December 23, 2013  |  Issue 13- 39


In This Issue




In observance of the upcoming holiday, NIHB will be closed starting at 12:30pm EST on December 24 and will reopen on January 2, 2014.


On behalf of the National Indian Health Board, we hope you have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! 



Last week, the Senate passed the bipartisan budget agreement that establishes discretionary spending levels for FYs 2014 and 2015. The Appropriations Committees will be working over the holidays to develop a spending agreement that will keep the government open past January 15.


Each Appropriations subcommittee has received its "302(b) allocation" which is the final number set by the committee chair that determines the funding levels that the 12 appropriations bills will receive for FY 2014.  The allocation levels have not been released to the public.


It is still unclear if the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations bill will see any increases or if there will be a continuing resolution.   Many have speculated that due to the controversial nature of many of the provisions in this bill, which are largely centered on environmental policy, Congress will choose to provide funding at FY 2013 levels, rather than craft a new bill.  NIHB has had conversations with appropriations committee members and their staff who have all indicated that the Indian Health Service remains a top priority.


Please stay tuned to NIHB for any future developments on FY 2014 appropriations.  


One of the key items that will likely be addressed in the FY 2014 appropriations agreement will be a path forward on contract support costs (CSC).  As many of you know, the President's FY 2014 budget recommended that the government enter into individual contracts with each Tribe to determine the amount of CSC each Tribe will receive. 


Indian Country immediately reacted in opposition to this proposal, and noted that CSC should be paid in full according to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Many in Congress have also voiced strong opposition to this proposal, but have not yet agreed upon an alternative.


Click here to read the Washington Post story on this topic.


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