In This Issue
What SHARK is asking you to do
Calling all Philly-area advocates!
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Dear Friends,
Today the National High School Finals Rodeo was busted again on the front page of the State Journal-Register

Journalist Bruce Rushton didn't hold back when he put together a hard-hitting piece exposing not only the abuse at the NHSFR as the recent investigation concludes, but the questionable competence of the Illinois Department of Agriculture to enforce the state's humane laws.

We can't let opportunities from honest media exposure pass by! Please read this important article, and then contact the State's Attorney's office to urge prosecution of the abuses found in the investigation.  Go to IllinoisCorruption.com to see the full video and photos from SHARK's investigation at the NHSFR.

Probe finds rules broken at rodeo
Prosecution for cruelty to animals is up to state's attorney's office

April 12, 2007
Springfield, IL- Rules designed to protect animals were broken at last summer's National High School Finals Rodeo in Springfield, according to a recently completed investigation by the Illinois Department of Agriculture.

Whether anyone will be prosecuted for violating animal-cruelty laws is up to the Sangamon County state's attorney's office.

And then it really heats up...Read the entire article here.

See the other hard-hitting articles and a satirical cartoon covering the abuses at the 2006 NHSFR HERE.
What SHARK is asking you to do
1.  SHARK is asking that people contact the Sangamon County State's Attorney's Office to urge vigorous prosecution of those involved in the abuses at the high school rodeo finals.

It is crucial that the State's Attorney's office hear from the public! Only a prosecution of this criminal abuse will send a loud and clear message about the unacceptable nature of the cruelty and brutality at the National High School Finals Rodeo, including the uses of electric shock and spiking animals with sharp objects to make them "perform".  Mentioning the State Journal-Register article will also let the office know that the public is attuned to what the media is exposing.

Sangamon County State's Attorney's Office:

email: county@co.sangamon.il.us
phone: (217) 753-6690

Sangamon County State's Attorney's Office
200 S. Ninth, Room 402
Springfield, IL 62701

2.  Please send a Letter to the Editor thanking the State Journal-Register for publishing Bruce Rushton's article and urge the paper to withdraw its sponsorship of the 2007 National High School Finals Rodeo:

Contact the SJ-R online: http://www.sj-r.com/forms/letters.asp

The State Journal-Register
One Copley Plaza
P.O. Box 219, Springfield, IL 62705-0219

Fax: (217) 788-1551

3. Thank Bruce Rushton at the State Journal-Register for investigating this story and having true journalistic integrity:

Bruce Rushton can be reached at (217) 788-1542 or bruce.rushton@sj-r.com

4.  Add a comment to the article online.  At the end of the article, "Probe finds rules broken at rodeo", is a place to submit comments.  The more positive feedback the State Journal-Register sees from articles like this the more likely they are to continue publishing them.
Click here.

Philadelphia-area Demo This Saturday!
If you live in the Philadelphia, PA area the Rodeo Education Campaign needs you this weekend!  The REC is spearheading a campaign to get the local Dodge dealership, Gary Barbera Dodge, to drop its sponsorship of the Liberty Pro Rodeo.

Like many Dodge dealerships, Gary Barbera Dodge sponsors abusive rodeos. And not just any rodeo, but a rodeo supplied by the infamous "Three Hills Rodeo" stock company, whose president, David Morehead, pled guilty to 36 counts of horse cruelty in Pennsylvania (Read more about this here).

Learn more about this campaign at BarberaBrutality.com

This Saturday, April 14th, the REC is having a demonstration in front of Gary Barbera Dodge from 1 to 3 pm, and they need all the help they can get to make a significant presence.

The address for the demonstration is:

7810 Roosevelt Boulevard
Philadelphia PA 19152

Animal advocates are invited to come out and/or contact the REC for more information.  

Email:  rodeo.edu@gmail.com
Phone:  610-733-1248
Mail:  REC
P.O. Box 42564
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Help us to keep working for the animals!

Your donations are always greatly needed and appreciated. You can be assured that every dollar you donate goes toward SHARK's work to defend animals and investigate and expose cruelty. We are gearing up for the summer rodeo season and need your support!

To make a donation via PayPal, please click here.
If you wish to mail in a donation, please click here.
Thank you and kindest regards,

Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team
