Don King and Sloth crop
January 9, 2016


The Ironmen have arrived!!! We are all so excited to have the boys finally with us here at Jungle Friends and I know you are too! Thank you so much for helping to make it happen.

Our lovely founder, Kari Bagnall, has been collaborating with this specific lab since 2004 to retire their capuchin monkeys used in iron-toxicity studies. Over the years we welcomed 12 of these Ironmen and as of Wednesday, January 6, 2016 we now have the final eight!

And do you know what the best part is?

The iron-toxicity studies at this lab are OVER!!

So, please join us in taking a moment to bask in the glory of this achievement and to give yourself a pat on the back because YOU helped make it happen!

So without further ado, say hello to our NEW Ironmen!

At Jungle Friends, we believe in putting the health and safety of the monkeys first and since the boys have spent their entire lives living indoors with a constant climate, they will have to continue this arrangement until springtime when the weather is more suitable for their outdoor release.

In the meantime, they will receive lots of love and attention from their designated caregiver, Veronika, who will help them transition from research life to sanctuary life.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our $50,000 year-end match! Because of you we are now building new outdoor habitats for these boys. We look forward to sharing their springtime release and Ironmen reunion with all of you!

Check out our Facebook album documenting their arrival and be on the look out for a video next week.
The Ironmen Still Need You! Together we have retired them from the lab and raised the funds to build their new outdoor habitats, now let's set these boys up for LIFE!!

Please consider signing up to be a Monkey Sponsor for Bocefus, Booger, Catman, Chewy, Einstein, Golden Child, Link or Silly Willy. Your monthly contribution provides food, enrichment and care to the monkeys day after day. Help give these boys, who have done so much for human-kind, the best "almost wild" life they deserve.

The folks at Booster have also designed a t-shirt with proceeds benefiting the Research Retirement Fund. Colors include: Indigo Blue (featured below), Red, Purple, Forest and Charcoal. Get yours today!

Thank you a million times over for your generosity! Having been a volunteer/donor for the past year, I cannot begin to describe how excited I am to be joining the Jungle Friends team full-time as their new Director of Development. I have seen firsthand how much of an impact your gifts can make in the lives of the now 305 monkeys living at Jungle Friends. Together I know that we can make an even bigger impact in 2016!

I look forward to working with all of you to further Jungle Friends' mission of Saving Lives ~ Promoting Compassion.


Amber Miller
Director of Development 
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
P.S. Check out our Facebook page for more photos and videos of the Ironmen!
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