and other issues specifically relating to the National Visual Arts Standards.

2) Mary McMullan Grants: Grants of up to $2,500 will be awarded for projects that promote art education as an integral part of the curriculum and establish and/or improve the instruction of art in public and private elementary and secondary schools as well as schools of higher education in the United States.

3) NAEF Research Grants: Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to support research in art education that advances knowledge in the field of art education and that advance the goals outlined in Creating a Visual Arts Research Agenda Toward the 21st Century.

4) SHIP Grants: Grants of up to $500 are awarded to art educators seeking art equipment and/or instructional curriculum resources used to focus on student learning specifically related to the National Visual Arts Standards.

5) Teacher Incentive Grants: Scholarships of up to $2,500 will be awarded to individual art educators to attend training and education programs that promote the improvement of the teaching of art, including instructional process, curriculum, student learning, student assessment, classroom management, or other practices relating to instructional interaction and the achievement of student learning.

Grants are made only to NAEA members, including student and retired members, state/province associations, and recognized NAEA affiliates. Qualified applicants must have been active members for at least a year prior to the date of application. See the link above for guidelines and instructions.



Deadline: open
RFP:  http://www.pathwaytofinancialsuccess.org/get-a-grant

Pathway to Financial Success, a charitable program administered by Discover Financial Services, aims to arm parents and children with the skills they need to succeed, preparing them for a brighter, more responsible financial future.

The program is accepting applications from public high schools in the U.S. that are planning to implement a financial education program into the curriculum. Grant amounts will be assessed on a program-by-program basis.

To be eligible, applications must be submitted by a public high school planning to implement a financial education curriculum; that have a measurement tool to assess participation in and comprehension of the financial education curriculum; and that agree to share the results of the tool's pre- and post-curriculum testing with Discover upon programs completion.

See the website above for program guidelines and application instructions. 



Deadline: May 2, 2014
RFP:  http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/resources/school-grants


Action for Healthy Kids works to combat childhood obesity, undernourishment, and physical inactivity by helping schools become healthier places where kids can live healthier lives. To that end, the organization partners with  dedicated volunteers - teachers, students, parents, school wellness experts, and more - from within the ranks of its more than sixty-thousand-strong network to create healthful school changes.

The organization has issued a Request for Proposals for its 2014-15 School Grants for Healthy Kids program. The program will award grants of up to $5,000 to a thousand schools in support of school breakfast and physical activity programs. Funded schools will also receive expertise and consulting services to help them implement a successful project that leads to sustainable change.

Award amounts will be based on school enrollment, project type, potential impact, as well as a school's ability to mobilize parents and students around school-wellness initiatives.

Details are with the web site above. 



Deadline: April 30, 2014
RFP: https://corporate.target.com/corporate-responsibility/grants/arts-culture-design-in-schools-grants


Target is accepting applications from schools and nonprofit organizations for programs that bring arts and cultural experiences directly to K-12 students.

Through its Arts, Culture & Design in Schools program, Target awards grants of $2,000 in support of programs that enhance sthe classroom curricula by bringing  arts and cultural experiences  such as in-school performances, artist-in-residency programs, and workshops to schools. Programs must take place between September 2014 and August 2015.

Grants are restricted to K-12 educational institutions and organizations with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Grant notifications will be delivered in September. Visit the web site above for details.




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Hammond Public Library