Today's Wish: Sponsor KC !


Today is my birthday and I just need 4 more monkey sponsors to make my Birthday Wish come true -- won't you please Sponsor a Monkey?

KC in the mirror
KC gazes constantly into her mirror, and only friend.
If you ask me, I would suggest sponsoring KC. You may remember her in the Almost Wild video. The documentary was shot the day she arrived with her hand mirror and only friend. It was heartbreaking to watch KC talk to and feed the monkey in the mirror, we had to find her a real monkey friend, and we did, she chose Bongo!

Bongo served as a research subject in iron toxicity studies for nearly 20 years and had never had a girlfriend.
KC and Bongo made a love connection and engaged in wild monkey antics, as seen in this Photo Album.  All was right with the world, and then tragedy struck --
KC grooms Bongo when he was paralyzed

Bongo became paralyzed from the waist down! We built him a Re-Habitat equipped with ropes and ladders to help him get around with feeding platforms at different heights encouraging him to climb...this was all well and good, but in the end I believe it was KC's tender-loving care that healed Bongo and had Bongo walking again!

Bongo reminds us that there are such things as Miracles, they happen every day. "We cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around us. What you do makes a difference, and it is you who has power to decide what kind of difference you want to make."

Kari Bagnall

Lots of Monkey Love,
Kari and the monks

P.S. This just in...we have a $2,000 match, every dollar you donate until midnight tonight will be doubled!!