Startup Pulse

January, 2016

Meet The Program Managers Happy Hour @ Betamore
Join us to learn about TEDCO's funding programs and mingle with the TEDCO program managers. The networking event will feature a short presentation followed by happy hour allowing you to network with program managers and your peers.

Come mingle with other entrepreneurs and growth resources in the city and sip on some tasty (free) beverages. Sponsored by Gross, Mendelsohn & Associates 

Program Highlight: Cyber Security Investment Fund (CIF)
The Cyber Security Investment Fund (CIF) provides up to $225,000, in two distinct investments, to support projects that advance a technology toward commercialization.  

The application deadline is the 15th of each month and the review process takes approximately sixty days. For more details on eligibility and investment details, please visit CIF site.

Meet TEDCO Execs at TCM Executive Breakfast

Rob Rosenbaum, President and Executive Director of TEDCO and Andy Jones, Managing Director, Maryland Venture Fund will be guest speakers at Tech Council Maryland's Executive Breakfast Roundtable on February 4, 2016.

The Breakfast roundtable is open to TCM members and non-members. Event details and Registration

Deadlines for Startups