Fall, 2014
A Word From Our President 


Welcome, NIPSA members, to our revised newsletter format.  I know you will find this format more informational and easier to read.
I would also like to welcome our new Executive Director, Teri Logan. Teri has many years of experience in the private education sector, and we look forward for Teri to bring that experience and depth of knowledge to our organization.

NIPSA has seen a great deal of growth the past few years.  We now count over 150 shools as members of our organization.  NIPSA's continued focus on accreditation of private tax paying schools is more important now than ever for our member schools.  We have updated our website, instituted online yearly census reporting for members, and are actively working on providing more benefits to our member schools.

In closing, NIPSA is here for YOU.  Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need assistance.   
Yours in Education,

Kyle M. France
"Like" Us On Facebook
From Our New Executive Director
In the few months since I have become the Executive Director, I have enjoyed meeting many of you and learning about the unique philosophies and programs that are a part of the member schools of the National Indepedent Private School Association.  I am excited to be a part of the accrediting association that represents the interests of the proprietary, tax-paying educational institutions.  In these exciting and challenging times in the field of education, the accreditation process is even more relevant and important to our students and schools.  We appreciate your dedication to providing schools of excellence and programs of distinction to your students.

As a benefit to you, we are re-instituting our newsletter to keep you informed of items of interest, news of our schools, and opportunities for development for you and those in your schools.  Feel free to send us news of activities and successes at your school by emailing us at:  execdir@nipsa.org.

We trust you will enjoy our Fall edition and we also invite you to "like" us on Facebook to stay even more connected:

Upcoming Technology Conference- Austin, Texas

For those of you who are interested in the use of technology in education, you may be interested in attending the TCEA 2015 Convention and Exhibition in Austin, Texas, February 2-4, 2015, billed as "The Educator's Conference for Innovative Teaching and Learning."  Bill Nye is one of the keynote speakers and the conference sessions will be related to the following topics: 
* 1:1 Implementations and Initiatives
* BYOD with Multiple, Varied Devices in the Classrom
* Career and Technical Education
* Distance Education, Virtual Classrooms and Video Conferencing
* Leadership, Advocacy/Legislative Updates, Administration
* Library Media, Information Literacy, Library Services and Media      Integration
* Mobile Technology, District-Provided idevices/tablets
* Professional Development
* Productivity
* Special Populations, GT, ESL/Migrant/Bilingual, Special Needs
* Technical Support, Network Services, Software/Hardware, and  Informational Technology
* Technology Applications, TEKS
* Technology Integration, Best Practices for Students, Web 2.0,  Resources, Strategies and Tools
* Flipped Classroom
* Global Connection

#learnanywhere Showcasing Learning Beyond the Classroom Walls
For more information, visit:  http://www.tceaconvention.org/2015
Recent Articles That May Be Of Interest To You

Topic:  Use of Various Assessments in the Classroom for Students with Varying Learning Styles

Topic:  Quality Schools Focus on Children, Not Statistics

Topic:  Teachers Should Be Treated Like Software Engineers

The School Voucher Audit

A cumulative total cost savings of at least $1.7 billion has been realized since 1990-91 by the ten school voucher programs examined in this report. During that same time frame, paricipation in school voucher programs grew from 300 students to nearly 70,000, an increase of over 230 times. Two Florida programs were included in the analysis.  The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program and the Opportunity Scholarship Program (both started in 1999-00) have yielded a cumulative cost savings of $836 million and $2.9 million respectively from inception through 2010-11. Cost savings were calculated by subtracting the amount of financial assistance provided to participants from the current cost of educating students in the public school system.  In addition, other factors were accounted for such as if students would have enrolled in private schools even without assistance, variation in private school costs, and federal financial aid allocations.

Source:  Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice and OPPAGA 

Debate Over Technology Use In Classroom

Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York, assembled a Smart Schools Commission to advise how to best invest a proposed $2 billion Smart Schools Bond Act.  Meeting in New York City on September 29th to discuss the best approaches to community and school connectivity.  Geoggrey Canada, president of the Harlem Children's Zone, an anti-child poverty nonprofit, and Constance Evelyn, superintendent of the Auburn School District in Cayuga County, posed questions to a panel of eight tech and education experts.

Discussions included the evolution of technology into handheld devices and the possibility of students accessing a high speed network running through communities and public schools from their homes to individualized, innovative instruction.

Not everyone is thrilled with the idea of incorporating the technology, and some feel  that important skills like the inner conversation that needs to occur while students are still in the developing of problem-solving skills age, is lost when a teacher is replaced by an app.

