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New Vitality News
Issue: # 30      
March/ April 2014  
Did you know that one important remedy to fatty liver & acne is the same thing that contributes to both? Would you believe the answer is actually....FAT!?!

Yes!  "Bad" fats clog the arteries, liver, and pores of the skin.  These fats include:
  • Hydrogenated/ transfats (Crisco, margarine, etc.)
  • Polyunsaturated fats such as vegetable and seed oils (rapeseed aka. Canola, corn, soybean, safflower, etc.)-- high in Omega 6s.  Also, fried foods tend to be cooked in these types of oils.  Fish & fish oil are an exception to "bad" fats-- they are high in Omega 3s, which are good for every tissue of the body. 

"Good" fats "push out" bad fats from our skin, liver, and arteries, thus being cleansing in nature, not to mention moisturizing and healing to our bodies: 

  • Monounsaturated fats such as avocados and olives, cocoa or cacao butter (also contains saturated fats) 
  • Saturated fats such as real butter, fish oil, coconut oil, eggs, and meats.
TIP #5:  "Julify" any recipe calling for margarine or shortening by substituting coconut oil, avocados or cocoa butte.  Coconut oil is an awesome healthy dairy alternative!

  CLICK HERE to download a copy of "Love My Lemon Meringue Pudding."  And if you love this recipe too,
check out
The Lazy Housewife Cookbook
to discover more "Julified" recipes!

Continuing on with my blog series, "The Devil's Advocate on Antioxidants," learn about the games that are played with the findings in 
Human Studies: READ MY BLOG and get the information you need to make informed decisions for you and your family!

I just released my latest eBook in the
"Back to Biblical Health for Women"
series called
Sleep is refreshing to your body, mind and soul.  Without it you would die!  Unfortunately Americans suffer from chronic sleep deprivation which leads to a host of preventable health issues!  Learn about G-d's design for sleep and how you can improve your sleep naturally.

This session focuses heavily on natural solutions for female endocrine issues, including infertility, menopause & hot flashes, PMS, etc.,
so don't miss out on this session! 

including a preview of"Enter My Rest"
  Upcoming Events
Ladies, do you experience any of the following?

--Poor quality or low quantity sleep
--Irregular menstrual cycles/ menstrual issues  
(cramping, heavy cycles, skipped cycles, etc.)
--PMS (including breast tenderness, bloating, irritability)
--Hot flashes, menopausal issues
--Low sex drive
--Weight gain
--Low energy


Are you sick of it yet?     



Join me at PI-YO-CO in Windsor on
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 pm
COST: $10
1-hour consultation for women involving a
Hormone-Balance Scan 
this month for only $75.
(Attend the hormone class for FREE 
when you book a Hormone-Scan!) 
 My next show will air on: 
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 from 1-2pm MST

Tune in KHNC 1360 AM for SPECIAL OFFERS that are ONLY available through the RADIO & to hear an overview of my seminar series called"Back to Biblical Health for Women." This month I will be TAKING LIVE CALLS and talking about: 
  • Women's hormonal health  
  • The long-forgotten practice of fasting & its health benefits-- explore 12 biblical fasts that you can implement to supercharge your spiritual and physical health! 
CLICK HERE to view video recordings of my programs

 Loveland Community Health Fair:  Save $$$ on Bloodwork

8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 13.  



McKee Conference &Wellness Center, 2000 Boise Ave.  



For blood draws or memory screening, call 800-230-2273 daily 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., now through Thursday, Feb. 28. Blood draw appointments are 6:30-9:30 a.m. March 18-23 & March 25-27.  



Chemistry panel, $30; complete blood count, $15; prostate specific antigen, $30; hemoglobin A1c; and colorectal kits, $5.


The average person pays over $2,000 over the course of 2 years for cell phone service.  I pay only $9 per month and soon will GET PAID to use Solavei on T-Mobile's 4G Network, which is rated #2 after Verizon for coverage.  Click here to learn how you can save too!
Save $25
Refer a Friend!
Receive $25 off your own Holistic Health Assessment when your friend schedules AND completes a consultation with me.  Remote consultations can also be performed outside of this city, state, and even country-- think globally!