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In This Issue
Moving Forward, Part II
Making the Right Care Available When it Matters Most
Symposium Registration Deadline 6.22!
APCD Data in Action: Palliative Care Bundles
Scholarship Fund Renewed!
Spotlight on Innovation: A Perfect Homecoming: Lutheran Medical Center & Seniors' Resource Center
Webinar: The Impact of Health Care Reform on Health Care Reimbursements
Innovative Uses of APCD Presentations Available
Articles of Interest

Getting Health Insurance has Become as Common as Wearing a Seat Belt


Commonwealth Fund: Affordable Care Act Survey Update


The Revised Medicare ACO Program: More Options ... And More Work Ahead 


Surge in Quality Scores Linked to Drop in Malpractice Claims 


Outcomes Improvement: What You Get When You Mix Good Data with Physician Engagement 


California, Massachusetts Find Significant Problems with Medicaid Managed Care 


Providers Deploy Mobile Technology to Enhance Chronic Care Management 

Moving Forward, Part II
By Ana English, CIVHC President and CEO

In my last blog I talked about the importance of CIVHC's five pillars to support our strategies and advance our mission to cultivate initiatives that improve health, health care, and lower costs in Colorado. This month I'll share with you what we're calling CIVHC 2.0 - taking our work and support to the next level to advance health care in Colorado. 

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Making the Right Care Available When it Matters Most
By Kristin Paulson, JD, MPH, CIVHC Director of Health Care Programs

Several years ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer at a very young age. Treatment options were uncertain and sometimes experimental. He and his family were lucky and were enrolled in a high-quality palliative care program that addressed not just his pain and symptoms, but also helped his family make choices about care in the future, supported his wife in her new role as a caregiver, connected them to resources at the hospital and beyond that could work with them as the disease progressed, and most importantly for him, helped his young daughter come to terms with what his illness could mean for her. 

Care Transitions Symposium Registration Deadline today at noon!

June 26, 2015 - 8am-3:30pm
Building Transformation from the Inside Out


Don't miss out on this opportunity to come together with your community and learn from experts on how to improve internal processes such as Teachback, Discharge Planning, and Medication Reconciliation.  


Click here for more information and registration 

APCD Data in Action: Palliative Care Bundled Program Analysis

In this new feature, we will be highlighting how custom APCD data is being used to advance the Triple Aim in Colorado. 


According to a recently released study, Colorado has significant gaps in palliative care services for those with serious illnesses. Primary among the barriers to palliative care is the lack of reimbursement covering the cost of palliative care teams.  

To address reimbursement issues, CIVHC is studying the impact of a bundled palliative care pilot conducted by Optio Health Services and Colorado Access from 2010-2012. The pilot was funded by the Colorado Health Foundation and focused on patients with severe illnesses who were eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare Advantage through Colorado Access. Analysis of the program will use claims from the Colorado All Payer Claims Database to measure the impact of the services on cost and health care service use.
Claims for patients who participated in the pilot will be analyzed during the six-month period prior to the intervention, during the intervention, and six months after the intervention. Results will be compared to a control group of similar patients who did not receive palliative care services. Any cost savings will be reduced by the cost of the intervention to determine net savings. Outcomes of the study may be useful to support more widespread adoption of bundled payments for palliative care services across Colorado.  
APCD Custom Data Scholarship Fund Renewed

The Colorado General Assembly has renewed the appropriation of $500,000 for the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to offset the cost of data and reports from the CO APCD for eligible organizations. Funding is available beginning July 1, 2015, and lasts through June 30, 2016 (or until the scholarship fund is depleted). 

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Nonprofits with an annual budget less than $5,000,000
  • Research organizations with annual budget less than $5,000,000
  • Colorado state agencies
Spotlight on Innovation: A Perfect Homecoming - Lutheran Medical Center & Seniors' Resource Center
By Stephanie Spriggs, CIVHC Grant Writer and Report Specialist
Originally featured in Healthy Transitions Colorado's May newsletter.


Hospital discharge is a vulnerable time for all patients, but even more so for those without transportation or a support network. Lutheran Medical Center (LMC) and the Seniors' Resource Center (SRC) are working together to ensure that these frequently overlooked individuals make it home safely, securely, and compassionately.

Read More 

Webinar: The Impact of Health Care Reform on Health Care Reimbursements
June 30, 12pm-1pm MT - Presented by Telligen    bills_coins.jpg
Health care payment policies are changing. In this online webinar, learn how these changes will affect health care providers in all patient care settings, including hospitals, physician offices, home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, and nursing homes. This presentation is relevant to everyone from direct care providers to managers and administrators to C-suite executives.
Innovative Uses of APCD & Total Cost of Care Presentations Now Available 
The APCD Council recently hosted webinars featuring Innovative Uses of APCDs across the nation. Colorado's APCD development and a demonstration of the APCD site were featured as well as CIVHC's participation in the national Total Cost of Care project .

Click here to view the webinar featuring CO APCD development and a site demonstration.
Click here to see how the CO APCD was used to for the Total Cost of Care project.