• Candle Lighting 7:04 PM
  • Mincha 7:00 PM
  • Kabollas Shabbos following Mincha.
  • Daf Yomi 7:30 AM
  • Shacharis in Beis Medrash 8:00 AM
  • Shacharis in Shul 8:45 AM.
  • The Pearl Jacobs Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Snow 5:45 PM
  • Mincha at 6:30 PM followed by Shalosh Seudos and Gemara Shiur.
  • Shalosh Seudos Sponsored by:
    • Moishe Kohn in memory of his grandfather R' Yaakov Chaim ben R' Menachem A"H
  • Maariv at 8:15 PM.
Parsha Message From the Rabbi
Be Positive...
Rabbi Moshe  Snow Parshas Metzorah
Rabbi Moshe Snow
Parshas Metzorah
Maos - Chitim
Maos Chitim contributions can be sent to the Shul office. We will pass them along to the Tomche Shabbos Organization. 
Donating wheat for the needy is a custom going back to the times of the Talmud. It is more than just an optional custom its an obligatory custom. See Article  

Kol Nediv Libo (Everyone Who is Generous of Heart...)


Help us replace our old clunker computer!  It's too slow and the operating system is ancient so it doesn't work right. 
Goal:  $1,700   $1,428 to go. 


We'd like to report more donations in the next newsletter.  
  • $100 Yossi Billig
  • $36 Anonymous
  • $36 Sarah Fishman, a former member now living in Eretz Yisrael donated in honor of the birth of two new great-grandsons. 
  • $100 Mark Rottenstein      
If 15 more people donate $100, or 30 people donate $50, or 64 people donate $25 we will be able to replace our old clunker.    Thank you everyone!
Yes, that's what it takes - nothing less than a divorce   
Women Leadership Council Update 
A private tour of the Museum of Jewish Heritage will be held on Sunday, May 4. We will meet at the shul at 11am for a 12pm tour, followed by food and discussion in the museum cafe. The cost is $15 in advance and $20 on the day of the tour. It is preferable to reserve in advance in the shul office or on the web site. 
Since it is yom hashoah around this time, it will be interesting to learn about the history of the Holocaust by viewing actual artifacts from this time period, as well as various artifacts concerning Jewish heritage. We will also have an opportunity to see the special exhibit about Iraqi Jews currently on view in the museum. Please join us for a very interesting day
Commemorating Yom Hashoah at the Museum of Jewish Heritage 
Join us Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 12 PM in commemorating Yom Hashoah with a guided tour of the Museum of Jewish Heritage. The Museum is a memorial to those who perished during the holocaust. 
Our member, Renee Minkowitz, a docent at the Museum will lead the tour. Join us for an informative, inspirational, and enlightening experience.
Registration is $15 in advance - $20 on the day of the tour.  
You may also register in advance by calling the office (718) 435-9020. 
You can bring along friends as guests. (same fees apply.)

If you want to be included in a private van service at the cost of $15 per person for the round trip please call the office.
Bikur Cholim 
The Hebrew words "Bikur Cholim" literally mean "visiting the sick". This act of kindness is synonymous with the ideals of caring, compassion, and generosity.
For those suffering from illness or confined, whether at home or hospitalized, the positive effect of a friendly visitor is immeasurable. To inform the membership of those who would benefit from visitors please Click Here to email the Shul Office.
Meyer ben Chana (Mayer Roth)
Weekly Schedule -  April 6, 2014  
Daf Yomi Sunday:
7:30 AM 
Shacharis Sunday
8:30 AM
Daf Yomi Monday-Friday:  
6:00 AM 
Shacharis Monday-Friday:
7:00 & 8:00 AM 
7:45 PM
Tuesday Night Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Snow:
8:00 PM 
Daf Yomi Shabbos: 
 1 hour before Davening 

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Young Israel Beth-El of Borough Park
(718) 435-9020

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