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February Promotion
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Join me for two FREE life-changing seminars in March at theLoveland
Public Library

300 N. Adams
Loveland, CO 80537
Erion Meeting Room
(2nd floor near the elevator)

"Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach
to Aging"

Wed 3/6@12:30PM &  

"Kick Your Sugar Cravings For Good"

Thurs 3/13@12:30PM &


RSVP: Julie Formby
[email protected]
Check out the latest part in my Blog series:

Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach
to Aging

Part IIIA: The Chemistry of Oxygenation

Be sure to request the FREE BREATHE DEEPLY
summary which details three deep breathing exercises to help reduce and reverse the effects of aging!

Also, learn how to correct a hiatal hernia naturally and without surgery.  Request the FREE white paper called HIATAL HERNIA.


"A few years ago, Julie told me about using ginger oil and mercurous vivus for ear infections.  The ginger oil relieves pain and is anti-inflammatory.  Recently my two-year old had an ear infection, and the ginger oil (diluted 5:1 with olive oil) pulled him through without having to use antibiotics!  It works every time!"


--Antibiotic-Free Mom 


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McKee Medical Center is offering LOW-COST blood draws during the month

of March.  


Blood draws dates:
March 18 - March 23
March 25 - March 27
6:30 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.; Registration required prior to blood draw.

You can register for blood draws by going to the McKee Medical Center website.


The cost of the blood draw varies based on the what tests the participant chooses:

  • Chemistry Panel $30
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) $15
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) $30
  • Hemoglobin A1c (also known as A1c Blood Screening) $25

Participants can choose one test or combine multiple tests. None of the tests overlap, they all measure different things.


Results from blood drawn during the dates above will be available for pick up at the health fair on April 13. 

 Loveland Community Health Fair
Sat. April 13, 2013

8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

McKee Conference and
Wellness Center
2000 Boise Ave.

The Loveland Community Health Fair offers FREE and low-cost screenings, educational booths, health counseling and referrals, and more.  On the day of the fair, participants can pick up their lab results (from the blood draw). 


Issue: # 5 
March 2013 
It's All Connected!
Julie Formby
So, people all the time ask me why my logo and printed materials emphasize that I approach health from a biblical perspective.... and I then tell them what I am going to tell you: "I don't want anyone to be surprised when they come to see me.  Many holistic practitioners come from a "New Age" perspective, and many Bible believers avoid holistic medicine for this very reason.  If a "New Age" person comes to see me, then I don't want them to be surprised that I believe it is G-d who created things as they are."

This is a good segueway into a discussion about how fearfully and wonderfully we are made.  I don't cram G-d down people's throats; I just talk about the science and facts and about how He made us.  I combine eastern and western holistic medicine in that I believe that our eastern counterparts have uncovered truths and laws that G-d Himself set into motion from the very beginning--it's all connected!
  • Doesn't it make sense that every part of our body is interconnected and interrelated? 
  • Doesn't is make sense that if one part of our body is diseased, that other parts will be affected as well?

One great example is how the different regions of the eye are linked to parts of our body through the autonomic nerve.  Because that nerve runs to every organ in our body, then is connected to our eyes as well, certain characteristics are displayed in our eyes that indicate the state and condition of our organs.  In my practice, I take a picture of your eye, then I study the character and quality of your iris to find clues about your health. This science is called Iridology, and it is an accepted science in Europe. 


Another modality or technique that I use is Chinese Face, Tongue & Nail Analysis.  These parts of your head are also connected to organs in your body-- isn't this amazing, yet not at all surprising?   


I use the overlap these techniques and others to point me in a direction toward discovering how I can best serve you by assisting your body to heal itself through herbs and nutrition.  These techniques are not diagnostic, but they do testify to how "it's all connected"-- our bodies are interconnected. 


                Contact me for a FREE 30-minute phone consultation
to discuss your health concerns or to schedule an assessment and positively impact your health by learning how to improve your health immediately while securing long-term vitality! 


                         [email protected] or 970-203-9540    

L'chaim-- To Life!


Julie Formby
New Vitality, LLC

Master Herbalist,
Nutritional Consultant,
Biological Terrain Technician
March Promotion

I am pairing up with Holistic Health Coach Mollie Freeman to offer two amazing package deals at two price points


Introductory Holistic Health Package Deal

(2 month program-- $360 -OR- Save 15% and pay only $300 if paid in full at first FREE consultation)



  • 2 visits each with Mollie & Julie

Premier Holistic Health Package Deal

(6 month program-- $1175 -OR- Save 15% and pay only $995 if paid in full at first FREE consultation)


  • 8 visits with Mollie
  • 4 visits with Julie

Holistic Health Coaching with Mollie:

Your personalized program will radically improve your health and happiness. Together, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.  Go to to learn about all that is included in Mollie's health coaching program.


Holistic Health Assessment with Julie:
A combination of techniques from eastern and western holistic medicine are used to assess the body, then to address the root issues of health concerns. You will learn how to improve your immediate health and secure long-term vitality!  Go to to learn all that is included in Julie's holistic health assessment.


Schedule your appointment today!


[email protected] or 970-203-9540 

Upcoming Seminars
In January Dr. Lance Headshot, I partnered with Dr. Lance Zimney of
Life in Motion Chiropractic & Wellness to put on a seminar called"Staying Youthful Longer: 
A Holistic Approach to Aging."
  In response to overwhelmingly positive feedback, we will be offering this FREEseminar again on  Wednesday, March 6th at two times: 12:30PM and 6:30PM.  We hope one of these times will fit your schedule!  Come learn simple facts and practical techniques for how to slow down and even reverse the aging process-- yes, I said REVERSE!   


If you missed this seminar in January, click on the link in the sidebar of this newsletter to read the latest installment of my March Vim & Vitality Blog which will give you a peek into the seminar material.  If you attended this anti-aging seminar in January and found it to be helpful, please help us get the word out and forward this on to friends and family!  We want to get this important information into the hands of as many people as possible.  We hope to empower others to take charge of their health through simple, natural means.  

Mollie Headshot Also, I am partnering with Institute for Integrative
Nutrition (IIN) Certified Health Coach Mollie
Freeman to put on a new seminar on Wednesday, March 13 at 12:30PM & 6:30PM entitled "Kick Your Sugar Cravings for Good." If you have struggled to break free from sugar cravings and would like to understand why it is so addictive as well as learn strategies for breaking fee, then join us for this FREE seminar.

By the way, we plan to have more healthy sweet treats by Curly C's Sweet Tooth at both seminars! 
Save $25
Refer a Friend!
Receive $25 off your own Nutritional Health Assessment your friend schedules and completes a consultation with me.  Remote consultations can also be performed outside of this city, state, and even country-- think globally!