December 14, 2016


Happy World Monkey Day!

On this global celebration of all things monkey, let us be grateful for the 298 New World primates currently living the sanctuary life at Jungle Friends. In a perfect world, these precious primates would be living wild and free in their native lands. But due to the exotic pet trade, research and entertainment industries, these beautiful sentient beings have been forced into living lives not of their nature. Thankfully there are wonderful human beings in the world, like YOU, who are doing the right thing by supporting sanctuaries and advocating on the monkeys' behalves. Thank you all so much for your love, continued support and for fighting the good fight to create a world where monkeys can be monkeys.

Show your monkey love by sharing your stories, photos and videos with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #JungleFriends #WorldMonkeyDay
In a Nutshell...

Ironmen Arrival Update

The research lab has postponed the release of the 8 remaining Ironmen until next week in order to give the monkeys a healthy recovery period since receiving their vasectomies. Although we are a little disappointed, we can't think of a better Christmas present. We will keep everyone updated as to their official arrival date.

$50,000 Match
Good through Dec. 31st

A kind donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has agreed to a $50,000 match on gifts received through the end of this year. Your year-end donation will have double the impact and helps to provide care for the Jungle Friends monkeys. We honestly cannot do what we do without your love and continued support!

Birthday Wish

Our sweet Samantha is turning 23 this Friday!!! As a founding Jungle Friends monkey, Samantha asked us to share her birthday wish with you. She would love to build an 'Almost Wild' habitat for one of the Ironmen. Please make a gift in honor of Samantha's Birthday Wish and it'll be matched dollar-for-dollar!
There are only 17 days left to achieve the goal of $50,000 for the matching gift. We're so close to reaching it and together we can do it! Let's start 2016 with bang.

P.S. Did you know that according to Chinese astrology, 2016 is the Year of the Monkey. We can't wait to celebrate with you on Chinese New Year. Stay tuned for details...
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