October 31, 2015


The Monkeys Need Your VOICE!
Over the past week, Jungle Friends has been speaking out against two animal shows performing at the Alachua County Fair -- The Amazing Rainforest Experience and Banana Derby. Both shows feature capuchin monkeys with Banana Derby displaying the most egregious activities.

For those who are unfamiliar with Banana Derby, capuchin monkeys are dressed as jockeys, chained to dogs and forced to race in a sad mimic of horse racing. All of the monkeys have had their teeth removed, a cruel and inhumane practice that leaves them defenseless.

Banana Derby has several videos on YouTube which clearly show frightened monkeys reaching for the railing in attempts to get off the dogs. Aside from the nightly performances in front of large screaming crowds, the monkeys and dogs are carted from town to town appearing at fairs and carnivals across the country.

Gainesville Vegan ARA Network contacted Jungle Friends about the abusive circus act. The group also organized a public protest outside of the fair and Jungle Friends was happy to support them. When we were contacted by our local news station, TV20, Kari Bagnall provided them with her expert opinion on the matter in hopes of educating the public that these monkeys are suffering.

Because we stood up for the monkeys, we are now the target of online bullying and harassment from the owner/operator of Banana Derby. What started off as salacious posts to our Facebook page and recruiting fellow animal exploiters to give us bad reviews; has turned into online smear campaigns and petitions positioning Jungle Friends as a "monkey prison" and our founder as a "monkey warden".

What's even sadder, is the public has fallen for this man's con-artistry and are unknowingly supporting his lies. He has started two online petitions and a Facebook page against Jungle Friends. Many of our supporters have tried to expose his lies by revealing the truth through posts on his page but he is quick to delete them and then block the commenters.

We find it extremely disheartening that a grown man would revert to such child-like behavior. It is more than obvious he is angry at Jungle Friends for speaking out and is retaliating in the only way he knows how--through harassment and bullying tactics.

We know that the subject of "animal rights" can be touchy for some, but as with any great historical rights movement it is begun by a small group of like-minded individuals who want change. It is our mission and duty to not only save monkeys but to advocate for them. Please join us on our mission and be a voice for the monkeys!

Let Banana Derby know that we will not be silent. The monkeys have our voice! We will not bow down to bullying.

Be the CHANGE!
Help us make a change! Please call or email the Alachua County Commissioners and ask them to put policies in place preventing exotic animal shows at the county fair. Let's make sure Banana Derby stays out of our community.

352-264-6900   Commissioners
352-374-5218   County Attorney
352-374-5204   County Manager
352-264-6890   Alachua County Animal Control , Director
352-374-5204   Mark Sexton County communications

County Commissioners - Bocc@alachuacounty.us
Lee Niblock - lniblock@alachuacounty.us
Angela Montgomery - amontgomery@alachuacounty.us
Gina Peebles - gpeebles@alachuacounty.us
Michele Lieberman - mlieberman@alachuacounty.us
Robert Livingston - rl@alachuacounty.us
Mark Sexton - msexton@alachuacounty.us

Please email a letter to the County Commissioners right now!

And sign the American Humane Petition against the Banana Derby.

The next stop for the Banana Derby is the Fair at Fenway in Ft. Myers. Please tell them you do not want this abusive show at the Fair!
STAND UP to Bullys
Speak the TRUTH against online bullying and REPORT the lies to online authorities!

The owner/operator of Banana Derby has launched an online smear campaign against Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary. We cannot let him bully us and the monkeys into silence. It is not "okay" to treat monkeys the way he is.


 Lots of monkey love,   








From our staff and 298 monkeys at
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary!
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