August 20, 2014 

The summit is free and open to the public
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Summit Presentation

          Prostate Cancer Is Up Among young men


Dr. Kathleen A. Cooney, professor of internal medicine and urology at the University of Michigan, will present about the rapid increase in the number of young men being diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. Dr. Cooney will present during the summit session to be hosted in the Kennedy Caucus Room within the Russell Senate Office Building on Thursday, September 25th, beginning at 8:30 am.

Following Dr. Cooney's presentation two "young" members of PHEN's survivor network will discuss their experiences facing prostate cancer.  


Make Your Summit Hotel Reservation Today!
 Reservation must be made by Monday, August 25th

 Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill

400 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC

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