A generously spirited Episcopal Church on the coast of Maine

There is nothing like carrying St. Alban's spirit out into the world!  I am blessed to travel today with seven others from your parish to St. Luc's School in Trou du Nord, Haiti, carrying your love and generosity in our hearts and in our luggage.  


We ask that you pray for this ministry with extra care in the days ahead, and watch for our words and images posted on St. Alban's FaceBook page. It is such a privilege to represent you in this mission...I hope you share in our joy and confidence that we are building deep connections, connections that change lives.


In my absence, the Rev. Kelly will be preaching, teaching, celebrating and caring with you as only she can! Please give her and all our gifted team all your support and encouragement. We are blessed by a strong parish, guided by the Spirit.




The Haiti Travelers will be posting their experiences daily. Visit us on Facebook to follow their adventures.
Annual Meeting

Our St. Alban's  Annual Meeting was held this past Sunday and it was fruitful, efficient, and as many noted...one of the best! In addition to good fellowship and a short video on parish life, we reviewed 2014 and plans for 2015, and elected  Vestry members, Officers and Convention delegates. Our Treasurer provided a thorough and encouraging report on the 2014 and 2015 budgets, and the Rector reported on our ongoing ministries.  

Celtic Eventide Service this Sunday at 5:30
This Sunday...a quiet alternative to the pre-game show, Celtic Eventide at St. Alban's, at 5:30 PM. All are welcome. Casual, quiet with Celtic music, contemplative prayer and an Open Table. Come as you are, God's embrace is wide. A short hour of gracious prayer.   
"Souper" Bowl Sunday is February 1st.
Excitement abounds about the upcoming game. Let's score a touchdown where it really matters - please bring in cans of soup by February 1st and put them in the great big box in Bonoff Hall. We'll deliver them to the Preble Street Soup Kitchen when St. Alban's next serves lunch in mid-February. Contact Debbie for details.

Kitchen lost and found items are in the parish hall. Please take a look through the platters and plates. Do any belong to you? If so, please take them home! Any items not claimed by February 1st will be donated to the Essentials Pantry.

Vacation Bible School:  July 13-17, 2015
Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
More details to follow soon!
USM Chamber Singers Benefit Concert

February 8th at 2:00 p.m. here at St. Alban's
Definitely save the date!
January 29, 2015
Picture of the Week

Submitted by Debbie Fisher
Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharist             8:00am 
Holy Eucharist Rite II   9:30am 
Celtic Eventide            5:30pm 
Holy Comunion            9:00am 
 Children's Program
Godly Play- Following Jesus
Our PLACE -Week 1 of The Prodigal Son Rotation
Music in the Morning with Joanne Lee!
CONNECT - Commandments
Rite 13 - Sermon Discussion
HSYG - next meeting 2/8

Click Here for the Full St. Alban's Calendar

Dear Alban...Why does St. Alban's have a partnership with St. Luc's in Haiti? 

Hymn -
Hymn - "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"; Choir, Cong., Pipe Organ
Weekly Words of Wellness

Did you know that the folks at Living Compass make available each week a brief offering intended to guide and inspire us as we seek wholeness in heart, soul, and spirit?  Click on the picture here to learn more...

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