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We appreciate our Valuable Volunteers!
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E-volunteering is easy!
Everyone can be an e-volunteer! Just share our Facebook posts, videos, and Jungle News!
The monkeys and your friends
will love you for it!
A Day at Jungle Friends
Video thumbnail: Day at Jungle Friends
Watch "A Day at Jungle Friends" to find out what it's like to intern!
Animal Warriors volunteers
We love volunteer groups...
like Animal Warriors or just groups of friends.
Creative ways  
to get involved 
Helene Thomason
Gainesville artist Helene Thomason volunteers her time & talent to paint custom portraits of the monkeys!

April 16, 2015 Puchi loves you!


Last week was National Volunteer Appreciation Week, and as the official spokes monkey, Puchi says a big THANK YOU and an even bigger I LOVE YOU to everyone who has ever volunteered to help the monkeys.

Whether you volunteered with a group for one shift, or you came for a day, a month, or a year, you made an enormous difference in improving the lives of monkeys who are dependent on humans.We couldn't do it without you!

Keep up the good work, and please volunteer again! Check out our Valuable Volunteer Photo Album.

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari




P.S. Don't forget to Sponsor a Monkey and join us at the sanctuary this Saturday for Sponsor Safari!

Canadian volunteers Andrew & Lisa bring their RV and help out everywhere they can.
Armstrong Universsity volunteers
These Armstrong University archeology & anthropology
students really dug their volunteer day.