Together we are
 saving lives

Since 2009 PHEN has partnered with churches nationwide in the fight against prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer within Black America is a health crisis where increased knowledge and awareness are urgently needed. 

PHEN is thankful to the many churches who have joined with us in meeting this need. Together we are saving lives!

 All churches are invited to join our 2016 Father's Day Rally to accelerate progress.

Thomas A. Farrington, 
PHEN Founder and President
PHEN Educational Partners




Your Church is invited to Participate

PHEN and its church partners have joined hands in action and prayer to make the Annual Father's Day Rally Against Prostate Cancer the largest and most visible prostate cancer education and awareness effort with a focus on Black America


The Rally is held within each partnering church during its regular worship services on Father's Day. Prostate cancer survivors, and family members of those who have lost loved ones to the disease, are recognized and join hands in a special prayer for healing and support. PHEN provides educational materials for the church congregations, and continuing support through its online educational resources.


All churches are invited to join - there are no costs to participate.

See the Father's Day Rally in Action 


Silver Springs, MD
Ft. Washington, MD

Rev. Dr. Lee P. Washington, Pastor (2013)
Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson (2011)



Hand-Outs Provided to Churches (4 x 9 inches)

Click Here

Comments About the Rally
Executive Director, Minister to Men
Reid Temple AME Church, 
Silver Spring, MD

"...It was a huge success! Surprised to find out how many men at my church were survivors. 
They were pleased that I would do such an event." 


Patricia M. Phillips 
St. Paul AME Church, 
Macon, GA (2013)

PHEN's 2016 Educational Symposiums

PHEN is hosting Prostate Health Educational Symposiums in eighteen (18) cities with its church partners beginning in April and extending through October 22, 2016.

PHEN | 500 Victory Rd. | Fourth Floor | Quincy | MA | 02171