Spring Issue
Discovery Council 
Dr. Abhay Bhatt
Vice-Chair of Research


Our Vision

We will touch the life of every child in Mississippi and help them reach their full potential by generating new knowledge. 


Mission Statement

The Pediatrics Discovery Council aims to sustain and expand discovery in all scholarly areas that generate new knowledge.


Discovery Updates 


Funding Opportunities

During the first funding cycle of this year, we received a record number of applications. Two awards are being made. 


Dr. Radhika Narang, neonatology fellow, will be funded through the Feldman Research Award for Residents and Fellows.  


Dr. Whitney Herring, assistant professor in the Division of Pediatric Ambulatory, will be funded through the Rhodes-Cai Research Award for Faculty.  


Discovery Scholarly Activities

Tougaloo College will continue to collaborate with the Department of Pediatrics and is adding a new project. This is good news considering the success achieved by the students enrolled in the program last summer.   All students had their research work accepted for abstract presentation at national and international scientific meetings.  


Discovery Faculty
Nicole J. Borges, Ph. D., recently joined the UMMC faculty.  She will help us build capacity and develop a community of educational scholars. She will mentor faculty and provide informal and formal instruction on the scholarship of teaching and learning.


Faculty members will receive assistance with:

  • designing viable educational research and scholarly projects, including both quantitative and qualitative;
  • preparing projects for presentation and publication;and
  • developing collaborative relationships with UMMC schools and departments to foster educational research and scholarship.


Scholarly Activities  


Tougaloo College is partnering with the Department of Pediatrics in a project supported by Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE). The Mississippi INBRE program is supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.


The project is entitled: "Natural and Synthetic Flavonoids against Oxidative Stress: Studies in Cellular and Molecular Systems." The principal investigators are Bidisha Sengupta, Ph.D., from Tougaloo College and Istvan Arany, Ph.D., Professor and expert in oxidative stress. 



Recent Publications 


May PA, Baete A Russo J, Elliott AJ, Blankenship J, Kalberg WO, Buckley D, Brooks M, Hasken J, Abdul-Rahman O, Adam MP, Robinson LK, Manning M, Hoyme HE. Prevalence and Characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. PEDIATRICS. 2014;134(5).  

Ngo ML, Aggarwal A, Knudson J. Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis: an unusual case and discussion of genetic associations. Congenital Heart Disease 2014;9(5):448-52  

Pinder M, Charafeddine A, Parnell AS, DiBardino DJ, Knudson JD. Osteosarcoma with cardiac metastasis in a twenty-two-year-old man: a case report and review of cardiac tumors. Congenital Heart Disease. 2014;9(5):E147-52
Phillis S, Batlivala SP, Knudson J. Unusual Cause of Aborted Sudden Cardiac Death in a Teen Athlete: Homozygosity for the 4G allele on the Plasminogen Activase Inhibitor Type 1 gene. Cardiol Young. 2014;12:p1446.
Shell JB, Ebeid MR, Salazar JD, Dodge-Katami A, Batlivala SP. How to do it: Hybrid Stent Placement for Pulmonary Vein Stenosis" World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2015;6(2):284-7
Join us for two great events!
Discovery Day Meeting
Pediatrics Awards Day 

 June 15, 2015

Sal and Mookies

5:00 pm

Enjoy pizza, posters and presentations. The awards ceremony will follow.  



 Poster Presentations   


Dr. Jessica Perkins, left, and Dr. Catherine Gordon, right, presented posters at the Pediatric Academy Societies (PAS) meeting in April.





Last fall, Dr. Erica Leo and Dr. Omar Abdul-Rahman attended the David W. Smith Workshop on Malformations and Morphogenesis held in Madison, WI.


Contact nojeda@umc.edu  for more information.