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How Your Body Talks
February Promotion
Upcoming Seminars
$25 Coupon

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Join me for two
FREE life-changing seminars in March at the
Erion Room, 2nd Floor
right near the elevator.

"Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach
to Aging"

Wed 3/6@12:03PM &  

"Kick Your Sugar Cravings For Good"

Thurs 3/13@12:30PM &
Check out the latest part in my Blog series:

Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach
to Aging

Part IIB: The Chemistry
of Stress

Be sure to request the on my website to
discover the root cause(s) preventing you from getting quality sleep.


"My oldest son was diagnosed with urinary reflux as a baby and had extreme bladder and urethra pain for over 9 years. The doctors did not know why. They gave him a watch and told him to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes, but that did not work entirely. Now with the herbal protocol that he is following with Julie, the pain is gone."


--Relieved Mom


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Reduce your stress and have Jeremie do your spring cleaning for you!

One-time Spring/Deep clean of 5 hours for the price of 4 hours if the clean is booked by

March 1st to be completed any time between now and March 15th. That makes it only $100. Any person that books a Spring Clean and refers 3 people who do the same gets an additional hour of cleaning for free!!!



Jeremie Webb

970-310-5006 for questions and booking.  


These slots tend to book pretty quickly, but she has arranged her schedule to take quite a few during this time period.


So by all means.... Take advantage of this Early Bird Spring Cleaning special yourself and pass it on to others!!!


Issue: # 4 
February 2013 
How Your Body TalksJulie Formby

Some people are really in tune with their bodies and know exactly what their body is saying....others of us are too busy to notice.  But our bodies are still talking, and we are wise to listen.   

Biological Terrain Analysis enables your body to talk to you and give you immediate feedback about  how your diet and lifestyle are affecting your health.  You are able to understand and adjust the following factors through making lifestyle changes and supporting the body naturally:
  • How your body is handling sugars.  Do you feel faint or jittery when you go without food for  a  few hours?  Do you have blood sugar issues in your family tree? Do you have high cholesterol? 
  • How your body is processing proteins.  Do you need to reduce stress on your kidneys?  Do you suffer from autoimmune disorders? Does your body protest to protein through gas, bloating, indigestion?
  • Cell longevity.  Are your bodily tissues breaking down quicker than they should? 
  • How hard your heart is working. Excess or deficient minerals, sugars, and proteins in the body affect cardiovascular health.
  • How healthy your bones are.  Unbalanced pH affects bone and kidney health.  Excess acid in our systems is buffered by calcium pulled from our bones by the kidneys.
Answers and solutions to these questions and more can be provided through Biological Terrain TestingClick here  to learn more. 

This month's special is for 1/3 off of the regular price for a Holistic Health Assessment Package. This package includes a full initial consultation with me to assess your health PLUS a customized protocol AND four follow-up Biological Terrain Analyses. These analyses will allow your body to talk to you by providing immediate feedback about the lifestyle changes you make through your customized protocol.  This special deal provides affordable, holistic options that will improve your health immediately and help prevent avoidable illness in the long-term. 


                Contact me for a FREE 30-minute phone consultation or 

           to schedule an assessment and positively impact your health  
                        by reducing the rate at which you are aging!

                or 970-203-9540    

L'chaim-- To Life!


Julie Formby
New Vitality, LLC

Master Herbalist,
Nutritional Consultant,
Biological Terrain Technician
February Promotion

Holistic Health Assessment Package Deal- $200  
Save $100 off regular price!

Each Assessment includes:
  • pH Analysis
  • Nutritional Consultation
  • Chinese Face, Tongue & Nail Analysis
  • Iridology Analysis-- just got my new camera!
  • ZYTO Biocommunication Analysis
  • Customized Nutritional Protocol
  • 4 weekly Biological Terrain Analyses-- to monitor progress
You will be on your way to better sleep, more energy, less pain, and overall wellness through this package!  I will provide you with an

individualized health assessment and protocol, as well as weekly analysis and feedback to monitor your progress so you can feel encouraged and adjust in order to achieve maximum benefit from your program.  


Feel empowered and educated to make life-changing adjustments.   

Schedule your appointment today! or 970-203-9540 

Upcoming Seminars
In JDr. Lanceanuary, I partnered with Dr. Lance Zimney of
Life in Motion Chiropractic & Wellness to put on a seminar called"Staying Youthful Longer: 
A Holistic Approach to Aging."
  In response to overwhelmingly positive feedback, we will be offering this FREEseminar again on  Wednesday, March 6th at two times: 12:30PM and 6:30PM.  We hope one of these times will fit your schedule!  Come learn simple facts and practical techniques for how to slow down and even reverse the aging process-- yes, I said REVERSE!   
If you missed this seminar in January, click on the link in the sidebar of this newsletter to read the latest installment of my February Vim & Vitality Blog which will give you a peek into the seminar material.  If you attended this anti-aging seminar in January and found it to be helpful, please help us get the word out and forward this on to friends and family!  We want to get this important information into the hands of as many people as possible.  Our mission is
to empower others to take charge of their health through simple, natural means.   By the way, we plan to have more healthy sweet treats by Curly C's Sweet Tooth at the seminar!

AlsMollieo, I am partnering with Institute for Integrative
Nutrition (IIN) Certified Health Coach Mollie
Freeman to put on a new seminar on Wednesday, March 13 at 12:30PM & 6:30PM entitled "Kick Your Sugar Cravings for Good." If you have struggled to break free from sugar cravings and would like to understand why it is so addictive as well as strategies for breaking
                                     free, then join us for this FREE seminar.
Save $25
Refer a Friend!
Receive $25 off your own Nutritional Health Assessment your friend schedules and completes a consultation with me.  Remote consultations can also be performed outside of this city, state, and even country-- think globally!