"Joining Hands in Prayer and Action to Save Lives"

Symposium Cities and Churches:

2. Birmingham, AL; Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
3. Boston, MA; Twelfth Baptist Church
6. Durham, NC; Union Baptist Church
7.Glenn Dale, MD; Reid Temple AME Church
8. Jacksonville, FL; Greater Grant Memorial Church
*9. Jamaica, NY; Greater Allen Cathedral AME Church (July 12th) 
12. Newport News, VA; Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church 
*13. Oakland, CA; Acts Full Gospel Church (June 21st)


These churches have a collective membership of more than 80,000 and each will reach out to its community. 


Our Partners


Millennium Takeda

Prostate Health Symposiums - June 14, 2014
PHEN is partnering with churches in 16 cities to host prostate health symposiums to address the need for increased knowledge and awareness within African American communities in the fight against prostate cancer. The majority of these symposiums will be held on Saturday, June 14th in conjunction with the Fathers Day Rally on Sunday June 15th. Each symposium's agenda will focus on:

♦ Healthy men - about their prostate cancer risk, early detection screening and "shared-decision making" with their doctors.
♦ Men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer - about treatment options, whether to treat immediately or to follow a course of active surveillance. 

♦ Prostate Cancer Survivors - about managing survivorship issues.
♦ Men with recurring and advanced prostate cancer - about available treatment options including clinical trials. 

♦ Caregivers (wives, children and other loved ones) - about understanding their needs, and identifying available resources.


The Symposiums are open and free to the public and include a networking breakfast or lunch.



Symposium Agenda Items
♦ Understanding and Addressing the African American Prostate Cancer Crisis - Presentations by prostate cancer medical experts.


           * A presentation of the data defining the crisis

           * Early detection guidance for African American men

           * Facing a prostate cancer diagnosis

           * To treat or not to treat if diagnosed

           * When Active surveillance can be an option

           * Types of treatments available

           * Managing survivorship issues

           * Managing and treating recurring and advanced                      prostate cancer


 A Prostate Cancer Survivors Roundtable Discussion - Learn from the experiences of men who have faced prostate cancer.


 Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Caregivers - Caregivers and specialists will present


 The Role of the Church and Faith in Healing - Pastors and ministers within the host churches will address this important area


All Attendees will receive a packet of resource materials on the symposium topics 


* Prostate cancer impacts the whole family; wives and other loved ones are invited and urged to attend the symposiums.




Has Your Church Registered for the Father's Day Rally on Sunday, June 15th?

See the Father's Day Rally in Action:


Glenn Dale, MD
Ft. Washington, MD

Rev. Dr. Lee P. Washington, Pastor (2013)
Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson (2011)

Grace Baptist Church

Mt. Vernon, NY 


Rev. William M. Mizell, 

Presiding (2010)




(There is no cost)

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