Parshas Korach||Mevorchim Chodesh Tamuz ||

New & Improved Website
This past week, we moved our YIBETHEL.ORG website to a new platform hosted by ShulCloud. You will immediately notice a new 21st century look and feel.  This plaform will allow us to add new functionality so that you will have an even greater experience accessing shul information, videos, articles of interest, and more.  Why not save our site to your favorites?
For all you mobile device users, you can now easily access YIBETHEL.ORG in both the mobile and full site formats.  It's easy to save the YIBETHEL.ORG location on the home page of your device.  On Apple devices search for the site in your browser, once there tap the "forward to" icon which looks like a square with an arrow pointing up, and select "Add to Home Screen."  This creates an icon on your home page and you'll have instant access to the site without having to do a search.  Need help?  Contact us.

Click to see the improved website 
  A Call for Prayer  for the safe return of our three kidnapped teenagers in Israel
This past Monday, June 16, 2014, Young Israel Beth El held a Tehillim gathering at
7:45 PM joining the many communities who have taken upon themselves to create prayer gatherings.

Names for Tehillim:
1. Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah
2. Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim
3. Eyal ben Iris Tesurah

In the merit of unity, prayer, and tears of so many, may Yaakov Naftali, Gilad Michael, and Eyal return safely home to their parents. Amen. 

We are honored to have this Shabbos Harav Sholom Rosner as our scholar in Residence.

Friday Evening (June 20, 2014)

  • Candle Lighting 8:10 PM
  • Mincha 7:00 PM (Candles are lit no later than 7:15 PM)
  • Kabbolas Shabbos Following Mincha

Shabbos Morning (Saturday June 21, 2014)

  • Daf Yomi 7:30 AM
  • Shacharis in Beis Medrash 8:00 AM 
  • Shacharis in Shul 8:30 AM
  • This Shabbos Mevorchim Chodesh Tamuz
  • The Moled occurs on Friday, June 27, 2014, 6:06 (12 Chalakim) PM
  • Rosh Chodesh is Shabbos & Sunday, June 28 & June 29
  • Chazzan Benzion Miller and the Aaron Miller Memorial Choir will be leading the tefilos
  • Scholar in Residence, Harav Sholom Rosner will speak before Musaf
  • Pirkei Avos Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow 5:00 PM (Perek 3) 
  • Shiur ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש by Harav Sholom Rosner 5:45 PM
  • Mincha 6:30 PM
  • Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow 8:35 PM
  • Maariv at 9:20 PM

Sunday Morning (June 22, 2014)

  • Shacharis 8:30 AM
  • Daf Hayomi by Harav Sholom Rosner 9:30 AM
Parsha Message From the Rabbi
Sprouting into the Future...
6 minutes with our Rabbi
Parshas Korach
Parshas Korach
Shabbos Mevorchim  Oneg Shabbos 
Join Us
Shabbos Mevorchim 
and the
Young Israel Beth El 
Scholar in Residence Program
Shabbos Day
Sunday Morning

Shabbos Mevorchim Sponsorship
This month's Shabbos Mevorchim sponsor wishes to remain anonymous. We thank you with much gratitude for honoring the chazan and choir with your financial support.

Scholar in Residence
Until his Aliyah in August 2008, Rav Rosner was a popular Maggid Shiur at Yeshiva University's Stone Beis Medrash Program and the Rabbi of Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok - the "Island Shul" - for six years.

A graduate of Yeshivat Shaalvim and YU, he earned a BA in Economics, and a Masters in Jewish Education and Administration from Azrieli.  A Musmach of RIETS, Rav Rosner was a member of the Beren Kollel Elyon and a Kupietsky Kodshim Fellow.

During the summers, he is Camp Rabbi and Director of Educational Programming at Camp Kaylie. Rabbi Rosner is married to Dr. Tamar Rosner, a pediatrician, and has 7 children.

The Rosner's Aliyah made headlines and shook the Jewish world, and Nofei Hashemesh, a new community in Beit Shemesh is being built around his Rabbinic leadership.

Rav Rosner's Daf Yomi shiur, parsha shiur, among other shiurim, are broadcast online and are available for download or podcast at

Renown for his ability to clarify the most complex sugyot, and beloved as a warm and caring Rebbi, he is a full time Rebbe at Yeshivat Reishis Yerushalayim, serving as a maggid shiur for both Shana Bet and in their new Masmidim track/advanced program.

Rav Rosner is also teaching part time at Yeshivat Shaalvim.
Conversation with Chazzan Miller
Cantor Benzion Miller on Improvisation in Cantorial Music
Cantor Benzion Miller on Improvisation in Cantorial Music
(A Must See Video)

YIBE Annual Shalosh Seudas -- June 28th

Next Shabbos, Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, we are having our annual Shalosh Seudas in the social hall.  The cost is $20.00 per person, reservations are required.  Join us for mingling, a few quick speeches, singing and more.

Click Here to Register   
This is a perfect way to get to know new people and to become more active in our shul family.  Please let us know if this is your first Shalosh Seudas with us, and we will be sure to have someone introduce you to us.
Mazel Tovs!!!

Mazel Tov to Hadassah and Yosef Kaplan on the birth of a baby girl. Hadassah is the granddaughter of our members Herman and Bea Pollock and daughter of Esty (Pollock) & Yankie Fried of Highland Park, N.J.
Yosef is the son of Devorah and Yehuda Kaplan of Passaic, N.J. The new baby, Chana Tzivia, is the great granddaughter of Herman and Bea Pollock & Moshe Fried of Far Rockaway.

 Mazel Tov to Simmy and Yaakova Pollock on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Yisroel Eliezer (Sruli) named after our dear Rabbi, teacher and friend, Rabbi Israel Schorr Z"L.  Yisroel Eliezer is the grandson of Herman and Bea Pollock.
Mazel Tov wishes to Marty and Frieda Fruchter on the marriage of their granddaughter Elana Mittel to Rabbi Josh Steele of Israel. We thank them for their generous donation in honor of the occasion. May they enjoy much nachas from their family together in good health. 

Kol Nediv Libo (Everyone Who is Generous of Heart...)


Help us replace our old computer!  It's too slow and the operating system is obsolete so it doesn't work right anymore. 
Goal:  $1,700   $624 to go. 


Thank you!                              Please consider donating.     
  • $50 Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Katzner, who live in France and daven at our shul when they are visiting family in Boro Park
  • $50 Anonymous
  • $100 Nurit Rosenblat
  • $50 Mr. & Mrs. Julius Mazurek  
  • $100 Hadassa Nussbaum
  • $100 Andrea Weiss  
  • $54 Anonymous 
  • $36 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pollock
  • $100 Dr. Robert and Dr. Susan Schulman
  • $100 Dr. Neil Feinstein
  • $100 Yossi Billig
  • $100 Anonymous
  • $36 Sarah Fishman, a former member now living in Eretz Yisrael donated in honor of the birth of two new great-grandsons. 
  • $100 Mark Rottenstein      
Bikur Cholim 
The Hebrew words "Bikur Cholim" literally mean "visiting the sick". This act of kindness is synonymous with the ideals of caring, compassion, and generosity.
For those suffering from illness or confined, whether at home or hospitalized, the positive effect of a friendly visitor is immeasurable. To inform the membership of those who would benefit from visitors please Click Here to email the Shul Office.
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Young Israel Beth-El of Borough Park
(718) 435-9020

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