April 2, 2016
Here at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary we believe in MIRACLES! Murphy Brown is one of our Monkey Miracles. Murphy's recovery from ketoacidosis was made possible by our Monkey Medical Fund -- and Shelly Ladd!
Shelly shares Murphy's story...
"Murphy Brown was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 4 years old and 4 years later I found Jungle Friends through an internet search of "diabetes in capuchin monkeys". I contacted Kari and with her help, I got her started on insulin. I did not trust the vet I was using in California and thankfully, I followed my instincts, because the dose of insulin he suggested, would have probably killed her. In 2003, Murphy and I came to Jungle Friends. I stayed with her for 10 weeks and she was weaned off of insulin!! That was only the first miracle. Murphy made many monkey friends and truly blossomed into a healthy, happy monkey. I came to visit her many times, but during my visit in April of 2013, Murphy did not look good. I went back home and within a week, Kari called to say Murphy was very sick with Ketoacidosis. I was on the next plane to Florida.
Murphy was in the clinic with Kari giving her constant attention...she was so sick and fragile both Kari and I thought it was time to say goodbye.
I bought a inflatable bed and slept on the floor of the clinic for 2 months. I was there when she had morning bouts of uncontrolled vomiting and would hold her in my arms while we gave her fluids several times a day.
One morning I fell asleep in her enclosure, so worn out from a long night of worry, only to wake with my sweet Murphy grooming my head. I would give her pen and paper so she could draw, and we watched movies together in the clinic. She would look out the window and draw strength from her friends.
For two months this was our life. Her blood glucose would go from 60 to 400. Murphy was back on insulin. Kari and I took her to Dr. Schirmer and had extensive tests done. We still had no answers. In July of 2013, the vomiting stopped, with 14 units of insulin, her glucose stabilized and she was able to join her old friends Connie and Elizabeth outside in a beautiful habitat. She was so happy to be out of the clinic and back with her monkeys friends. After the first month of living in the clinic, I decided to move to Florida - I felt I had no choice, I love my Murphy Brown.
Today, Murphy Brown is getting 14 units of insulin. She will let others give it to her, but still gives them trouble. I am usually at Jungle Friends 6 days a week. I cook daily for the 15 diabetic monkeys, as well as the geriatrics and other special-needs monkeys.
I cannot do enough for Jungle Friends. They saved Murphy Brown and many other miracle monkeys. Please donate to the Medical Fund so more miracles can happen!"
Brianna Fried Executive Assistant Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
P.S. Don't forget to RSVP for Sponsor Safari April 30, 2 - 5. Monkey meet and greets and The Impostors, Beatles cover band!