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New Vitality News
Issue: # 7
April 2013 
  neurotransmitters and gut health

What is Your Gut Feeling?


In my last newsletter, I talked about the importance of healthy intestinal or gut bacteria, and we discussed fermented or cultured foods that are nutrient-RICH and full of probiotics (beneficial bacteria).  My homemade cultured vegetables came out great!  My favorite was the yellow beets with cabbage, carrots, and Annaheim peppers! I hear there are cultured salsa recipes too....want to try that next!

In this issue, I want to talk about why intestinal health is so important:

1.  Mental Health: 95% of neurotransmitters are produced in the gut.  So, if you are low on serotonin (happy hormone) or melatonin (sleep hormone), then your gut health may need some support.

2. Immune System: 60% of immune system is manufactured in the small intestine.  If you are sick often, then your gut could benefit from some nurturing. Poor gut health also produces allergies and eventually autoimmune disorders.

3. Assimilation of Nutrients: You can eat the best foods on earth-- whole, organic, unprocessed, etc.-- but if you don't digest those foods, your body produces acid and inflammation.  You can actually become malnourished even though you eat 3 square meals a day!


Discover which enzyme is best for your specific digestive needs, read more about how to improve your digestion, and learn important health optimization strategies for BEFORE pregnancy in the April issue of my blog series:

Staying Youthful Longer-- Part IVB: The Chemistry of Digestion

Want to learn more about how to improve your health immediately while securing long-term vitality?


CLICK HERE to contact me for a FREE
30-minute consultation to discuss your health concerns


to schedule a Holistic Health Assessment. 


L'chaim-- To Life!

Julie                                                                       Master Herbalist
Julie Formby                                                        Nutritional Consultant
New Vitality, LLC                                        Biological Terrain Technician
Package Deals & New Pricing
I am partnering with Holistic Health Coach Mollie Freeman of LifeSong Nutrition to offer two amazing package deals at two price points.   

Consulting with me and herbal supplementation can be costly.  In order to make my services more affordable and less prohibitive for those who could really benefit from my training and expertise, I have decreased my price structure. 

to view package deals & new pricing.
Upcoming Events
Chiropractor Dr. Lance and I are working on a Bloodwork Analysis seminar, including A1C markers.

Many who attended Sugar Blues: Kick Your Sugar Habit for Good voiced a desire for a follow-up session that would provide more in-depth information on the chemistry of sugar in the body, including the addictive aspect of sugar.

Holistic Health Coach Mollie Walker Freeman and I are working on a series of Corporate Wellness Seminars to be offered over the lunch hour  to local businesses.

If you missed the FREE March Seminars and would like to attend one in the April, check out the Events tab on my website.
I recently started working with 9 year old Cody who has had chronic migraines for years.  His parents have had test after test run, only to be told that the doctors have no idea what is wrong-- they offered a powerful prescription drug to mask the symptoms, but no real solution was offered.

According to holistic medicine, headaches are related to either liver or blood sugar issues, which are both simple to correct.  So, we started by running a weekly  Biological Terrain Analysis on Cody.  His brix (sugars) were very high, so we started working on keeping blood sugars stable through diet and herbs.

I am happy to report that Cody has had only a couple of headaches since he started working with me, and his mom Kelly is now working on her sugar levels too.  You see, Kelly has had endometriosis and chronic candida issues for years.  Kelly also wasn't sleeping well (insomnia) or able to lose any weight for years!  The candida issues, including frequent urinary tract infections,  are dissipating as she is working so hard to modify her diet and change her lifestyle.  She is feeling great, has lost weight, and has a new mental outlook on life too!  Kelly told me that she wishes they would have chosen a holistic route sooner for the effective results and being able to save 1,000s of dollars in medical bills!

love what I do!


 Do you or someone you know suffer from  

headaches or migraines?   


I would love to work with you too!

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Receive $25 off your own Nutritional Health Assessment when your friend schedules and completes a consultation with me.  Remote consultations can also be performed outside of this city, state, and even country-- think globally!