Five out of eight -- not bad! 
February 17, 2016

Wow! We have the most amazing supporters! Five of our eight Ironmen now have "Monkey Lover" Sponsorships for my Birthday Wish! I can't thank our sponsors enough -- Sponsorships provide food, shelter and loving care for the  monkeys day after day, month after month, year after year. Now let's get the last three sponsored!
Chewy was caught in the wild and sold into research, we know he will enjoy spending his golden years back in nature with monkey friends. Such a gentle soul.
Booger was born in captivity and sold for research where he spent many years in a metal cage - all alone. We can't wait to introduce him to the great outdoors! .
Catman was also captured as a youngster and stolen from his rain forest home. We are anxious for Catman to feel the sun on his face and the grass under his feet!
What a month! The Year of the Monkey stared February 8th, Valentine's Day was February 14th, and my birthday is February 24th!

Bocefus thanks Dorothy & wants to hear the song.
A huge thank you to Dorothy for sponsoring Bocefus in memory of Hezekiah her dear monkey friend who died last week peacefully in his sleep, and for her father who used to sing a song about Bocefus to her when she was a little girl.

And to Petty who visited the sanctuary last week to meet our new boys...
Golden Child really took a liking to Petty and won himself a sponsor, even though we told him he was looking for love in all the wrong places!
Silly Willy thanks Jenny for the double donation!

And thank you Jenny for not only sponsoring
Silly Willy, but for also making a generous donation toward our matching gift of $25,000 to our Monkey Medical Fund. And last, but certainly not least, Link the youngest of the Ironmen was sponsored by Linda. THANK YOU everyone!

We hope the last three Ironmen are sponsored for my Birthday Wish -- Chewy the sweetest, Booger the most charming and Catman, the oldest with the most penetrating gaze!
Kari Bagnall
  Kari Bagnall, Founder & Executive Director 
  Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary 

P.S. This just in...may I have a drum roll please...Cynthia Harp just sponsored Booger!! Thank you so much Cynthia, you are the best!! Just two more to go, any takers on Chewy or Catman??  
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