All of the Squirrel Monkeys are settling in at Emerald City very well! Over the past two weeks we have introduced all the monkeys to the great outdoors! Be sure to visit Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary on Facebook and stay up-to-date on all the monkeys at the sanctuary! 
Meet Judy the Explorer! 
Judy is one of the 57 squirrel monkeys to retire to Jungle Friends from laboratory research. Judy was captured from her rainforest home and sold.Thankfully for Judy, her 'golden years' will be spent at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary in her new 'Almost Wild' retirement home!
Judy hasn't forgotten her wild ways, as you can see in this video -- Judy is a champion forager! She was the second monkey to venture outside and she has been outside more than any of the other 56 retirees. Judy is very brave!         
Penny Update!
Penny arrived by private plane, check out her Photo Album. She spent her first few weeks in the Bob Barker Medical Clinic while we built her a new home. Penny has since moved to Muchkinland into Marmoset Village next door to Kiefer. From her indoor enclosure she can go outside via her runway and enjoy playing in the trees, chasing bugs and visiting other marmosets, Penny loves her new life!
Penny and Kiefer are interested -- we are hoping for a love connection!
Penny loves spending time outside surrounded by nature and marmosets!
Dexter Update! 
Dexter is a 2-year-old capuchin who arrived on July 4th. A few days later he visited the vet for his initial check up and his vasectomy. Unfortunately, Dexter's glucose was 279, so he was put on a good diabetic diet. We hope to control his diabetes by diet, rather than insulin or medication. We believe with the proper diet and plenty of exercise his glucose will normalize. We will retest him in about a week.

Dexter has been living in the clinic while his habitat is being built. With Dexter's young age we think it best to introduce him to an older female who will take on a maternal role. Our carestaff decided on sweet April!

Dexter's habitat should be finished next week (thank you Bev!) and we will introduce him to the great outdoors, and to our sweet April. Stay tuned!
Dexter enjoying special diabetic treats!
Lee, Jacob, Megan, Mary Anne and the rest of our crew are finishing Dexter's habitat! 
We think April and Dexter will make a good pair!
Dexter is having a ball!
Dexter is having a ball, as you can see in this video. It is just amazing to see how much he has changed in just a couple of weeks. Dexter was so terrified after he was dropped off, thankfully, he has warmed up to all of our carestaff and is a very happy little boy! Please Sponsor Dexter!
Monkey Day! 
Mark your calendars for our 3rd annual Monkey Day -- October 24th from 2-5 pm! As a true sanctuary, Jungle Friends is not open to the public. So, don't miss this rare opportunity to step inside the monkey's world! Watch the video of last year's Monkey Day!

Meet Judy and Belle, Buddha and the other 54 squirrel monkeys who were retired from research and just arrived the first of this month. See the monkeys up-close and personal enjoying their new freedom -- climbing in the trees, eating the banana plants and chasing after bugs.

If you sponsor one of the Emerald City Squirrel Monkeys, you will be entered into the drawing to win a cabin on our Monkey Cruise next February! 
Don't feel lucky, no worries, you don't have to win to cruise with us, book your cruise and join us in the Bahamas in February and help me celebrate my birthday! 
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