Update 3: September 5, 2013 

The summit is free and open to the public
Online registration is open - click the registration link above.


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A Must Attend Event For: 
Prostate Cancer Survivors | Medical Specialists | Policy Makers | PHEN Church Partners | Biotechs | Those Committed to Eliminating Health Disparities 
Summit Highlights
With the prostate cancer PSA test screening controversy - what should Black men do? The summit will unveil consensus guidance from medical experts specifically for African American and other men deemed to be at high risk for prostate cancer.


If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer should you delay immediate treatment? Medical specialists from John Hopkins Medical Institute will present their  practice on "active-surveillance" along with their research and highly interesting findings for Black men on this program.


* Educating Black America about prostate cancer - the summit 
will examine the progress of PHEN's community education and awareness efforts with its national network of church partners including next steps.


* Informative presentations on new developments and evolving trends in clinical trials, prostate cancer tests, treatments and the direction of prostate cancer research efforts. 

Summit Schedule  

Thursday, September 19th
Kennedy Caucus Room
Room 325, Russell Senate Office Building

8:30 AM 

Summit Opening - Including Remarks from Members of Congress 

9:30 AM 

Session I: PSA Testing for African American and Other High Risk Men 

11:00 AM 

Session II: New Developments and Evolving Trends Part I

12:30 PM Lunch 
Kennedy Caucus Room 
Room 325, Russell Senate Office Building 

Thursday Afternoon, September 19th
 A part of the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference (ALC)   
Washington Convention Center 
Room 201 801 Mt. Vernon PL NW  
2:00 PM 
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM 

Summit Reception

Hosted at: Glover Park Group

1025 F St., NW, 9th Floor 

Sponsored by: Dendreon 


Friday, September 20th  
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) 
1201 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 900  

9:00 AM 

Session IV: Active Surveillance - To Treat or Not To Treat Prostate Cancer  

10:30 AM 

Session V: New Developments and Evolving Trends Part II  

12:00 PM Summit Closing Remarks


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BN ImmunoBayer