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$20,000 Matching Gift!
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Your monthly donation provides food, housing and monkey fun!
Emerald City
Coming Soon!

Go to our Photo Album and watch as Emerald City is being built for 57 squirrel monkeys retiring from research!
Become a Volunteer!
Volunteer group summer 2012
Jungle Friends is built on the hard work of volunteers. From meal prep to habitat building to marketing and fundraising.
We need you!
2016 Monkey Cruise
Mark Your Calendars!Jungle Friends will Set Sail for the Monkeys on February 18, 2016 to the Bahamas!
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June 4, 2015

Adhering to our mission of Saving Monkeys ~ Promoting Compassion, we're excited to celebrate with you 2 new arrivals to the sanctuary this week, along with recognizing a group of native wildlife we found while constructing Emerald City. Let's just say it's raining monkeys, birds and tortoises!

Meet Our New Friends...   


All of our new friends will require lifetime care and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. Please make a donation on behalf of these animals and it will be DOUBLED!  One of our gracious supporters, Claude (habitat builder extraordinaire) has committed to matching all donations up to $20,000 received by the time the squirrel monkeys arrive -- in about one month!

Please Donate Today!   


Watch as Quinn explores his new digs!

Quinn is a marmoset who comes to us after his guardian unexpectedly 

passed away. This little guy was facing euthanasia, but thankfully a family member found Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.  


Please make a donation for Quinn or become his monkey sponsor so that we can build him a spacious habitat and provide lifetime care. A big thanks to Jon and Rebekah for donating $1,000 to Quinn's care, which has now become $2,000 with Claude's match!


Meet Chickie --
Gabby's new friend!

Did you know Jungle Friends is home to several exotic birds?  

When we were asked if we could offer a cockatoo named Chickie a home we said, "YES". 


Watch as Chickie is introduced to Gabby. So far Chickie and Gabby are getting along great, they are both very sweet birds and we are sure they will become best friends. Please help us provide life-long care to Chickie by making a donation in her name. Thank you in advance! 


Wow! Emerald City Gopher Tortoises!

Imagine our surprise when we found a colony of gopher tortoises living near Emerald City. These 

long-lived reptiles dig deep burrows which they share with more than 350 other species.  


Sadly, the gopher tortoise is listed as threatened due to habitat loss. We are protecting their mounds and the surrounding area and will be planting more of their favorite foods. If you'd like to help the tortoises, please make a donation today and we will start planting! 

We are so grateful to have such wonderful supporters like YOU! From all of us at Jungle Friends, THANK YOU for your love and generosity!

Kari Bagnall
Lots of monkey love from Kari

P.S. Don't forget, every donation made before the 57 squirrel monkeys arrive will be matched up to $20,000 by Claude.