For more information on the topic, you may read it at:

Empowering Independent Learning Transitions Conference


Lynn University

3601 North Military Trail

Boca Raton, FL   33431

7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

                                    Friday, Jan. 30, 2014                                      



Transitions is a one-day conference that convenes some of the country's top experts who specialize in helping students with learning differences transition smoothly from high school to university.  Hear from professionals and experts in ADHD, dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, coaching, executive functioning and other learning differences.


Keynote Speaker:  Edward Hallowell, M.D.

Dr. Hallowell is a child and adult psychiatrist, The New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned speaker and leading authority in the field of ADHD.  With decades of experience working with people who have ADHD, Dr. Hallowell has long argued that ADHD is too often misunderstood, mistreated and is labeled as a "disability," and the gifts of this condition are easily lost amid negative comments.


Luncheon Speaker:  David Wintzer

Social entrepreneur discusses "no easy way" navigating through life with learning differences.


Breakout Session Speakers

  • Experts from Apple Inc., leaders in developing assistive technology
  • Edan M. Alcalay, Psy.D. - from The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders 
  • Manju Banerjee, Ph.D. - Certified diagnostician with over 28 years of experience in the field of learning disabilities and ADHD
  • Loring C. Brinckerhoff, Ph.D. - Director of the Office of Disability Policy for Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, New Jersey  
  • Stacey Hearn- Senior coach, academic ADA specialist 
  • Nicole Jarock - Director of AHEAD (Achieving in Higher Education), and director of transition and higher education services for AERI Behavioral Health
  • Melissa Knight - Professional certified coach
  • Jodi Sleeper-Triplett - world-renowned expert in ADHD coaching
  • Catherine Wharton - Director of the Diagnostic Center for Educational Assessment at Lynn University


University Experience

Special break-out sessions specific to university-bound students



Visit lynn.edu/transitions often for complete speaker lists and biographies, topics and program schedule.




Individuals:     $40 apiece

Groups of three or more paid reservations:  $35 apiece

University bound students accompanied by their parents:  Free




NIPSA International Schools

NIPSA has three new candidate schools in the Republic of Korea and one in El Salvador.  They join our two accredited schools in Central America, one in Spain, and the over 150 NIPSA schools in 18 different US States from New York to Callifornia to Hawaii.  A NIPSA team will be visiting the schools in Korea soon.  Here is our current international roster:

ABC Bilingual School - San Salvador, El Salvador - Candidate
Colegio Academia Europea Salvadorena, El Salvador - Accredited
Equity American School, S.A., Guatemala City, Guatemala - Accredited
ES International School, El Prat de Liobregat, Spain - Accredited
Dasan International Academy, Seoul - Republic of Korea - Candidate
Union Christian School - Daejeon - Republicof Korea -Candidate
Young-do School, Seoul - Repoublic of Korea - Candidate

NIPSA Board of Directors 2014-15

President - Kyle France, Kehoe-France School, Louisiana
Vice President, Therapeutic - Allan Blau, Ed.D., Director, Cornerstone Day School, New Jersey
Vice President Accreditation, East - Mercedes Ricon, Director, Killian Oaks Academy, Florida
Vice President Accreditation,West - Alan Mask, Director, Sunset-Mesa School, Arizona
Secretary - James McGhee II, Headmaster, Alexander Montessori Schools, Florida
Treasurer - Anita Lonstein, Ft. Lauderdale Prep School, Florida

Sabri Arac, Director Quarry Lane School, California
Eric Larson, CEO, Center Academies, Florida & Georgia
Jeri Dye Lynch, Director, Pinecrest Schools, California
Domenick Maglio, Ph.D., Director, Wider Horizons School, Florida
Karyn Murray, Director, Brookfield School, Nevada
Jeff Poole, Senior VP, Fusion Schools, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas
Cindy Thomas, Director, Especially for Children, Florida
Terry Young, Co-Head, Kittredge School, California

Executive Director
Teri Logan, J.D., National Office, Florida
Issue: 1
In This Issue
A Greeting From Exec. Dir.
Upcoming Tech. Conf.
Recent Educational Articles
School Voucher Audit
Technology Debate Continues
Transitions Conference
NIPSA International Schools
Article Headline
A New Day For Old Newsletter
A New Day For An Old Newsletter 

We're back in print - well, sort of!  We won't be mailing it anymore, but you will receive notification of our newsletter through email.  You can also check us out on our website:
You will get NIPSA news, but more importantly, we will try to bring you news of educational interest and links to other sites that will be of interest to you.  All the news we bring will be pointed toward your concerns and will be designed to make you more informed and a better school.  
Keep watching and reading!
Join Our Mailing List
305.630.2557 - www.nipsa.org


Send us photos and updates of exciting new programs you are implementing in your schools for future editions of the newsletter.

Send the info to:  execdir@nipsa.org