Today's Wish: Katie & Kinko
Katie and Kinko

Sponsor Safari 
If you Sponsor a Monkey you can meet them! Join us at Sponsor Safari!  

Can you believe it, Katie and Kinko do not have any sponsors? That is just wrong, please make it right!

Katie and Kinko arrived with two other marmosets who had been rescued from a monkey breeder. These two are enjoying life at the sanctuary after having baby after baby stolen!

Please sponsor one or both of these sweet little monkeys and make my birthday wish come true! 

Kari Bagnall
Lots of Monkey Love,
Kari and the monks

P.S. Bob Ingersol stopped by to visit his sponsored monkey, Don King, yesterday so we took advantage and showed Project Nim to our staff while he was here to answer questions about the documentary. Here is a Photo Album of his visit.